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Showing posts with label Hurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurt. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2023


I use to feel bad for those I use to call friends. I would always try to by them a new game when I had the money out of the kindness of my heart so that they could play them since I already had them and they acted like they wanted it but then I realized, they were using me for the money and the games and I could of kept the money.

They never bought me anything but I always made sure to buy them something just so they would have something else to play. So I did it out of the kindness of my heart but it's like they called me names, they got mad at me for playing a game that I have and bought myself with my own money when they were playing games that they had or playing the games that I bought them saying yeah we will play them together but ended up beating it before I even get a chance to play it or half way done with it. They also got jealous when I played with others in which was not right and it was just to much and when I brought it up they said they were not and not doing this when everyone around me could tell they were.

I feel like I never have time for myself anymore because it is like I am being thrown in games or having to do things for others. I cannot even sit down and play games that I want to because they have games that they want to play with me and its to the point I just want to not play anything but I cannot do that because I don't want to hurt anyone but enough is enough and I am tired of it. I am thankful to have people to play with but I hate the fact they never take me and how I feel nor what I want to do inconsideration. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Manipulative energy

 Manipulative energy is an energy that will try to manipulate you into doing whatever it is that they want even if you don't want to. It can cause to you be mentally and physically drained. They can tell you a story and make you feel whatever emotion they want you to feel. 

They will also use what you say and how you feel to reflect how they feel and say. It is a mind game. You tell them how you feel about something they will down play it and make it seem like you are doing it. Everything thing they do to you they will reflect it and make it seem like you done it to them so there is no reason to even bother with it cause they are out to hurt you even though they say they are not. Cautious around them and never tell them everything cause they won't tell you everything.

They can even bring up the trauma that they have supposedly been through to get you to care and show sympathy which then they know that you will care for them no matter what and make you trapped and it does not matter what they say to you even if it makes no sense they will still tell it hoping you believe every word of it. Sometimes the stories that they tell make kind of sense and then some of it makes no sense at all so you pick and choose which one to believe. 

If you don't know how to tell when they are lying, look at their body language and if you don't know how to do that; Are they looking you into your eyes telling you this or are they looking all over the place and you can tell they are lying? Is their voice clear or is it cracking while trying to tell this? Are they talking really quickly trying to get it out? Ask them questions about it. If a person is quickly to stop the conversation about it they will try not to answer all your questions or even avoid them and not bother answering them. 

They will end up trying to turn everyone they can against you anyway they can and it is just best to leave these kinds of people along. It is never going to end good and they are just going to hurt you more and more and not care. 

I don't understand people

 I don't understand how people can basically pretend to be something they are not or put up a front and then days, weeks or months later their true self gets revealed showing that they are not who they said to be that they are not what they showed to be.

It takes more time and energy to lie. Then after lying you have to come up with more lying and try to remember all of the lies you told hoping not to slip up and hoping the person you lied to does not figure it out and basically stop believing you.

Not being honest with a person can bring up trust issues. Trust issues can bring up a lot more things and can end up causing trauma to the other person to the point they don't and feel as if they cannot trust anyone.

If a person is not happy in the relationship they should just leave. They shouldn't play games with the other person and just lead them on. They should just go cause once a person finds out it's over anyways. But sometimes people are to busy doing on their own accord. They see the good, love and care in the person and they just want to tag them along and keep them to themselves while they are out here cheating and not being faithful. 

It sucks it really does but it happens a lot more than you think. Many people who have a good heart get used to the point that they do not want to be in a relationship. They are afraid to love and trust again. They do not want to invest time into something new in fears that they will be broken and hurt again and have the feeling that everyone is out to use them.

So if you find a good person, be honest with them and never lie to them no matter how bad you think it will hurt them. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Tales of a Narcissists : Online Dating

Ever found or caught yourself for falling for someone you thought was real but wasn't real? Don't worry I have multiple times and I am here to tell you that its not for the weak.

I met a guy about two years ago who said he was everything but he wasn't. The way I met him was strange and I kind of really regret it. He basically took my peace and happiness and caused so much emotional damage, gaslighted me, used my weakness against me, manipulated me and so much more not counting took the love and time I gave, and all the games that I bought him so that we had something to play which was well over $200 in which it didn't and doesn't even matter I was in love supposedly but I got scammed also he never really bought me anything like 3 games or so but I bought him over 10 but anyways here it goes.

I was playing a video game called Dauntless about September in like 2020. There was a pair that was playing well and I add random people in the game just because if I like your playstyle then I tend to play with you later but that is were I screwed up.

So I add him and his supposedly girlfriend of 9 years ( he recently said they weren't together the whole 9 years.) in which they supposedly NEVER met or called but they exchanged pictures...and private ones in that matter. He lives in the states she supposedly lives in the other continent but she was in the states due to COVID she got stuck in the states ( he recently said she lives there in NY but not sure.) and she went to see her family and never went to visit him supposedly but there's more and it will drop down after the explanation of how I got tied up. 30 minutes to an hour goes by this guy reaches out telling me he needs me to tell the girl or whoever it was that he was sorry to unblock him he didn't mean to and this that the other and me with the big heart was like okay not thinking he was a total dirt bag and deserved it. I messaged her in dauntless and got her discord and his discord and basically was the bridge between them trying to fix everything for them not even thinking what was happening or what was going on, I was just trying to be nice and save something that was not worth saving.

She messages me all the things that he basically did since he was a jealous prick and basically said that he acts like you needs you but he doesn't really need you and all this other stuff words of her own "He will act like he needs you but then doesn't." I finally understand what she meant it and then she unfriended me and deletes me and then he is sitting there like a dingle berry "hello."

Months goes by and said guy and me start talking and he seemed like a nice guy and I started to get attached to him and wanted a relationship since things in my life were rocking and my husband and I was taking a break and separated in which he knew this and the husband knew what was going on I kept him in the loop and he was there  for me every step of the way and picked me back up each time I was hurt and dried my eyes each time in which it made me realize that the guy I met online was and is nothing to the guy that I married even if we had our issues and problems, Everything I went through allowed me to reconnect and be able to hem my marriage to the point I am enjoying it more and we are actually working together on things instead of it being one sided.

But anyways I tried the relationship and was liking it until 6 months later boy was I wrong. This guy drug me through it for two years! {It is now 2022 and I just blocked him again. I am not giving him any more chances but I had a big heart. I basically gave him and made time for him every day for 2 years. I heard nothing but excuses. I heard nothing but lies, and reasons he said his phone was crap, he could not hear, his phone sucked, his phone was garbage, his phone was this and that and the other but yet he did call on it but barely. He supposedly got a new one and still never called barely sent photos, and would not video chat.  He supposedly has mental issues but then again I'm not judging but it did not make sense how were you on social media talking to people randomly as you state but left me waiting on you daily. The photos that he seemed off and things just did not line up.

I ask for pictures and it was an excuse after excuse he wouldn't send me one but then again I had to basically argue him down for a picture. He never called or when he did it was for a few minutes and then he hangs up. He would say us arguing and fighting would be the cause of it but I was never arguing it or fighting. He basically didn't bother talking to me but rather discord and text or steam message the whole time and he barely did that. He would jump on discord to talk to "friends" but I am starting to believe its not all friends. He basically told me him and said girl broke up but they did not and here I am in a relationship with him thinking he was mine but he was still hers and like a stupid I took him back just for a block and delete fest that was filled of nothing but heartache, headaches, assuming and blaming. I got blamed and accused of so many things that I just gave up trying to correct everything and let him believe everything he was trying to accuse me of and then I block him an delete him but my stupid big heart wouldn't allow me to keep him block and here he comes the walking trash can more trauma more lies more bullshit. My husband and I at the time took a split for reasons and this is how this happened but don't worry he was there the whole time and I have all the screen shots because I could not believe it for myself.

He got mad that I was playing with other people that I was playing a different game and everything else it was like he was trying to control me but then again I could not be controlled.  He got mad that she responded close to someone basically touching. He made up lies about how she would ghost him for 30 minutes because she had a sibling in which we think it was her child she had to take care of and she didn't reply but yet it was actually him not replying and blaming the other person for his action. I called him out on a lot of that.

During the months he was trying to swindle me into loving him in which he did because I have attachment issues but he sent a picture of her one where she was chubby outside of a place that looked like the walls have been photoshop and another one of her skinny in a bathroom with the same exact floor tiles that he has in his said share apartment. He shares his apartment with roommates and they are loud when trying to game. Oh he does have a headset he barely uses that his friend bought him oh wait they are broken now along with his old laptop that he would never clean that kept over heating and messed up the graphics card but he could of prevented it if he would have listened but he didn't and now he has a new laptop and phone but uses the laptop to game and in one game you have to use the mic called Phasmophobia to contact the spirit to get them to talk through the spirit box so he uses his inbuilt mic.

He left me before Christmas, came back around the 5th of January and then messaged before Valentines asking said husband how he and the lady was and trying to wish a happy valentines. He missed my whole birthday on the 27th of January. He didn't even care after reminding him and everything else and that really hurt. He was the one who deleted me saying it was to much and he couldn't handle it. Not to mention I got called garbage by him, I got called a bitch and if a woman is doing something that he does not like, they are a whore or a bitch or whatever. He doesn't like stretch marks but I have kids and he fat shammed me but it didn't bother me cause I am happy with how I am.

My own friends do not like him and told me to run from him and never look back no matter how hurt I am nor how much I loved him it is only going to get worst and guess what it got worst and now I finally feel like I don't need him, I am numb to the pain, and I am loosing love but he always comes back saying how much he loves me and I don't believe him and I tell him and he complains how I don't believe his word and this was all last night and we are in April now.

Everything he was doing, or has done he would never take the blame but always told everyone that it was the other person who did it. He does not believe anything that is said or told but he then says its the other person who doesn't and its just a mess. He can stay where he is and I am staying where I am. I get tired of it and unfriended and block him but I couldn't do it and unblock him because I seen how she did him and I kept feeling sorry and the love and attachment I had for him and I didn't want to be that person but I end up having to be for my peace.

He says I am just like her and then I say your the reason then he said I am not like her and then all this kind of stuff he compared me and her a lot. He blames me for his mental illness and depression but I was no were around and then he does and says I had that before I met you and she gave it to me and this that the other and then he goes saying he's antisocial but yet he talks to so many people but makes excuses on why he can't talk to me. He then goes to blame me why he can't talk to me and then goes and say its his mental in which he doesn't go to his doctor for it and doesn't answer their phone call just like mine at the beginning I called about 58 times cause he was trying to use the suicide card which he does a lot and then says I will stop and doesn't he still does it to get his way or what he wants.

He just watched the phone die and didn't bother. There were so many red flags not to mention oh he threw up that he didn't talk to his "ex" but then he came back and say we talk every month or so like what in the actual living hell was that. If he is lying about that, I don't know what else he is lying about. In my opinion he is really obsessed over anyone who gives him time or day or basically anything that he wants.

He also basically belittles those around, especially females if he can't have his way or they point out things that he does. I took 100% accountability of my actions but he would never take accountability of his. I took accountability of deleting and blocking him, I took accountability to making sure I was always there and around but its like when ever I wanted to take things slow and be friends first but he always wanted to rush it or it felt rush and I would bring it up and he says he wasn't but it always felt that way.

He asked me why was I the way I was and it was because I was trying to be an actual girlfriend to some jerk who didn't accept it nor it felt like I was wanted and I was always trying to talk and be there like normal girlfriends do in relationships and it was like I felt like I wasn't even there and he didn't want me like he said.

He supposedly ignored me for three hours and then messaged and decided he wanted to go to a friend's house and I told him I was not going to be there when he gets back and then blocked his number, deleted him off discord and steam.

It always seemed he ignored me, he was always in game or on discord and not talking to me but talking to others and I tell him how I felt he tells me he's not talking to anyone and it's just on just to be on but when I message its like 15 minutes or hours before he even notices I am there.

He tells me he's attached to me and loves me to death but there is no way of him showing it. Not to mention I was in the hospital dealing with my health and he was only concerned if I was going to be able to game or not.

He also tried to manipulate me as in my feelings didn't matter but his did and I didn't matter nothing with me mattered only him he was the only thing that mattered and it doesn't matter what was happening in my life so I then started to gain my distance and started loosing feelings.

We would always come back trying to work things out for nothing to change and everything to be the same but it is not worth it. Every time something happens I was to blame and I got tired of it. I got tired of going to bed every night asking myself why did it happen, what happened, why did it fail since I have so much love and time spent into it trying to make it work just for it not to.

My own friends do not like him and told me to run from him and never look back no matter how hurt I am nor how much I loved him it is only going to get worst and guess what it got worse and now I finally feel like I don't need him, I am numb to the pain, and I am losing love but he always comes back saying how much he loves me and I don't believe him and I tell him and he complains how I don't believe his word and this was all last night and we are in April now. Also he wanted to settle down supposedly and have a family but yet he doesn't even try to talk and then blames and say its me, I'm lying and all of this kind of stuff when I still have screenshots in which it is a great idea to keep receipts of everything just to show hey look they did this and said this so that way it is proof.

I also got fat shamed because they could not handle their own actions. 

Yeah, I counting my Ls and picking up the pieces of my heart and gonna kept pushing.

Dating online sucks a lot, I can say this because recently I just got out of an online relationship due to I got tired of the drama, assuming, blaming, pointing fingers, the lies, the not believing me, basically not being the person they started out as or the one that they basically protruded themselves to be. The person would make excuses after excuses just to leave and then come back like everything was fine. I would have to basically beg them to send pictures of themselves so that I could actually see who I was suppose to be with.

They said their "ex" he said they broke up but he hangs with her and she bought him pizza and so much more but he said he hasn’t touched her or anything sexual but honestly I feel that was not true that they have. I could tell there was a connection between the two but he kept being denial and denying everything even  though my gut was telling me and it is hardly ever wrong. I found out that he cheated on both of us with each other in which I still believe he is with said ex because he lied to me about them saying that they don't talk but then came back saying they talk every now and again. In which that is how I found said guy. He done something she didn't like and basically I was on her friends list and he freaked out at me saying he needs help to get her back and tell her I'm sorry this that the other.

I wanted to let him go and I tell him to go do what he wants and he kept saying he wanted to be with me but he was always quiet towards me and always on discord and playing other games. He said he was on discord because of others in which before he brought up his "special friend" in which was his ex and then he said it was for his roomies. We never really talked on discord and he would hardly ever answer my texts it would be minutes and hours between each one. So I felt like he was ignoring me but he was reinsuring he wasn't but then go off just like he said how she did him. He said she left him for 30 minutes a day to do things she needed to but yet he did it to me. I felt like I wasn't there and every time I confronted him he say I'm not ignoring you blah blah blah and then make status like slow day or put something on there to basically get others attention. I decided to delete him and he would throw a hissy over it even though I told him we don't even use it and we don't chat on it but he wanted to argue on it even through I basically told him I don't use it much, we don't talk on it but then he would say why would you delete me on something we talk on but we don't we text. Hardly text, it would sometimes be hours till I hear from him.

If you can go hours, days, weeks, months, a year without talking to them and you say you love them and you miss them then you don't really. If you love someone, you would try and show it instead of making them feel ignored like they are not there.

The sad part is I told him, everyone leaves me, and he promised he wouldn't be like them but then again he lied about everything else just so I would "believe him" and "buy the lies" just so I could be hurt more.

I even told him to leave me alone and he wouldn't. He stopped texting me but messages me on discord like I wanted to talk to him telling me I texted him leave me alone but he decided to message me on discord.

He made smart remarks and that is how I deleted him this time because I was so tired of it. Lately I have been asking myself what went wrong, what did I do wrong, why did he try to hurt me? I haven't done anything to anyone but I fell for him and that is the only thing I done wrong.

I admit to deleting him multiple times since it was the only thing that would make him talk, make him react, he wouldn't react, reply, answer my calls or anything really until I had enough and tell him we were done but apparently us being done to me is different than being done to him.

He won't even answer his doctors call and complains about them calling but then told me they call after hours or he was sleeping, they wait to call when he's away from the phone. That's another thing, he never slept during the night really. He would say up doing whatever it was he does like before we met and then sleeps all day expecting me to stay up with him. Oh and there is no talking about feelings or anything since they don't matter but only his does. He does things, and I brought it up to get closure and then he says I am in the past in which it could of happen yesterday and still be bothering me or on my mind and he would never answer why or talk about it.

It has been a good two days and I have not heard from him but I did find out he blocked me everywhere which is okay with me. It hurts but I will get over it.

But then again he did message reaching out telling me he loved me and did call but then again a few days ago, I told him again I was letting him go and then he sent some sappy stuff like he loved me and missed me and then got called heartless because I gave him a proper goodbye and I even told him to leave me alone and I don't want him in my life anymore and I do not want anything else to do with him multiple times but he said I did not and told he I will forever be blocked even in the afterlife in which I doubt he blocked everything of mine because he texted and then hours later he said he wasn't alone anymore and his special one said thank you because cause apparently they were going to try to get together but and it didn't work out then he would still have his friends and her friends and I told him good for him and thanks for saying I made you feel lonely after all the times I tried to be there and I came back at him with the its okay, I am going to give someone else a try someone who has been there and cared for me and blocked his number. He has yet tried to reach out at that time on discord which isn't blocked but we are not friends.

He is blocked basically everywhere else though. He also called me trashy and garbage because he could not accept how I was feeling and respect me but then thought I was jealous since the special friend is there with him and I brought up kind of like how he's jealous of how my said husband is here taking care of me because I do have health issues and he has picked me up every time the other guy hurt me.  Even though me and him did take a break but I came to realize through all of this, it made us stronger and allowed me to open up and made me fix our marriage more.

Lately I been feeling more alive and not like I am suffocating than I did with him since I don't have to worry over someone who never loved me and never worried over me who basically was gaslighting me and led me on thinking there was something there but then the truth slipped and I got the closure I have been trying to get for a little while now.


Monday, September 3, 2018

Jelly fish stings

A beautiful day at the beach and your taking a stroll down the sandy shore and all of the sudden a jelly fish washes up and you don't realize it and you keep walking until you feel razor sharp needles poking through your skin with electric shocks.

 Jelly fish have a mean electric sting and when they attach then it hurts and it can make you feel like your dying. Some times you do not need to go the the hospital but other times you may need to but if you can see the tentacles then do this and it will feel better and it can help.

Rinsing the area with vinegar can help get the stinging from the tentacles.
 Then you take tweezers and carefully pluck them out.
After that you soak the skin in hot water.

Some people say use seawater then scrape them off and then do the same but I believe this could hurt worst than the one above it.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Life of fear.. A BITTER TRAGEDY

Abuse,  pain, blame, force, trauma, hurt, tears, suffering, arguing, silent cries, whispers, fake smiles, cracked faces, broken. It's my fault, I'm sorry,  I love yous, trust, misery, bruises, bleeding, broken bones, crushed, depression, anxiety, fear, sleepless nights, ptsd(doesn't have to be military related.) Suicidal; thoughts and tendencies. Emptiness, emotions, alone, emo, schizo, Alcohol, Unloved, Just here, suffer, name calling, torn, love..., no love, regrets, truth, excuses, sorrow, endless years, finding yourself, defeated, nothing to no one, lonely, no support, friendless, no family, DEATH


Love is a 4 letter word that means nothing if its not shown.

Trust is a 5 letter word that doesn't mean anything if its broken.

Sorry is just a 5 letter word that gets thrown around when something happens and means nothing if its repeated over and over again.

Promises, a 8 letter word that is always broken by doing the opposite and repeating something you said you wouldn't do.

Apologies mean nothing if your just going to do the same thing over and over and over again day after day or a month after months.

Blame, something you go through when they don't want to be responsible for their own actions, so it takes off of them and put more on you.

Depression, something you feel going through this. Something that causes you to break and want to be alone because of the person you loved and who you thought love you has done all this to you. It also comes from blaming yourself for someone else's mistakes and can come from many other things.

Fear something you live in when promises are broken and i love yous turn to blaming you for something you didn't do. Something all these words make you feel after it all happened.

Admitting to something you have done is never so easy but telling the truth is worth way more than you would know. Telling lies can cause lots of fights and tension no matter what it is. 

 Everyone goes through this it does not have to be women, it's men and kids who also go through this. Some of them even blame themselves for someone else problem but it's not their fault.

Lies, things that they feed you when they are promising you something... Something that you believe for so long and that they tell you to get you off their case, backs and out their faces...Lies can never be actually fixed... Once a liar always a liar...

Bleeding all over and crushed on the inside, spitting in the face of someone you love, calling them a bitch and a whore, stupid, worthless,accusing them of things they have not done... blaming you for something you cannot control being pushed, shoved, beaten, abused, mentally, physically broken, crushed, and being told this will never happen, this is not me but it is, it is you, this is not love and it's best if you leave this situation it can get worse to the point you don't love them you just are scared to leave. 

No one deserves this! No one deserves to be blamed for someone else's problems, mistakes or anything that is going on. It takes a lot to keep trying to push through but sometimes it's best to escape no matter how much you love the person or no matter how much they say they love you and it will never happen again. 

These are what people go through. People suffering due to other people's actions and people don't realize it. They blame you for someone else's or their action because they don't wanna blame them or themselves. They don't realized that the person they blame hurts because of it. They don't understand what it does to or how it effects a person and they let the other person get away with it.
Karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around. You reap what you sow.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Tears of the Silent

Tears falls down ones face as they break inside
There are no sounds or anything
the will never tell you how hurt they
are just their emotions will show
they can be so broken on the inside
and they will never show it they
will try to hide it but at times they
will fail and if they hold it in to much
they can bottle it up to the point they
can destroy themselves and everything
around them in the process and it is not
good it is not okay for them to do this
they are in need of help but they cry silently
at night or when noone is around they do this
because they are strong they don't wanna be judged
they just want to be okay but at times even this
doesn't help it can get much worst than this...

Bruises that will never heal...

I'm broken and torn, the promises we once had made are somewhat broken..
The trust is here...
The repeat of the same questions makes me question if you trust me.. The way you make me feel when your depression hits makes me feel low like I'm worthless and nobody
My depression hits and I hardly shown it till now
The arguments over nothing except what you told me you'd do is making me wonder.
I love you
The pain from my surgery is still here I can barely move and eat
My depression is hitting worst than ever
My bruises are still sore the pain I feel takes over me
Sometimes I don't wanna be held I just wanna be here... I wanna cry but I'm trying to be strong.
I love you so much that I don't wanna lose you over anything. I'm trying to cope but it's hard. I'm trying to smile but it hurts everything hurts.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The same feeling The Same memory

As the brown blood flows down my leg along with the water in the shower, as the same painful sharp pains appears in my stomach. I remember the pain from before. The sharp and throbbing pain that you can never forget the same kind of pain you want to never remember. It hurts the blood comes rushing more and more. My belly tightens while my back throbs almost like needles stabbing me. It hurts to the point I don't want to move... throb throb throb... it just keeps flowing and flowing down down down to the point it seems like it's never going to stop... The pain hurts but not as bad as my heart does... Beating beating beating until my pain comes harder and sharper until the tears start rolling from my eyes along with my silent cries...


When looking at a hurt person you can often see yourself inside of them. You want to help them build them self up but yet it's hard. It's hard because you do not know where to start. One wrong move and you can destroy them and yourself all at once. It is hard being hurt and know what its like while trying to cope with yourself and build the other person up. It's hard when they break you down in the process of destroying them self. It takes time and patience, it's not all gonna happen at once. Things are only temporary and this storm that you are in that is making you destroy yourself is not going to last always the best thing to do is talk to someone about everything and DON'T KEEP NOTHING BACK!!!!!! If you love the person tell them, Don't let something destroy you and don't let it destroy them either. Whatever is on your mind speak it tell the truth NEVER LIE ABOUT ANYTHING!!!!!

I ain’t gonna hurt you...

Those are the first words you hear.. time and time again.. when your hurt you want to believe it's true.. after they hurt you it become harder to believe when those words are told.. It takes lots of trust to believe it.. but after being hurt the first time it's hard to, doesn’t matter who the person is it still feels like they are going to hurt you… guess what at times. No matter how strong you make yourself they will hurt you someway and break you down till the point you feel like nothing and worthless. After being hurt time after time before trust is hard to come by.. I ain’t gonna hurt you just become words… Words are not actions but words can hurt just like actions… Being hurt can bring you down mentally and emotionally and physically to the point it’s pointless of believing and trying to keep trust while it's pointless of keep trying when you feel worthless and like your nothing so you try to put yourself together and figure out where you went wrong  but you tear youself down again and then the words you hea are  but I ain't gonna hurt you...

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Empty Shell Poem

Alone.. broken... empty
Nothing but emotions
bundling up and hitting me
nothing but tiredness and
stress nothing at all
my feelings hurt
my emotions are
trying to show
I'm lost.. confused
hurt and broken
my life is coming
together and the truth
is out, along with the
air that is clear...everything
is coming to light from the
dark everything is coming
undone and being put back
like stitches.. the stitches
only hurt for a while but in
the end it gets put back together
hoping it one day will heal
and never be broken again...
again... is a strong word
just like love and trust
just like the words that
are taken to heart that
makes you whole or
makes you crumble
as you sit there trying to
stay strong and hold it all
it tears you apart limb from
limb as you try to walk away
you slowly turn to dust and fade
just as if your just a memory alone
with being a broken empty shell.


Do you know what it feels like when your alone.... Everything hits you all at once....Everything feels like its your fault... your depression hits you so hard that you cry at the littlest thing.... Have you ever felt alone, like no one will ever understand even if you tried to explain it but words just won't come out and they can't express the way you feel? Have you ever tried to talk but the tears kept rolling and coming down your face and nothing comes out but the sounds of cries that you've been trying to hold back but it's to much so they just show on their own and the only thing that comes out of your mouth is that weird sound that comes from your throat because all the tears have you choked up and you just wanna let it all go and watch it destory itself and you like it did on the inside.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Drowning in my tears

I'm drowning in my tears
I've cried so much I can not see
it all hurts
everything hurts
it feels broken
I can't put it back
together it keeps
cracking, falling, breaking
I can't reach
its to far to grab
its falling and falling
I'm falling and falling
down... more and more
everything is spinning
spinning out of control
nothing to hold on to
nothing to grab
it's all fading away
like there is nothing
left... left of me
I am broken in to pieces
crying the last of my tears
trying to put it all together...
me all together....

Ripping on the inside

My heart feels like its been ripped out of my chest
the pain throbs and throbs and throbs 
the tears are rolling down my face 
as there is a frog in my throat 
I am so confused of what to do 
where to go
I am so confused 
everything feels so 
shattered so broken
I am hurting on the inside 
I am hurting on the out 
this is so unreal 
this depression 
its got a hold of me 
all I can do is cry 
I stress, I worry 
its all crashing down
all around 
I don't know what to do

Monday, June 19, 2017

It Hurts. Poem

It hurts when someone leaves.
It hurts to find out when a person pass away and you will never see them again
It hurts when people uses you takes all your kindness
It hurts to hear a child crying because you don't know whats wrong
It hurts when everything is crushing you all at once and you slowly feel life escape
Nothing is the same
Everything Changes no matter how much you try to keep it the same
Sometimes it hurts to change
Being blamed hurts

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 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...