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Showing posts with label crumbling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crumbling. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2018

When Depression Strikes

Dealing with depression is hard along with anxiety. It gets to the point you don't know which way to go or what to do. It often gets so bad that nothing feels okay everything is your fault, your worthless, your no good, your nothing. Sometimes you don't want to be around anyone cause you hurt so bad and thoughts circle your mind repeatedly telling you to give in it's not worth it,  your not needed, your worthless and no one will miss you. It is tough to live with. Sometimes you are okay and others your not. Some days your perfectly fine and then at nights when you lay down to rest your up rocking and crying trying to cope trying your hardest to tell yourself your okay that your not worthless, that you are someone but at times the thoughts win and your crushed. Some people do not understand it. Some people will never understand but others have dealt and dealing with it trying to cope trying to help those around them before it's to late and they are no longer here. Some night is insomniac nights where you cannot sleep and you lay there thinking about life and crying asking why does it hurt, why are you still here, what is left for me?  People do not know this because the strongest person doesn't tell anyone. The strongest person smiles on the outside but falling apart as everything is crushing them on the inside. As they stand by themselves trying to make sure everyone else is good while they do their best to cope. Some people will not understand this but others will. Most people never had to go through this but some did and they will tell you it will all be okay and they are here to help you with everything and they will help build yourself up so nothing can break you and you will have a support system as you start to fall which is okay they will help you but sometimes this doesn't always work sometimes you go back to square one and everything you worked hard on is torn back to pieces and your slowly laying down having insomniac nights and long days trying to cope.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Postpartum Depression

This sucks. You break down over everything, nothing is normal, it all is flying by me. I can't hold on I can't control anything its all just passing my by. I wanna break down but I can't fully do that, I feel like everything is my fault.. like I'm to blame... I'm broken.. I'm crumbling...

Drowning in my tears

I'm drowning in my tears
I've cried so much I can not see
it all hurts
everything hurts
it feels broken
I can't put it back
together it keeps
cracking, falling, breaking
I can't reach
its to far to grab
its falling and falling
I'm falling and falling
down... more and more
everything is spinning
spinning out of control
nothing to hold on to
nothing to grab
it's all fading away
like there is nothing
left... left of me
I am broken in to pieces
crying the last of my tears
trying to put it all together...
me all together....

As it all falls around me....

Everything is falling and breaking
I can’t catch it all nor put it back together
I’m so broken and torn, doesn’t matter how many times you put me back
together I still shatter….
I’m so emotional
But i guess this is it
The things they tried to warn me about
The thing that's broken me into pieces
Holding on with the little strength I have left
As I finish breaking to pieces
With my family by my side as I crumble apart
While I watch them grow i can’t give up I have to

Much to lose

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