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Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Who is for you? Who is against you?

 You can tell who is for you and who is against you. You can tell the motives of a person and how they are. Read the energy level from the person. 

Look at their motives. Who is for you, who is against you.

 When you have good news and you tell them do they squish and roll up their face because it isn't happening to you or are they happy for you? 

Are they a downer and always complaining and never getting anywhere? 

Do you tell them your plans and they doubt you saying you will never make it?

Watch those who you tell your plans to because not everyone is for you. Some people will only want to hear ideas so either they can steal them or doubt you or talk you out of it. 

These kinds of people will not allow you to grow and you need to get rid of them or you will end up missing out on your chance because of jealousy or they don't want you to go. 

Replant yourself into a bigger pot, water yourself and snip off the dead root and stems and grow.

Remove yourself from the negativity. 

 You can do it. If it fails, then try again sometimes it will take more than once to get it right. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023


 Thanksgiving is coming up quickly meaning you're going to need your odds and ends to serve guests. Thanksgiving means a lot to people and is a way to gather people together and be thankful for everything you have from families and friends. 

Thanksgiving sometimes is never the same because people fallout and end up being alone, or loved ones pass away leaving the rest in heart break and grief. Thanksgiving can end up becoming another day to those who miss the ones that passed away or just another day in general when you are thankful for all you have and those around you.

Holidays no longer feel the same as they did when I was growing up even though I have my own family its like the ones who made the holiday are long go and now that family is falling out and not getting along it's just another day sometimes. 

If you need thanksgiving supplies be sure to get them in bulk here! 

Monday, January 2, 2023


I use to feel bad for those I use to call friends. I would always try to by them a new game when I had the money out of the kindness of my heart so that they could play them since I already had them and they acted like they wanted it but then I realized, they were using me for the money and the games and I could of kept the money.

They never bought me anything but I always made sure to buy them something just so they would have something else to play. So I did it out of the kindness of my heart but it's like they called me names, they got mad at me for playing a game that I have and bought myself with my own money when they were playing games that they had or playing the games that I bought them saying yeah we will play them together but ended up beating it before I even get a chance to play it or half way done with it. They also got jealous when I played with others in which was not right and it was just to much and when I brought it up they said they were not and not doing this when everyone around me could tell they were.

I feel like I never have time for myself anymore because it is like I am being thrown in games or having to do things for others. I cannot even sit down and play games that I want to because they have games that they want to play with me and its to the point I just want to not play anything but I cannot do that because I don't want to hurt anyone but enough is enough and I am tired of it. I am thankful to have people to play with but I hate the fact they never take me and how I feel nor what I want to do inconsideration. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas is coming

 Sometimes during the Christmas month, we are not sure what to get our significant other or spouse. We also often times are not sure what to get for family and honestly that is okay. 

I also know this is the time people are alone the most and don't celebrate it for reasons, so if you know someone who is like this, just go spend time with them and hang out. Don't let them be alone. Being alone for the holidays sucks and no one deserves to be alone. 

 This season is all about the thought that counts and anyone would be glad to receive anything that you get them. The season is also about giving and spend with one another and cherishing. 

I know sometimes people are not the best and family tend to be hateful or mean but one day they will regret it all and try to come back and if they do, let them. 

Try to see through it all and spend time with them and if you feel you cannot then don't. No reason to put yourself through this. I have a good heart so I always believe in second chances but sometimes it is best to just leave it alone rather than to be hurt. Trust me, I know. 

One day the people who done wrong will regret it all as they sit there and look back on it trying to figure out why no one visits them and why they ended up alone when it is there fault. 

But, I wish you all a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Merry Xmas, Happy new years and I love you all! 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sketchy people

 Sketchy people are people who you cannot trust. The way they do or say things do not make sense and it's just so hard to trust them and understand. 

You should never trust these kinds of people because they will do anything they need and want to even if it hurts you or someone around you. 

Not everyone is your friend, and you cannot trust everyone. It does not matter how long you knew them anyone can switch up and cause you harm, so be careful of the company you keep. 

Many people who claimed to be friends with people ended up dying by them, hurt, robbed and so much more. People are evil and can be jealous of you and those around so be careful. 

Jealousy is real and people get jealous over the littlest things so be aware and watch those you call friends and family. 

Not everyone is going to be just like you and have the same heart you have they are all for themselves. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Something I would of told me younger self

The things that I would tell my younger self if I could is that those you call your friends are really not your friends. They were only using you to get things because they wanted to and you where an easy target and really to nice and always wanted to help them. 

Be careful who you trust because not everyone should be trusted. Those who you hung out with were never your friend, and you should not trust them. Friends are the kind of people you can call on when you need help, those were not. 

Do not focus on things because stress is real and it does not matter. Take things one day at a time. 

Life is never easy, it is filled with ups and downs and you won't figure it all out but you have to figure out things on the way. 

Not everyone is going to be real and tell you the truth. 

People are going to be mean and judge you, just ignore them because karma will get to them.

Do not brag about anything you have because it can be gone. 

Don't tell anyone anything because it is not their business. 

If you make it be silent about it, things can happen.

People do not want to see you do well and they will do all kinds of things to ruin you.

Watch who you give your love to, you may end up regretting them. 

Affiliate marketing jobs are not what they use to be, make plans and have back up so you won't be doing what you are doing now and trying to make it and push to make money. 

No one really trusts anyone so, be cautious, and don't get upset or mad when your stores and stuff start decreasing and you stop making money. 

Blogging is okay, you just won't get adsense on it. 

You can keep writing from the heart but people will not care about you.

You can keep helping people but don't expect anything from them.

Don't tread life lightly because things are not always what they seem and where you are is not permanent. You can control your life and how it goes. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

I don't understand people

 I don't understand how people can basically pretend to be something they are not or put up a front and then days, weeks or months later their true self gets revealed showing that they are not who they said to be that they are not what they showed to be.

It takes more time and energy to lie. Then after lying you have to come up with more lying and try to remember all of the lies you told hoping not to slip up and hoping the person you lied to does not figure it out and basically stop believing you.

Not being honest with a person can bring up trust issues. Trust issues can bring up a lot more things and can end up causing trauma to the other person to the point they don't and feel as if they cannot trust anyone.

If a person is not happy in the relationship they should just leave. They shouldn't play games with the other person and just lead them on. They should just go cause once a person finds out it's over anyways. But sometimes people are to busy doing on their own accord. They see the good, love and care in the person and they just want to tag them along and keep them to themselves while they are out here cheating and not being faithful. 

It sucks it really does but it happens a lot more than you think. Many people who have a good heart get used to the point that they do not want to be in a relationship. They are afraid to love and trust again. They do not want to invest time into something new in fears that they will be broken and hurt again and have the feeling that everyone is out to use them.

So if you find a good person, be honest with them and never lie to them no matter how bad you think it will hurt them. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Investing time

Investing time in the wrong people and the wrong things can be costly and you not even realize it. Investing time into things that don't represent you this includes the people that around you, jobs, anything that is negative can cost you. You will start to lose yourself and lose sight of the person you want to be and are trying to be, get the job or career that you are wanting in life. 

Time just like love is valuable. It is something that you cannot get back so if you waste it and a lot of it you can count it as gone. The only thing you can do is move forward and hope to not waste it again.

People enjoy wasting other's time since they have nothing better to do but time is precious. People will also use you if you show them a lot of care and love.

 Invest yourself into positive spots and only allow positivity in. Don't invest in the negative and or a place where your hated or envied then you will be wasting your time when you could of made something out of it. 

Jealous eyes and ears are the ones that will try to bring you down since they didn't get anywhere nor believe that you can do it.

Make sure you put your time into those that will put time into you and not use you. Be careful of the company you keep. They will waste your time having you think they want the same thing you do when in actuality they don't. They don't care about you they only care and what you can do for them and when you stop they will do you dirty, call you names and all kinds of stuff and then leave you standing there realizing they weren't for you. 

You can tell those that have been investing their time into themselves because they don't let anyone close to them. You can tell those that have been hurt and taken the time to heal themselves. If you cannot, they are the ones that doesn't let anyone get to close anymore and take care of themselves first before they help others. 

Most of these people that claim to be friends do not care for you. Just wait. Stop doing things for them and watch them and notice the negativity they bring around you. Listen to how they speak and gossip about you. Think about what they are saying behind your back if they are talking about others. 

Never tell anyone anything about you nor your hardship. They will use it against you in the long run and won't care.

It will be come lonely but eventually you will find those that are for you and get the things that you want. The lonely part will shape you into a better person. Always stay positive and remove yourself from the negative. Remember whatever you give, whatever you do will come back. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Careful of the company you keep...

Sometimes you have to get out of your feelings to make decisions that are best for you. If you are in your feelings then you would be doing what your heart wants and not what is best for you. Having a big heart and wanting to help everyone can be crucial due to you personally cannot please everyone no matter how hard you try. You will end up wearing yourself down trying to be there for people who are partly or never there for you or do not even care at all. 

Some people are not your friends and will use you for things that you can do for them and not even bother helping you. I have been there, I have a heart of gold trying to help people and be there for people just because I know what it is like to not have any help and then they basically used me, manipulated me and so much more. They made it seem and feel like they are the only ones that was there for me, that no one else wanted to be there and then they turned around and left. I basically ended all contact with them and basically got rid of the toxic and worked on trying to heal myself. 

They make it so that you are only there for them and while they only want you there when they need you and then they wear you down, making it difficult to see and basically manipulating you so that you can keep doing what they want or need you to do by using any and everything they can. They will use what you have told them and basically use it against you jus to keep you there to say and say on the edge so that way they can have you all to themselves and it's just an toxic environment and it will end up causing problems. 

I was basically a listening ear, giving them tips, advice and always there when they needed a help up. I always basically put people first and always try to help them, give them love that they are needing all while they don't even bother to make sure I was okay.  I am currently working on myself and putting myself first instead of letting my heart get in the way and get broken or hurt. 

I was there through all the disrespect while being faithful and loyal and still trying to help them even through they used me as a door mat and walked over me and said hurtful things which I didn't let it get to me as much but it sure did hurt but I never showed it. 

I am doing what is best for me and not helping as many people and removing the negative people and those I outgrew out of my circle which was small to begin with and replacing them with people who are for me.

Outgrowing people is thinking differently and being on a different level and changing. You change the way you think and the way you do things while everyone around you stay the same. Once you start changing you can see how others change and see the difference. You can even talk to them about an idea and business plan and that allows you to see where they stand. Don't give up even if they tell you, "you won't make it." "It will fail." "It's not going to happen." Even if it doesn't make it and does fail at least you tried. Take that and grow from it. If you feel it isn't going the way you want it to then change it plan differently and plan accordingly.

But then again don't tell anyone your plan and never let them know your next move. They will only hate on it and try to use it for themselves. They will envy you regardless even if you make it because you are no longer there for their access for them to keep draining you and using you and keeping you where they want you. 

You can go with what your heart says but also go with what your brain says. If your heart does the thinking, it can cause so much on you to the point you won't do what is best you will end up still trying to help those and cater to those who basically will use you up and take everything from you including your energy. 

If you are tired of it, trust me I know you will eventually cause not everyone can keep dealing with it. You want to grow but it seems like you are stuck and by getting rid of the negative person in your life things around you will start changing and things will get better. Your mind set will be differently and it gets better. 

It will hurt for a little while but surrounding yourself with those who want to see you win and are there when you need them are the true meaning of friends. Those are the people you need in your life not someone who basically leeches your energy off of you to the point you are so drained you cannot do anything else and you are trying to change but can't. 

You have to cut them kinds of people off because they aren't helping you grow. They are basically making it so that you cannot grow into the person you want to be and staying around them will end up making you a cold hearted and heartless person and not want to help anyone else. So careful of the company keep since not all company is good company. 

Also if you are looking for love, the same rules apply. Don't just get with someone you have to be sure you can grow with them and they want to grow with you. Can't be in a one sided relationship expecting things to work cause it's not going to. A relationship takes two people to grow, put trust in and be able to talk to each other through it all and be there and if you are there but the other person isn't then its not a relationship.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Never depend on a person to do anything because sometimes they will never do it. Don't expect them to because when you need help they are never there but when they need help you are always there. It's like you don't exist till they need you so the come out of the woodworks doesn't matter if y'all are friends or family some still disappear and you never see them again. Unless someone dies and then they be trying to talk trying to catch up all in your life but still talk about you behind your back and it's like why are you even trying when you wasn't there when I was falling and still talk about me. They always tell you family is suppose to be there that's what you was taught when you was raised but some family members are there because they done fell out with some family but yet they don't even know how to fix it and then its to late because the person is already going and moving on either with their lives or they are going into their forever home. I've learned that sometimes water is thicker than blood because friends are just one call away and they end up helping more than family does but then again you gotta watch who your friends are because some aren't they are just trying to watch you fall or they will have their hands out just like some of the family.

I've also learned that people (Family) are the most judgemental people you can ever meet not all but some. They have so much negative energy and try to bring people down to the point they feel like nothing. Some people are just sacks of shit and need to get off their high horse. We all are struggling somehow and are in need of help. We all wear out pants the same way. We all was taught how to deal with life differently. People are so quick to point fingers and not realize what they are doing. They blame other people for their own mistakes and try to cope with it. They get people in trouble who haven't done anything or those who won't harm a soul. There is so much negativity and diversity in this world. Some people need to open their eyes and realize what they are doing to those around them. Some also need to own up to their own mistakes. Just because we are getting somewhere and they are stuck in the same place and won't keep trying they just sit there. We are working hard but yet they are still there and gave up instead of asking for help and they looking all kinds of way because we are living and they aren't/ So watch who you put yourself around because not everyone wants to see you grown and some people are still waiting for you to fall to get  whatever they can out of you.

You can't trust everyone, everyone is not your friend... they only care and want what you can do for them but once you can't do it for them anymore or stop then they will show you their real selves. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Watching who your friends are

Not everyone is your friend. They talk about you behind your back, make fun of you when your struggling but expect you to give them things when they are in need. They will never be there and be fake towards your face and be opposite behind your back. They stab you in the back any chance they get and watch you rise as they want and wishing you'll fall. They are not your friends. Ask yourself who was really there when I needed help? Who can I count on that will not stab me in the back and make fun of me?

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