I have been battling with PCOS ever since I was a teenager which was like back in 2010. It was undiagnosed and now it is 2023 and diagnosed.
It started as beard growth and facial hair and then it turned into intense pain on the left side and it would burn. My mensural cycle were unbearable and really really bad. Went to the doctors throughout teenage years and they could not find anything. I thought it was weird since I was always in pain and sick feeling.
After my first child things were normal and seemed fine. After my second child things seemed fine and normal but after my third child, things were not fine and normal. I have not had a mensural cycle for 3 years after I had her.

I went to my OBGYN after the fact when it was first noticed like a few months after my 3rd war born and she said its normal, its probably because I was stressed and other things. I went to my primary care and got another primary care to say the same thing and that I needed to loose weight but evidently it was so much more to it.
I scheduled my OBGYN appointment on June 2022 for a check up and she finally diagnosed me with PCOS after the fact I was in so much pain and went to the hospital where they found it and it was like 3.4cm and then it grew to 4.9cm weeks later.
1-15-2023->It is now 2023 and suffering still. I have been nauseated for about a month now and having pain in which I was always in pain so it is nothing new except I thought I had food poisoning for the first week but apparently it is not food poisoning. I went to the ER just for safety precautions and all they did was take my urine and run it through labs and gave nausea medications to take. The urine labs came back clear but as always I have blood in my urine in which we have no idea why but it is there.
So I decided to make a new appointment with a new primary(1-17-2023) because I am so tired and drained and tired of feeling this way, the pain gets unbearable and I stayed nauseated. She gave me omeprazole for my GERD to try to rule it out in which I have been taken for a week and it is still happening.
My lab work came back clear but I do have an appointment with an endocrinologist for hormone check and other things and I have to have an another appointment with a different OBGYN to get another opinion. I also have an H test coming up to make sure I have no hidden infections in my GI track in which I get infections a lot so it is nothing new.
Now I am throwing up and having diarrhea with everything I eat.
Have appointment with the primary today (2-2-2023) to try to see what is causing this and see what is going on. Hopefully we can get some news.
update 2-3-2023-> They upped my nausea meds, gave me a shot of nausea before I left the office yesterday 2-2-2023. They also did lab work for enzymes of my pancreas and that came back so I am could have acute pancreatitis since the normal level lipase is 11-19 and mine is 9.
I also have sucralfate to coat my stomach so that way I am no longer puking but, it is still happening just not as much.
I have to do the stool H pylori test since they could not get the blood one for me so, I have to poop in the medical cup and bring it back to the office so they can send it to the lab and see if there is the bacteria in it.
I am still throwing up and nauseated, I am having pain on both left and right side of my body in the lower abdomen so, they are ordering a CT scan to check and see if there is anything else they can see and to also see about the cyst and if there is a gallstone stuck in my tubing since I no longer have a gallbladder. They are scheduling an OBGYN and an gastroenterologist appointment also to make sure I am squared away.
The endocrinologist appointment is March 7th so we will see what they are saying.
I also have another appointment with the primary April 17th if she does not call me into office before hand.
Hopefully we can get more answers soon! We will keep everyone updated using this page!
2/5/2023 ->Hi guys, we are waiting on lab work to be able to update this page even more. Tomorrow 2-6-2023 I will be taking my sample to my Dr office so they can rush it to labs to see if I have h pylori bacteria.
I haven't really threw up as much as I did but it is starting to come back with the nausea and diarrhea. The pain is now on my right side so I may have a gallstone.
My arms are achy especially my left shoulder. My body is swelling but my doctor is saying it was from sodium but I cannot really eat so I dunno. I have been elevating my legs so that it is not to bad on me.
I am also having severely dried mouth which also sucks trying to take meds since it sticks to my tongue and roof sometimes and dissolves before it gets to my belly.
update 2/8/2023-> So far, we call and they said they are waiting to see if the bacteria grows which can take up to 7 days. I also have my GI appointment March 8th, while I have my endocrinologist appointment March 7th.
2-9-2023-> H pylori test came back negative as of now but can take up to 7 days to grow. We just have to wait for the CT scan and GI to see what's going on and if there's anything that they see. The plans for the GI so I heard is to do an endoscopy which is run a light and camera tube down to see what's going on in my digestive system.
I am still drain, super tired, achy, weak. Dealing with headaches and muscle aches and throwing up clear but sometimes yellow mucus stuff that tastes like bile. I am also swelling in my legs, feet, face, and hands in which it makes it hard to move them sometimes.
-> 02/11/2023 No update from the doctors about anything. I am tired of suffering and feel like I can't do anything. I stay in pain, I stay sick, weak my head hurts. I threw up the day before yesterday and yesterday morning. I am having pain in my shoulders back and stomach. I am nauseous with dry mouth.
2/12/2023 -> Nauseous and diarrhea and all I did was eat a turkey ranch and swish sandwich also pain on the left side.
2/13/2023 -> I went to bed in pain and I woke up in pain. I am having pain in my lower belly at the left side of my abdomen and it really hurts to move. It even hurts when I am not moving. My right side isn't as bad as my left. I took two Tylenol pms to help it and it helped me just enough to sleep but now I hurt and nauseous.
Called to check on the CT scan appointment since we have not heard anything and they are saying they have no records of one being ordered but my chart is saying the doctors office order it but they did not do calling them to see what is going on but may end up going to the hospital for the pain and nausea again since it is worst.
Basically after an hour or so of phone tag for the doctor's office to the radiologist, the radiologist dropped the ball and basically need confirmation even though the referral went through and they got the approval, they wanted my Dr office to call them for some reason or another but yet when even giving them the confirmation referral code, they still would not do it because they don't have all the information that the doctor basically pushed through to them.
Doctor office is on the line themselves with referrals trying to figure out what is going on and it will take a day or two since they contacted the referral office and they are going to handle it. So basically waited a week for an appointment that was never going to come through.
The person that referred and authorized it is getting to the bottom of it and calling them to get everything squared away she scheduled it for Friday at 8 am but the hospital went ahead and did it.
2/13/2023 -> updates, went to another hospital since the main is full. I had blood work, CT scan and urine test today. The blood work detected my levels are low, my urine detected something and the CT scan lady hinted at I may not go home. My lipase has dropped from a 9 to a 7 which is not good. I believe they are going to diagnose me with something is going on with my pancreas also but not to sure will keep updating when more information comes.
My liver has fatty in it which could be the reason but I still have to go to the GI to see what else is going on.
Everyone is telling me to change my diet but my diet has been changed. I do not really eat any fatty foods, greasy foods, or processed foods. I eat basically baked, grilled or air fried when I even eat. I do not really drink soda, I drink hint water and juice. So I'm not sure why all of this is happening.
I got sent home, they believe it's an gallbladder attack without a gallbladder so it's going to be happening the rest of my life and it is a chronic thing but going to see the GI and see what they said. But they did send me so meds for abdomen pain since the Tylenol stopped working.
2/14/2023-> diarrhea and nausea after eating and I'm in pain in my abdomen. It doesn't matter what I do, what I eat nothing makes it better everything makes it worst. Doesn't matter if I eat bland foods it doesn't help.
I attempted to file for disability or practical since I cannot work and have not been working since June 30th 2022 and they declined it well the robot did but they are still processing it and I have to appeal and make corrections on things but it is going to take forever to hear something back. It can take up to 120 days. Still no luck, it updated to I will hear something in 11 months and I tired for it in february and we are in April.
I am still trying to figure things out with me and grizzly both being sick and having doctor appointments.
2/18/2023 -> Throwing up and in pain and having diarrhea, nothing changed still having the same things. Not sure what else to do.
2-20-23-> I am to drained to do anything else, my muscles are weak and achy I am not feeling well, my head is starting to hurt, I am hurting all over. I am also having hot flashes and flustered. Diarrhea and vomiting, nothing has changed.
2-21-23-> I'm in pain below my belly button to the left and right sides of my abdomen. I been nauseous and having dry mouth. I also had diarrhea and vomited... it's a never ending thing now. Nothing makes it better or worst.
2-22-23 -> same as yesterday. Never seems to be getting better... I am hurting so much worst today than any other day.
Have to make a Dr appointment again.
Got an appointment with the primary set up but have to wait for the GI appointment since everyone and everything is pointing to the GI.
I am in so much and and I was in so much pain last night that I stopped me from sleeping. Nothing is helping it nothing is working. I am pushing through it until the 8th to see what the GI says bit not sure how much longer I can take it. I can't really eat, I can't really stay comfortable.
2/26/23 I have apparently gained 2lbs according to the scale at home but I am in severe amounts of pain. I have been in pain for about 3 days now and nothing is helping it. Still having diarrhea and nausea nothing changed there.
2-27-23 Primary cannot do anything else for me so it's just a waiting game for the GI appointment. Been told to take Tylenol for the pain and she gave me nausea meds, antidiarrheal to help. Suspecting I have chrons.
3-4-2023 -> Nothing has changed. Still hurting and suffering. Endocrinologist appointment is the 7th to see how bad hormones are out of whack and what is needed, Gastroenterologist appointment the 8th to see what we can do and how to go about the pain. They may want to run a scope to see what is going on.
I am suffering, I also missed my monthly so we do not know what is going on. I will update everyone when my appointment comes.
3-7-23-> I walked out of my endocrinologist appointment. She did nothing but talk about how PCOS causes insulin resistance and tried to push it off on me about my weight in which is not even the cause and I do not have diabetes or insulin resistance. She would not check my hormones but kept giving excuses and gave the wrong information about diabetes and how PCOS happens. So if it ever came down to it, I will never go back to her I will go back to someone else. (They do not know actually how or why diabetes happens it just does. One wrong things can happen in the body and it causes it.)
3-8-23 -> I have news great news actually, the pain that I am having is not normal, the GI is saying its a possible case of IBS but instead of going to go ahead and diagnose it, they are going to run lights and camera down both ends to see what exactly it is all of this is happening the 31st of March. It was scheduled in June but she urgently moved it closer. She agrees, this is the worst case of food poisoning ever. (It's not food poisoning, been happening for 4 months now. It is a joke.) She also swabbed me for an infection first to see if that is also a factor but hopefully, we can determine what it is. The bacteria swab came back all clear so now it is a waiting game to see what is going on.
3-25-23-> We are 4 days away from our 6 year wedding anniversary and we are 6 days away from the colonoscopy and endoscopy and Biopsy. We are hoping it is some kind of IBS and crohn's not cancer. It is hard to tell since all of them have the same kind of symptoms. If it happens to be cancer, we are prepared to battle it. We will let everyone know what is found and we will keep everyone updated. As always, we will see you next time in a random game because no game will always be the same.
3-29-23-> Attempted to do the prep at 6 pm as planned, ended up throwing up the solution and ended up going to the hospital for throwing up blood with it. Called the nurses line and they told me to stop the prep and not to drink anymore due to it irritated my lining and go get checked out to make sure the bleeding has stopped.
Had to reschedule the colonoscopy, biopsy and endoscopy for the 20st of April because of this. When they get an earlier appointment they move me up.
04-02-2023-> I feel like Im getting worse instead of better, I still have no diagnosis of what I have. I stay weak and sometimes in pain. My head has been hurting since the 25th-30th and it eases up but comes back. I pooped a little blood on the 30th. I threw up blood on the 29th which resulted an ER trip. I stay drained and so tired to the point I can't do much of anything right now. I also have a cough and loosing my voice if I talk a lot. The 31st my legs hurt so bad I had to use a heating pad and rub some ointment on them to get them to stop. I feel there is something completely wrong but when go to the ER for it, blood comes back clear so they don't do anything but send me home so I suffer more.
4-10-23 we all either have covid or the flu again and it is 10 days from my exam. I am hoping I get better soon. I am not feeling as bad as I been feeling but hoping it gets buy quickly.
4-15-23 I awoke at three am this morning. I went to bed at 12. I had a nightmare but I also woke up wanting cereal. I had my bowl of cereal and now I am in pain.
I am nauseous and just feeling yucky. I had to start my colonoscopy prep with one cap of murlax a day until next Wednesday when I have to take a whole bottle on top of the 4 tablets of duclex.
I hope they figure out what is going on with me because I'm tired of being tired all the time and I just want to be able to do things without hurting or worrying all the time. You guys may not know this but I am stressing.
I am stressing about a lot of things and since affiliate marketing is not working out for me and my blog with adsense isn't really making anything I have been stressing.
I'm so tired and I know stressing isn't good especially with everything going on but I am still worried since I do have a family and we do not know exactly what is going on with me and what I have.
It could be crohns it could be cancer we don't and won't know until they go in and complete the biopsy, endoscopy and colonoscopy.
We have a few updates... Umm so well, the colonoscopy prep worked but didn't work. My colon wasn't empty like it's supposed to be. H pylori, celiac disease, and Crohn's and other IBS is what they are testing the biopsy for. They may have to do the colonoscopy again along with biopsy to see what else they can find. He couldn't see much due to the insides being dyed and or stained. Also my heart rate dropped when I was in recovery.
The doctor that done my colonoscopy, endoscopy and biopsy has called. They don't know what is going on, nor why I am in pain.
He is saying it can be a number of things from IBS to crohns but wants me to start a round of two different antibiotics and report back to my doctor in two weeks. They are using this to determine if it's crohns or not. If it is crohns, it will clear up with them but if they aren't then it is something else.
He also is saying it's not normal and they may want to repeat the colonoscopy and endoscopy and biopsy as if I am not going through enough with the pain and dirrieha.
Everything during the colonoscopy and biopsy was clear except they found colonic mucosa with focal cryptitis.
5-4-23 Nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, occasional dirrieha and so much pain. My doctor would not do anything, I could never get in contact with my doctor only her nurses. The nurses would say one thing and another. I was told to crush my antibiotics but then told not to but then told to again. I was told they don't make capsules but the pharmacy said they do. My next appointment was 5-19-23 a month after my colonoscopy with no sight of how to manage the pain or anything. The nurses would not even explain or tell me anything that was going on and it was like I was getting the run around. Instead of as the Dr. that preformed my colonoscopy, biopsy, endoscopy said I would be continuing care with my doctor, it was not true. The nurses would have to ask him instead of my doctor and with that being said, I ended up transferring out to another gastroenterology network in hopes they will help me. So I have been slowing down on streaming and blogging until I can somewhat manage everything again. Hopefully soon I can get some relief and am able to pick everything back up.
5-17-23 I have switched doctors and they are going to do stool samples for inflammation and blood testing because they believe I have crohns. Finally, finally I am getting help. Finally I am getting answers. She does not know why the other doctor put me on antibiotics and does not know why they would not tell me anything so I canceled my Friday appointment with my original ans switched completely to her. If all else false, they will do another colonoscopy but right now we are doing labs and testing.
5-27-23 Everything came back finally, I went to the hospital, early Friday morning for the same things. The same things that has been happening for about 8 months now. The same pain, the same diarrhea, the same nausea, vomiting. The same every thing. The CT came back fine, the blood work showed anemia, and inflammation. My GI told me to go get checked out due to everything but what was the point when it is all reading the same. The blood labs she requested the 17-18 all are leading to crohns, she was suppose to call when they came back but the nurse was saying I had to wait for my appointment. When is it going to give? I can't go back under due to my heart. According to when I had my first colonoscopy, my heart dropped like I was having an anxiety attack and it dropped again whenever they were running the dyes into my CT. It starting to take over my life and I honestly hate it. I feel trapped. They won't start any kind of treatments, they won't do anything but tell me bentyl and nausea meds. After 8 months those aren't really helping anymore. The pain I had a couple nights ago was strong enough to wake me out of my sleep. Something has to give. I have been battling this for 8 months.
5-31-23 I had an appointment with my primary to get a lupus test yesterday. She also said the GI is thinking it's IBD since my maker on my chart are marked for ibd.
She messaged today saying lupus came back clear but she is thinking it's rheumatoid arthritis. Looking into it, it affects the bowels and cause infection and so much more. She also took an inflammation test with my blood and it was also off the charts like the GI and the ER. My blood pressure is also elevated. My body also started itching from my hands, feet to all over. Also got rashes that comes up and disappears. My arms, legs, back get numb and often times throbs. Not sure what it is but something is brewing up more and more to see.
Everything is basically pointing to IBD instead of rheumatoid arthritis but both have same symptoms. My blood is basically showing more and more.
6-2-23 Primary and GI had a conversation. They both are thinking it's not GI related but the GI said she can continue to investigate if we wanted her to. I will go to my appointment the 7th but I do have an appointment with the Rheumatoid doctor since they can do more testing then what the GI and primary can. They are sending me there due to the pain, numbness, nausea, vomiting, itchiness and rashes that I am getting. Hopefully soon we can get to the bottom of what I have. I also am in a lot of pain and having nausea and vomiting along with tingling in my back, shoulders and pain in my legs and arms.
10-20-23 Nothing changed and my doctor has given up trying to help diagnose it and now I am trying to get get answers on my own and make my own appointments with different doctors.
11-08-2023: I have an appointment the cardiologist because we think that it is bad circulation throughout my body in which it would cause everything I have been having for the past 10-11 months.
11-18-2023: My weight has been up and down, I have lost about 35lbs within months. I am still suffering with nausea, and no appetite not sure what is going on anymore nor who to go to for this because they are just pushing me off on other doctors.
6-24-2024: Have not updated this due to a lot going on. I was diagnosed with IBS C and Gluten intolerable but its not the Gluten Intolerability. It is a allergy to the heat and sun.
I have been away and have not updated this. Everything that I had was caused of an overy contusion that the doctors have missed. I still am battling it because my OBGYN dismissed it and the hospital when I went in again recently in 2025 said it was this that caused it. I am still in pain but the nausea and vomiting has not came back as much as it had been and the diarrhea, I still battle it occasionally.