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Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Weeping poem

She sits on her window seal trying to cope with things
Her life feels as it is all over as her heart beats in pain
The lies that has been told has broken each and every string
She has tried to cope and cope and cope again and again and again 
There is nothing that will fix her heart broken strings 
So she sits against the window pane trying to clear it all
there is a bottle sitting beside her and she knocks it right off
It falls almost 5 stories down and smashes when it hit the ground
She turns around and there was a bright light beaming down
Lots of commotions happening all around 
People running and screaming “CAN WE GET SOME HELP!!” 
There is one thing I didn’t tell you during this 
She was already dead. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dead inside

The tear roll down my face
my depression kicks in
I'm such a mess
a beautiful tragedy that
is broken
More blood
more tissue
More tears
repeat each
day life is like
blade it comes
in stabs you and
rips things
apart till
there's nothing

Friday, January 26, 2018

Dead Flowers...

Flowers bloom and bloom
they rot down and so new
ones can grow, just like
we tear ourselves down
to rebuild. Flowers can
get hurt and destroyed
just like we can, they
are just like us alive
till something chops
them down. At times
we do not regrow
we do not rebuild
we try to cope with
our wounds...
The wounds are
are reminder that
it all can happen again
and again and again
until it is their time to go

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Poems Written Through Poetic Eyes ( Preview, Get yours today!)

Do you like poems that make you feel? A book full of nothing but poems and feelings? Then this is the book for you! 
Everything doesn’t feel real touch
 it’s all in your imagination  
this is all a dream we are all inside your head
 can’t you 👀 it’s all nothing but a memory 
just close your eyes go to 💤 
there’s nothing to fear but life itself 
But this is the end of the poem 
 there’s no time 
  left to continue
 so this  is how it’ll end
Fear of the ⚰️ 
Sittin in this empty room 👀 
 my mind flutter across the page
 of my memory and listening to 
 the slow moans of the ⚰️>
 the embracing arms of the cold ⚰️
that stalks me every step
 I take and
💤 with me even when
 I’m ignoring their presence
You treat me horribly I’m 19 
I should have freedom but I don’t you’re trying 
to keep me under your wing But you’re wrong 
 it’s not gonna work I’m ready to go ready to leave
  I can’t stand it here you yell cuss and try to fight 
You threatened to hit me You try to scare me but you don’t
 Try breaking me now I have someone who will help me stand 
You’re not ready for me to go but watch me leave
Your not gonna win 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Ripping on the inside

My heart feels like its been ripped out of my chest
the pain throbs and throbs and throbs 
the tears are rolling down my face 
as there is a frog in my throat 
I am so confused of what to do 
where to go
I am so confused 
everything feels so 
shattered so broken
I am hurting on the inside 
I am hurting on the out 
this is so unreal 
this depression 
its got a hold of me 
all I can do is cry 
I stress, I worry 
its all crashing down
all around 
I don't know what to do

As it all falls around me....

Everything is falling and breaking
I can’t catch it all nor put it back together
I’m so broken and torn, doesn’t matter how many times you put me back
together I still shatter….
I’m so emotional
But i guess this is it
The things they tried to warn me about
The thing that's broken me into pieces
Holding on with the little strength I have left
As I finish breaking to pieces
With my family by my side as I crumble apart
While I watch them grow i can’t give up I have to

Much to lose

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