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Showing posts with label Manipulative energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manipulative energy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2022

What is Gaslighting?

 A person that does so much for you and then changes up and stops doing the things they were doing including calling and messaging are gaslighting. They lie about everything and never can keep a straight answer. You can tell the changes in their ways by how they do you.

 Never answering your calls or messages until hours and or days later no matter how many times they say they love you and care and want to be with you. They don't really want to be with you. They only want what they can get from you and once you stop giving it to them, then you can see how they changed. 

They don't care about you nor your health. They want what they want. You cannot change that. They will use you, talk sweet to you butter you up and then dip on you right when the going gets good. Don't think there is something wrong with you because there is not. It is the other person. They will make it seem like you are the cause for everything and then make up excuses and lies when they get caught and or doing something they do not like. They will manipulate you and have you questioning everything including yourself. They will make you feel like a puppet and everything they do will manipulate you into doing what they want.

The best thing to do when you feel like they are lying and making excuses is pack your bags and leave and never look back because if they can do this then they don't deserve you and surely do not care for you. I know it will hurt you in the process but it has to be done and trust me there are multiple people out here looking for love and are not trying to hurt you like they are. 

These kinds of people who ignore you will try their damnest to break you down so that way they can get you do do the things that they want you to. Do not fall for this you are to powerful for this and trust me while they are trying to break you down someone out here is ready to build you up. 

Do not fall for their lies and assumptions and accusing and bullshit because bullshit is all it is and will ever be. Toxic relationships will hurt you, regular relationships will build you. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

Am I Garbage ?

 I got called garbage again for not catering to his lies. I got called garbage for the 3rd time because he could not handle me for me. The joking me. I got called garbage and told I have a shit life because he said I don't do anything but break people in which it's not true.

 I have kids to take care of while he's all the way on the Pacific coast playing games all day and coming up with excuses and lies.

 Lies and excuses of why he can't do anything. Why he can't call, video chat and or send photos like he says he has social anxiety but can talk to his friends but when I decide to disappear its like he gets mad. 

I decided it was not worth it anymore and ended everything. He has done this for the past two years and it's becoming worst and worst. It got to the point I could not be myself without having to worry if he's gonna be mad. 

He was really manipulative and basically tried to hurt me daily. He never really showed me any attention but always gave it to others.

It was like I had to force everything. It was like he wanted to try to control what I did and do and I just would not let him. Every time he left I start questioning myself and trying to figure out the cause of it all but then a few days I would become happy but then it hits me because I cared so much it would kind of hurt but then after a few weeks to a month I would be okay and it's like he knows it because he would always come back and try to and it happens all over again except this time.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Manipulative energy

 Manipulative energy is an energy that will try to manipulate you into doing whatever it is that they want even if you don't want to. It can cause to you be mentally and physically drained. They can tell you a story and make you feel whatever emotion they want you to feel. 

They will also use what you say and how you feel to reflect how they feel and say. It is a mind game. You tell them how you feel about something they will down play it and make it seem like you are doing it. Everything thing they do to you they will reflect it and make it seem like you done it to them so there is no reason to even bother with it cause they are out to hurt you even though they say they are not. Cautious around them and never tell them everything cause they won't tell you everything.

They can even bring up the trauma that they have supposedly been through to get you to care and show sympathy which then they know that you will care for them no matter what and make you trapped and it does not matter what they say to you even if it makes no sense they will still tell it hoping you believe every word of it. Sometimes the stories that they tell make kind of sense and then some of it makes no sense at all so you pick and choose which one to believe. 

If you don't know how to tell when they are lying, look at their body language and if you don't know how to do that; Are they looking you into your eyes telling you this or are they looking all over the place and you can tell they are lying? Is their voice clear or is it cracking while trying to tell this? Are they talking really quickly trying to get it out? Ask them questions about it. If a person is quickly to stop the conversation about it they will try not to answer all your questions or even avoid them and not bother answering them. 

They will end up trying to turn everyone they can against you anyway they can and it is just best to leave these kinds of people along. It is never going to end good and they are just going to hurt you more and more and not care. 

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