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Showing posts with label PCOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PCOS. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Doctors who lie on their paperwork just to make them look good like they actually did something when they basically tell you plain out that they aren't going to do what they are suppose to do. I went to the endocrinologist today for a hormone check and she didn't. 

She rather me sit there and listen to her to go on about how my weight is the cause of diabetes and insulin resistance when I don't have neither of them. She would not listen to me but kept wanting to talk about her agenda. 

I have been puking my guts out and having diarrhea for the last 3 months pain included and all I wanted was my hormones checked for my PCOS but no, she said she wasn't going to. So I asked her why am I here for then and left. 

She kept bringing up my weight when none of my other doctors are saying a thing about it. She kept saying diabetes and insulin resistance when all my blood work came back okay. 

I basically have had enough with this. Hospitals and my PCP do not know what's going on to cause this and I have an GI appointment tomorrow but I am going to another hospital that basically is known to figure things out before any of the others.

 The GI doctor basically has an idea of what is causing everything but she cannot officially rule it until I get the colonoscopy done and the Endoscopy done to be sure she knows what she is looking at.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

My health update

 Hi guys, I am suffering a lot. I have been nauseous for a month now and I had a doctors appointment the 17th of January since I went to the hospital on the 15th for all of this and all they did was take my pee and test it so I decided to schedule a doctors appointment because this is not right. 

I thought I had food poisoning but this is the longest case of "food poisoning" ever in which it is not food poisoning. 

 The doctor gave me omeprazole to rule out if the GERD is causing it in which it is not because if it was the omeprazole would prevent it since it has been a week of taking it. 

 I had blood work done and it came back normal but I am still nauseous and they had to up my nausea meds. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist to check my hormone levels and see if there is something that the doctors missed. I also have an H test schedule to see if there are any bacteria brewing inside of me that the labs missed. This has been a journey and it has taken a toll of me.  

I can barely eat anything without having to throw it up now or being nauseated also it will come out in diarrhea so something is wrong and I am hoping they can find what it is.  

My weight, I went from 235+ to 229 which was impressive because I didn't even know I lost anything. I do not eat any fatty or greasy foods, I do not eat any process foods either. I eat baked, grilled or air fried foods and I have cut out a lot of sugar and caffeine.   

Also, I am having muscle aches and weakness so I hope in March, when the endocrinologist can tell me something to help me also, I have another OB appointment with a different OB to get a second opinion on what is going on. It could be something with my PCOS that is being over looked or something. 

Also periods, are shorter than normal, My period lasted 3 days and on the 4th day it came back light pink and went off so I feel something is wrong there.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

PCOS- Things no one tells you about


No one talks about how when you have PCOS you are more prone to get sick. No one talks about how it can beat you down to the point some days are harder than others and you will end up having more pain. 

No one talks about how drained you will feel due to the hormone imbalance that comes with it to the point that when you wake up, you just don't want to do anything nor feel like even being here sometimes or how worthless you can feel. You can even loose your sex drive with it.

No one talks about the sleepless nights due to insomnia, the hair loss, the weight gain, the diabetes that comes with it. It is like it is not even a concern and there is really no cure for it. It is something you are stuck with and there is no cure unless you get your hormones under control but as my doctor will say you have to loose weight but here is birth control so we can control your periods and if you did not know the side effects of birth  control, it makes you gain weight. 

 PCOS is not a joke and it is nothing to take lightly. PCOS can cause a lot of problems including pain that is not manageable but you are pushing through it and not going to get checked out because they will tell you "There is nothing we can due until it is twisted." and all they will do is tell you to take over the counter pain meds to try to manage it.

 The OBGYN will end up trying to put your on birth control whether it is IUD, pills, implant all while they to try to balance the hormones but be concerned when you are missing periods because it can end up being cancerous but they won't do anything for it but give birth control.  

PCOS, only warning sign is late periods and pains. It can also mimic pregnancy in which I had not had a period for 3 years and when I went to my OBGYN and primary care, they all said I was not pregnant, it was just stress and I gained weight and if I loose weight it would come back when in fact it did not. I don't even really eat sweets, I don't really eat fried foods, nor fatty foods so, I am unsure where this was coming from. 

One thing, about PCOS is sometimes, you will have to take period relief meds because nothing helps it and you will have to take breaks doing things. It can cause all kinds of issues throughout the body that you would never believe including dry, itchy skin, pain, headaches such as migraines, depression, anxiety, anxiousness, loss of apatite, makes you snack a lot and not be able to get full, causes fluid on your body,  bloats, swells and it will drain you. The pains you can feel from it would be sharp, stabbing, achy, burning pain and it can often times be heavy. 

 It also causes  bacterial vaginosis due to the fluids draining when the cyst pops so you can get some boric acid suppositories' that are for it and although it will burn it will help a lot.

The way that I found mine was not only were my periods were late, I was in so much pain on my left side to the point it had me doubled over and nauseous. When I went to the ER, they found it and it was like 3.9-4.5 cm and when I went back again it was at 4.9cm so it grew. I was told when it became 5.0cm is when they start to worry about twisting in which happens when it get to around 10cm so if you are having any pain please get checked out it is better safe than being sorry. 

Also PCOS can be missed diagnosed, sometimes it does not have the ring of cysts it only has one or two like mine did but my doctor still classified it due to the cyst, pain, missing period, and facial hair growth. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Struggling with mental health

 I personally have been struggling with my mental health for years. Growing up was not so easy for me. I was bullied for the way that I was, I was bullied for the clothes that I wore, the way I looked, my size and so much more. It gotten to the point I no longer wanted to go to school and I would fight with my mother when all she wanted was the best for me.

 I didn't want to open up to anyone because they would make fun of me more and laugh and judge me for getting help.

I became suicidal and never really bothered anyone. I did not really have friends and no one seemed to really care about me throughout school. I was like an outcast. I wanted to go to therapy and talk to people about it but we could not afford it so I decided to take up writing and that is how I got to where I am today. 

People would use me and get what they wanted and never talk to me and that is kind of what it is like now. I do not talk to anyone and I stay to myself. 

Truthfully, I hated how I treated her and I treat her so much better now. I personally understood where she was coming from. She was raised from a somewhat broken home. 

Her mother did not show her love like a child should be loved and her father basically was always about his money. Her mother and father would fight like cats and dogs and she dropped out of high school cause they always moved. She then moved in with her grandmother and her grandmother raised her the best she could. 

My mother then became the parent that she needed growing up and she understood a lot of things. 

Mt father which him and my mother have been married for 24 years now. They got married a year before I was born. 

My father, had a rough life which hints at abuse but never would fully state. He came from a home where things were not fair. He always talks about the olden days where the kids where always last and the adults would eat before them. He talks about remembering where when it was his time to eat, they had skimmed over food and sometimes they have food that was put back and some had bite marks in it.

His mother, was never really there his father was in the military and basically he wasn't home. He was raised by his grandmother and his grandmother and his uncle's raised him well although his uncle's were drunks and his grandpa made moonshine.

 He is the type to give the shirt off his back. He is a hard working honest man. He has rough edges that this life has given him but once you get past that you can truly see him for who he is besides this rough person who he presents himself as. He is a hard person sometimes but that's how life built him.

But, somewhere down the line  him and his mom made a bond that was unbreakable. His mom was closer to him than his dad and I completely understood. His mom was the person everyone needed in their life. His dad was a quiet type around people and it's like something along the lines causes him issues.

His teenage and early adult years were rocky but I understand. He made a lot of mistakes in life and he's always speaking about them and always talking about knowledge. He is a wise man and someone everyone would like to have in their life. 

Raising me for sure was not easy for them and I know but they did it. There was times we were struggling and couldn't really get any help had issues getting food sometimes due to they made to much for assistance and couldn't pay the bills at times which life happens.

Both parents have been there for their family through everything. They are giving the love that they did not have as a kid growing up and I personally love it.

I now as an mother, a wife have been diagnosed with PCOS, anxiety, depression and I self diagnosed for autism in which we all suspected it was there and now I know where the kids got it from which is okay with me. 

The whole point besides giving you background of my family is to let you know it comes from somewhere and starts somewhere even if you do not realize it. Everyone struggles with it and do not be afraid to reach out. Reaching out can help you more than you know. 

Never feel ashamed to get help. If someone judges you don't worry about them because life is never easy and karma is real. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Problems with PCOS

 With PCOS they do not tell you how bad it is. It can make your days hard. They do not tell you you will be in pain most of the days until the cyst pops and then you will be in more pain for a few more days. They do not tell you that anything can aggravate it, your moods will be at full force swinging and your anxiety will be at an all time high. They do not tell you that it can cause seizures that I have been experiencing due to hormone changes and nothing nothing can really help with the hot flashes. It is almost like menopause. 

You will gain a lot of weight but then they expect you to some how loose it when you don't even know how you got it. They will try to push you on birth control thinking that is going to help it but you are just going to gain more weight and make them money off of it every time you go get the refills. 

They do not tell you the ups and downs about it. They don't really tell you anything about it. They say its where your eggs fail to release and it causes build up in fluids. They say you can notice it when you miss a period well, I missed 3 years worth and took multiple pregnancy tests when my spouse has a vasectomy trying to make sure we are in the clear.

 I even went to the hospital multiple times, primary multiple times and even got a second opinion and some how everyone missed it they all were thinking I am pregnant. I even went to my OBGYN the first time and she didn't do anything nor checked me. She won't even do a scan but says oh it's not good it can become cancer if you don't have a period for so long even though I went to her and others multiple times trying to get help.

I threw up all of my supper last night which was a salad because it was light. They don't tell you that it will happen. They won't tell you had bad it will hurt and how when you move when its hurting it feels like you are ripping and its folding down feeling like its going to fall out. When I first went for this feeling they found my cyst but when I went for it again they did another scan on it and it gotten bigger.

I know, I know peoples bodies are different and different things will happen but its just weird how it happens. 

 Did you know the cyst will make you look pregnant? That is when they decide to go in and take it out they won't do anything for it when its there but they wait until it gets hazardous and can cause harm. 

They tell you to just take over the counter pain meds when it happens and rest. 

Get your hormones back balanced with this Fenugreek

Sunday, July 31, 2022


Be Prepared. Period

 Hi guys, I would like to bring up a lot of points about women mensural cycle products. Most of the products that they are selling to us and telling us are healthy and safe actually are not. If you leave a tampon into long it causes toxic shock syndrome. Most of the things we stick inside our body and are using is not safe. The chemicals that it is made of is harming us can causing so much issues that we would never suspect it is them. Tampons and or women mensural products can cause PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD, PMS and so much more including cancer. Cancer is mutated cells that are caused from reaction to chemicals. 

 I am not telling you to not use the products but be careful and be mindful of what you are putting in your body and please do research to help you know more about things that can cause it. 

If you are looking for alternatives check out this company they have washable pads and more



Monday, July 18, 2022

Mentally drained, physically drained

 Ever feel like your alone? Ever feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you have to do everything since others and family are not doing what they said they would or you feel like your repeating yourself over and over trying to get help but they aren't helping you and doing things their way when your telling them what needs to be done and what is causing you stress. Yes I am currently in that state. I am mentally drained and physically drained. 

I suffer from anxiety and lots of it and it feels like the weight of everything is on me. I am trying so hard daily to keep it all together but juggling life, trying to find remote work, trying to sell my vinyl stickers and decals, trying to get YouTube up or something to support my family all while trying to juggle college and make sure things are going smoothly in the only place that was suppose to give peace but it's not. I have felt this way for the last five years and it's only getting worst. I have openly expressed myself of what could help but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall. I have wore myself down to the point I'm exhausted to the point I don't sleep at night and sleep a little during the day.

I'm the one writing all the blog posts that can't get AdSense due to one is adult content and it ruined my other blogs from getting it. I'm filling out job application for remote jobs since being an affiliate marketer isn't paying the bills. I am trying to help myself since all I have been doing is putting others first and their needs. 

I cared way to much for others when all they did was use me to the point I don't want to help anyone anymore. It's to the point my circle was small but it's even smaller now since I'm getting rid of the negativity and those that just want to take and take and take and use and use and use. I noticed a lot more positivity coming from it but I have a big heart and it hurts but I had to do what I had to to get my happiness and peace back. 

I am applying to jobs daily monthly weekly, trying to find something but its like no one is hiring and wants to hire. It is getting exhausting trying to find work especially something I can do remotely since I have kids and its not easy since most remote jobs are phone jobs. 

I also suffer from PCOS and that sucks. It causes more anxiety and depression. It causes pain and makes you feel alone. It causes hormone imbalance and can make you flip on everyone over nothing. They won't do anything but give birth control to counter act it something that can end up causing more anxiety and depression. I don't want anymore anxiety. I don't want anymore depression. I want to be at peace. I don't want to suffer anymore. 







Wednesday, July 6, 2022

PCOS, Diabetics, Herbals to help the body

 If you are having PCOS and your doctor is not doing anything for it and you are in pain to the point that nothing you do is working. Go to your local Walmart or order on amazon grab you some Cystex PM which will help the pain while you are sleeping and then get some Furocyst

Furocyst and Turmeric will help you with your pain, period cramps, and it will help you if you do not have a period. It helps regulate your blood sugar and insulin and does so much more than what they can give. It is all natural and will help you regulate your hormones and period without the birth control and pharmaceuticals that they push.

It will help with the swelling of the uterus and ovary. It can even make the cyst disappear and no longer bother you.

 Doctors do not want to tell you this because they get paid for how many visits you have and get part of the money from the medications that they prescribed. 

My doctor only prescribed me birth control and did not explain anything and hoping that it helps and that I can loose weight in reality the birth control is just going to put more weight on me and mess with the hormones that she failed to check. So I am looking into different things to help me and those two I know helped me.

Fenugreek helps produce breastmilk, lower blood sugar, boost testosterone in men, helps with cholesterol levels, helps with inflammation, helps with loosing weight if you need it and balancing hormones, helps with itchy skin and so much more including fever, vomiting and it is nothing but a herb so be careful if you are allergic to fenugreek seeds. It also has vitamins in it. It is just like Furocyst but a little better. 

If you are needing something else to lower your blood sugar and help you loose weight Chromium helps with that also.

Turmeric helps with inflammation and swelling by lowering blood pressure and it can also help increase the bile that is in the stomach to help digestion better.

Cinnamon helps the gut health and is used for anti bacterial. It can also help loose weight and if you mix it with turmeric it can help with cold symptoms and creates antibodies that allows you to detox your body. Cinnamon also helps with reducing fast blood sugar and could help with lowering the diabetic symptoms. 

Curcumin helps with parts of the body that is inflamed by relieving it and working as an inflammatory. It can help with anxiety, arthritis, high cholesterol and fats that is in the blood.

Ginger works as an inflammatory and helps with the digestive tract. 

Aloe Vera helps increase insulin levels and helps the kidney. It also helps with anxiety and depression and relieves stress.

Dandelion, fennel helps the digestive tract.

Fennel helps with anemia, skin, works as an anti-inflammatory and helps with heart. It is a wonderful source of fiber.

Dandelion helps with anti-inflammatory, blood sugar, lower blood pressure, help with liver health and could possibly help with weight loss.

Catnip tea helps with intestinal and digestive tracts and it also helps with babies that have colic which is a lot of air and built up gas on their tummy. 

Gymnema destroys sugar and helps lower the sugar that is in the blood to allow your body to produce insulin better and fight off diabetes.

If you get your gallbladder out you will need liver support and bile salt or ox salt that will help your body be strong and process the fats and helps keep your body healthy. Get it here





cbd products here



Friday, July 1, 2022

PCOS diagnose my trip to the obgyn

Have you ever had a doctor that doesn't really do what they are suppose to do? I have had a handful. I was dying in pain from a pancreatic stent and was told they can't do anything for me and then I went to a different hospital and got it removed.

I have been told by my OBGYN that she's worried about my uterus because of not having a period for 3 years and having a cyst on it which she didn't even order ultrasound or CT scan to check but wrote on my paperwork and chart everything is fine the cyst is intact in which I am bleeding and have been bleeding for two days and she says it's my period in which I don't think it is. So I am getting a second opinion since it seems like my concerns does not matter to her.

It's like they don't want to do their job but want to get paid. Every time I go to her she pulls out this square book and point out all her birth control tries to push me on birth control when my husband has a vasectomy and it does not matter my opinion on anything. It's like she listens but does not listen at the same time.  

With Roe VS Wade most of the doctor offices are not giving birth controls and contraceptives methods so I have no idea what is going to happen when it comes down this far. 

We asked if I need to go to a endocrinologist and she says no, she wants me on birth control to see if it levels out my hormones and periods so that the cyst can stop forming but she wants me to come back to her in a year and I doubt that I will. I am working on finding a new OBGYN. (If you do not know endocrinologist are those who check hormone levels.)

I feel like she has failed me as a woman. To make sure my safety and medical needs are met. I feel like I should have not even bothered going to the appointment because she just did the same thing she did last time but this time she said why she's prescribing it.

 I don't like the way she has done me as a patient and did not thoroughly check me but on her paperwork she said she did. I was at the time bleeding heavy and it was like she did not even bother explaining anything or what is going on but quickly wrote down on my paper work that she explained it when she did not.

 She said she checked for cyst but she did not do any kind of scan and was in a hurry for me to do a pregnancy test in which I did two a week ago because I went to two different hospitals with the pain and they said that I am not pregnant. She also ordered a AC1 test that was not even positive. 

I started taking Fenugreek which basically fixed all of my hormones and gave me my period back after 3 years. It fixed my PH balance and helped my body so much more than the birth control did. I even am loosing weight on it which is nice. I highly recommend anyone going through PCOS and endometriosis fenugreek. It took all my pain away and allowed me to do what I need to do. I do not and will not take the birth control they gave me since last time and time after that it gave me so much more issues. 

I'm overweight but I don't eat:PCOS issues

Let me first start off by saying, I have been overweight my entire life but it's nothing I have done wrong it's natural.
Doctors are all the time telling me I need to loose some weight and I always bring up doc how can I be overweight when I can't eat really. I eat a little here and a little there and my body doesn't want food and I'm not forcing it. 
Every appointment it does not matter with who or where it's always I need to change my diet, I need to stop eating certain foods and over eating but the thing is I don't. I hardly eat fried foods, processed food or high fatty foods. I don't really eat out much and if I do it's every now and again. I don't eat cakes or anything really sweet but I'm still gaining weight.

 My OBGYN yesterday which is June 30th was talking about my weight and then she printed out a sheet of what I have which is PCOS and the number one thing it causes is excessive amount of weight gain.
She's even telling me to change my diet a diet of I don't even really eat and she said I was starving myself because of it and in no way shape or form I'm starving myself. 
I all the time trying to figure out what I am doing that is causing me to be able to gain so much weight but the thing is I cannot even notice it. I am moving just fine, I am not physically tired when I move around and do stuff. It is just mind boggling. They always say I need to loose weight but no one can tell me what is causing it nor how its coming about. No one is helping me understand how I am gaining so much. This is mind boggling on how someone can say something and then give you a paper that states it is totally normal and it doesn't matter if you work out or what you do it will still happen. 

Not everyone is the same not everyone's body is going to react the same even though we all are supposedly to have the same organs in which some does not and some are not in the right spot it does not mean that it will do what it is suppose to do.

I am not bothered by my weight and I never was really. It is something that I cannot help and I am not bothered by it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 Something they do not tell you about anxiety is that it gets worst and it doesn't matter what you do. Anxiety can cause so much including overthinking all the time and that can put stress on your body even if you don't realize it. 

If you hear a certain thing, see certain things, think certain things it can destress you and trigger you so bad to the point you just start breathing heavily and you won't be able to calm it. It gives chest pains and so much more. It can become crippling if you are not careful.

It can keep you awake a night worrying and over thinking things. You will be insomniac and then sleep during the day most of the day and if there's a sudden noise, it can cause your heart to drop and feel like it's falling sending you into panicking. Trust me I was there also and some nights I still am having this. 

This is also coming from PCOS and trauma that I have had through out my life. I sometimes have to lay in the dark, listen to rain videos and ocean videos on youtube to allow myself to sleep and try to get as comfortable as possible because I can and will start panicking at night for no reason at all its just my mind getting worked up over basically nothing and causes me to over think breathe heavy and just start hyperventilating. 

The best thing for you to do is to basically avoid anything that triggers you, I mean at sometime or another you are going to end up going into crowds, and doing things that bothers you but do it when you are ready and when you are at ease. Don't rush and don't panic through it just breathe through it and have those around you that you trust and knows you. 

Do things that you enjoy and if you want to try something new go a little at a time and not force completely into it since your body will start sending languages that it is un-comfy and that will cause a lot of distress. 

But do things you like and if that is playing video games, drawing, reading, visiting nature is a good idea with anxiety and grounding yourself is also a good thing it helps you with the universe. If you don't know how to ground yourself, just go outside barefoot and walk in the dirt and if you can sit on the grass with your feet in the dirt and meditate, go outside talk to the plants, and the trees and just basically learn yourself.  

Thursday, June 16, 2022

An update about me; I have PCOS

 So, lately I have been sick and feeling miserable, drained, exhausted, overwhelmed and anxious. It seemed that it was getting worst and the anxiety attacks were not helping. This was becoming worst than all the other pain I have been having. In my teens, starting at 10 years old I suffered heavy periods to the point the pain was excruciating and it was basically hard for me to do anything for the first couple days. I would lay around with heating pad on my lower abdomen to my leg because the cramps would be so bad that it would hurt my legs. Sometimes it would also give me butt cramps to the point I don't even wanna move. I would have to leave school early and not even go is how bad they were. My mothers was just like this but they never diagnosed her with anything except they had to operate on her uterus due to it being heart shaped. They basically gave her birth control for this and then she tried to get me on it to help regulate it but they would not do anything for me so I was stuck suffering with it. So fast forward to me being in my late teens it was getting worst and I was having mystery pain.

No one could figure it out no one knew how to diagnose it. I was sick to my stomach, it hurt to move and it did not matter what I did. I felt like I was bleeding to death. There was so much blood every time it was enough for a crime scene. There's no way a person should be bleeding like this but I did.

When I had my first child at the age of 19 it wasn't that bad. The bleeding after wasn't so bad. After my second child it wasn't all that bad either but after my third child is when it started to worry me. I bleed for about 3-5 weeks and then it stopped. I stopped bleeding and I had a concern about it. I went to the hospital for pain in my back and I brought up I haven't really had an period I was diagnosed with kidney stones and no one could tell where my period went. I got referred to my OBGYN and they said I was just stressed. Three years rolls around and I was still hurting and have not had a period. I was basically waiting on something to come on which probably won't anymore and I was in so much pain for a month or two and then it got worst over the past two weeks.

 I was in incredible amount of pain and it has been happening and coming and going for months. The first hospital I went to on the 9th of June basically told me they could not find anything on the CT scan and nothing was on the swabs from the pelvic exam. A few days go by and yesterday on the 15th of June I went to another hospital since my I had to call and make an appointment with OBGYN from the first hospital visit due to I don't and have not had an period in three years which was alarming and they said to go get checked out if it was not getting better and if the medicine the other hospital prescribed was no longer working in which it was not and their ER found I have PCOS and a cyst on my ovary along with an infection. This explained my horrible periods from my teen years until my early 20s and answered my question of why I was hurting so bad. Also this would explain my anxiety attacks, depression, mood swings and the itchiness all over my body along with my chin hair growth and plenty of other issues I have been having.

 Motive of all this is to keep a check and if something does not feel right then keep going and keep getting it checked and get second opinions.

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