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Showing posts with label vomiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vomiting. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


There are a lot of pandemics that are happening now. We have walking pneumonia, bird flu, COVID 19 and Norovirus and measles, Flu A. Not really anyone is talking about this either. We are under censorship pretty much and no one is allowed to cover much of it. 

Wear your masks, wash your hands and be aware of your surroundings. Take safety precautions to keep you and your family safe, especially those with immune compromise. Watch the things you eat and watch the recalls. If you want some relief, try taking allergy medications because it helps with the congestion, runny nose and a few other things. 

Bird flu can happen if you do not cook your chicken and eggs fully thoroughly so be sure it is cooked. Chicken is done when it hits 165 degrees internally. Eggs are done when they are not running.  Yes, bird flu is currently spreading through beef and other things including pets so be mindful and be warned. 

Bird flu H5N1: Does not really spread from human to human but only from chicken to humans. It causes fevers, coughs, sore throats, achy muscles and pneumonia. 

Needing to find out recalls here this post has a link to an app that gives recall notices. Very helpful! 

FLU A: Contains weakness, body aches, chills, cough, and a lot of other things. Right now it is attacking children and a lot of them this is making it difficult for them to walk and do their everyday things.  It can also cause ear infections, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pain in the abdomin, chest pains, pneumonia, bronchitis, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache and body aches. 

Anyone can catch it including animals. 

Norovirus: contains diarrhea, and vomiting and really bad stomach issues. It can also cause a low grade fever. It takes 12-48 hours to start showing symptoms but then it lasts 1-3 days kind of like a stomach bug. It comes from food, water, infected people and surfaces in which it can survive for weeks. 

Covid: is a really bad common cold but it makes you feel like you have the flu. It has a wet cough that converts to a dry cough. COVID takes away your taste buds and smell and can make everything taste salty and bad. It can also make you lose your appetite. It can also cause shortness of breath and respiratory distress. Covid spreads through respiratory droplets, someone coughing, sneezing, and or talking. It can also be on a touch base where you pick it up from touching things.

Measles:  High fever, cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes, rash, coughing, sneezing, and small white spots in the mouth ( this does not happen all the time.)

I have had COVID 19 7 times now.  My family is currently dealing with it and the pneumonia and  the norosvirus and it it suck.

Right now we are combating it with cough medications, congestion medications to help with the congestion because after coughing a while, you will start aching in pain not wanting to cough. 

We are taking a tea spoon of raw honey to help with it and attempt to help build up parts of the immune system. 

We are also taking Ibprohen, Tylenol and advil to help with the fever and any pain we may experience. The kids are taking Motrin and tylenol to help them.  

The cough medications did not help clear it up as much but my kid had a rash that looks like an allergic reaction to something and we gave him allergy medications and he cleared up quickly. I took allergy medications and I felt way better and the only symptoms that I have is my little cough and a itchy throat. My congestion left and my nose stopped running and  I now feel better. I highly recommend getting some allergy medications because it can help. It helps break down the congestion, and the runny nose and a few of the other symptoms.

We notice it started with a cough and a runny nose, then it went from that to a low grade fever. From the low grade fever it then moved over to wet cough, body aches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

 Then my kids developed a rash on her face. The other kid then developed a spotty rash that looked kind of like a honey comb shape. We though it was something he got into so we quickly gave him an Epsom salt bath and then used non allergic bar soaps that was made of oats. After his bath we gave him some allergy medications his doctor prescribed him because he and I both have severe seasonal allergies and I am glad she did give him that because it came in handy right now it cleared up all of his symptoms. He had a little dry cough but that was about it.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Update again

 Hi guys! They upped my nausea meds, gave me a shot of nausea before I left the office yesterday 2-2-2023. They also did lab work for enzymes of my pancreas and that came back so I am cleared for pancreatitis. I also have sucralfate to coat my stomach so that way I am no longer puking but, it is still happening. 

 I have to do the stool H test since they could not get the blood one for me so, I have to poop in the medical cup and bring it back to the office so they can send it to the lab and see if there is the bacteria in it.

 I am still throwing up and nauseated,  I am having  pain on both left and right side of my body in the lower abdomen so, they are ordering a CT scan to check and see if there is anything else they can see and to also see about the cyst and if there is a gallstone stuck in my tubing since I no longer have a gallbladder. They are scheduling an OBGYN and an gastroenterologist appointment also to make sure I am squared away. So hopefully we can get more answers soon.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

My health update

 Hi guys, I am suffering a lot. I have been nauseous for a month now and I had a doctors appointment the 17th of January since I went to the hospital on the 15th for all of this and all they did was take my pee and test it so I decided to schedule a doctors appointment because this is not right. 

I thought I had food poisoning but this is the longest case of "food poisoning" ever in which it is not food poisoning. 

 The doctor gave me omeprazole to rule out if the GERD is causing it in which it is not because if it was the omeprazole would prevent it since it has been a week of taking it. 

 I had blood work done and it came back normal but I am still nauseous and they had to up my nausea meds. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist to check my hormone levels and see if there is something that the doctors missed. I also have an H test schedule to see if there are any bacteria brewing inside of me that the labs missed. This has been a journey and it has taken a toll of me.  

I can barely eat anything without having to throw it up now or being nauseated also it will come out in diarrhea so something is wrong and I am hoping they can find what it is.  

My weight, I went from 235+ to 229 which was impressive because I didn't even know I lost anything. I do not eat any fatty or greasy foods, I do not eat any process foods either. I eat baked, grilled or air fried foods and I have cut out a lot of sugar and caffeine.   

Also, I am having muscle aches and weakness so I hope in March, when the endocrinologist can tell me something to help me also, I have another OB appointment with a different OB to get a second opinion on what is going on. It could be something with my PCOS that is being over looked or something. 

Also periods, are shorter than normal, My period lasted 3 days and on the 4th day it came back light pink and went off so I feel something is wrong there.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Gallbladder pain/ removal, hysterectomy

Ever been seen by your doctor and you've started to notice that you are going more constantly for the pains or discomfort or your body is doing what it needs to do or suppose to do and you are feeling sick, tired and drained more often? 

If you are having gallbladder issues that is causing you pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea it would be best to change your diet and stop eating process foods, fatty foods, foods that contains high amounts of sugar because that will not help it. It will make it worst to the point you feel like you are dying and trust me after getting your gallbladder removed will feel the same way and it gets worst but then there's no organ to be removed because they already took it. 

If you've had it removed you will experience irritable bowel system (IBS) and then that hurts worst and causes more pain and issues and if you are like me, you will not get the diarrhea that comes after it. Most people say you will get diarrhea right after the surgery but that was not the case for me. It happened way later. I also have GERD and a bunch of other fun digestive issues from it even to the point I feel like I am dying. A thing to help the digestive issue would be Bile salt. Because the gallbladder was in control of the bile that is made by the liver and it releases it within the intake of food and nutrients but having a liquid that helps digest the food but once its gone you no longer have that and you end up having to find a new way to help the digestive tract no one will tell you this.

If you have a hysterectomy or a partial it is the same way. It may hurt you and cause you pain but if you remove it it will be worst than before and no one will ever tell you this. People are so happy that they removed it but will never tell you the negative to it. You may be suffering with this now but if you get it removed you are suppose to go on hormone therapy for it and be on hormones so that your body can balance back out but guess what, some people don't do it and causes them it feels horrible. 

You also may want to check out herbal teas and seamoss. Both can help out with a lot of things especially if you are having a hormone imbalance I would use chasteberries it good for helping the hormones
Chamomile flower is good for insomnia but I am allergic to it but there are different ones such as magnolia bark or leaf tea. 

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