Nature photography is an art that many people enjoy and appreciate. It's a great way to connect with nature, capture the beauty of the world around us, and share our passions with others. However, as with any art form, it can be challenging to acquire the necessary tools and equipment to bring our visions to life. One such tool is the lens - a vital component in the world of photography that can help us capture breathtaking landscapes and majestic wildlife. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to know which lens to choose. And with the rising costs of equipment and supplies, it can be a real challenge to afford the high-quality lenses we need to enhance our photography. That's why I'm asking for your support in helping me purchase a lens that will take my nature photography to the next level. Whether you're a fellow nature lover or simply appreciate the beauty of the world around us, I believe this lens will make an incredible difference in the quality and creativity of my photography. With your generous donation, I'll be able to share my passion and showcase the stunning beauty of nature with others. Thank you for your help in making my dream of nature photography a reality.
This blog has everything! I write about relationships, give advice, what to look for, things to notice, I write poems, and more. There are a few photography photos and reviews also. .
Monday, April 17, 2023
Thursday, December 8, 2022
PCOS- Things no one tells you about
No one talks about how when you have PCOS you are more prone to get sick. No one talks about how it can beat you down to the point some days are harder than others and you will end up having more pain.
No one talks about how drained you will feel due to the hormone imbalance that comes with it to the point that when you wake up, you just don't want to do anything nor feel like even being here sometimes or how worthless you can feel. You can even loose your sex drive with it.
No one talks about the sleepless nights due to insomnia, the hair loss, the weight gain, the diabetes that comes with it. It is like it is not even a concern and there is really no cure for it. It is something you are stuck with and there is no cure unless you get your hormones under control but as my doctor will say you have to loose weight but here is birth control so we can control your periods and if you did not know the side effects of birth control, it makes you gain weight.
PCOS is not a joke and it is nothing to take lightly. PCOS can cause a lot of problems including pain that is not manageable but you are pushing through it and not going to get checked out because they will tell you "There is nothing we can due until it is twisted." and all they will do is tell you to take over the counter pain meds to try to manage it.
The OBGYN will end up trying to put your on birth control whether it is IUD, pills, implant all while they to try to balance the hormones but be concerned when you are missing periods because it can end up being cancerous but they won't do anything for it but give birth control.
PCOS, only warning sign is late periods and pains. It can also mimic pregnancy in which I had not had a period for 3 years and when I went to my OBGYN and primary care, they all said I was not pregnant, it was just stress and I gained weight and if I loose weight it would come back when in fact it did not. I don't even really eat sweets, I don't really eat fried foods, nor fatty foods so, I am unsure where this was coming from.
One thing, about PCOS is sometimes, you will have to take period relief meds because nothing helps it and you will have to take breaks doing things. It can cause all kinds of issues throughout the body that you would never believe including dry, itchy skin, pain, headaches such as migraines, depression, anxiety, anxiousness, loss of apatite, makes you snack a lot and not be able to get full, causes fluid on your body, bloats, swells and it will drain you. The pains you can feel from it would be sharp, stabbing, achy, burning pain and it can often times be heavy.
It also causes bacterial vaginosis due to the fluids draining when the cyst pops so you can get some boric acid suppositories' that are for it and although it will burn it will help a lot.
The way that I found mine was not only were my periods were late, I was in so much pain on my left side to the point it had me doubled over and nauseous. When I went to the ER, they found it and it was like 3.9-4.5 cm and when I went back again it was at 4.9cm so it grew. I was told when it became 5.0cm is when they start to worry about twisting in which happens when it get to around 10cm so if you are having any pain please get checked out it is better safe than being sorry.
Also PCOS can be missed diagnosed, sometimes it does not have the ring of cysts it only has one or two like mine did but my doctor still classified it due to the cyst, pain, missing period, and facial hair growth.
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Hi guys, I would like to bring up a lot of points about women mensural cycle products. Most of the products that they are selling to us and telling us are healthy and safe actually are not. If you leave a tampon into long it causes toxic shock syndrome. Most of the things we stick inside our body and are using is not safe. The chemicals that it is made of is harming us can causing so much issues that we would never suspect it is them. Tampons and or women mensural products can cause PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD, PMS and so much more including cancer. Cancer is mutated cells that are caused from reaction to chemicals.
I am not telling you to not use the products but be careful and be mindful of what you are putting in your body and please do research to help you know more about things that can cause it.
If you are looking for alternatives check out this company they have washable pads and more
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