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Showing posts with label sickness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sickness. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Update again

 Hi guys! They upped my nausea meds, gave me a shot of nausea before I left the office yesterday 2-2-2023. They also did lab work for enzymes of my pancreas and that came back so I am cleared for pancreatitis. I also have sucralfate to coat my stomach so that way I am no longer puking but, it is still happening. 

 I have to do the stool H test since they could not get the blood one for me so, I have to poop in the medical cup and bring it back to the office so they can send it to the lab and see if there is the bacteria in it.

 I am still throwing up and nauseated,  I am having  pain on both left and right side of my body in the lower abdomen so, they are ordering a CT scan to check and see if there is anything else they can see and to also see about the cyst and if there is a gallstone stuck in my tubing since I no longer have a gallbladder. They are scheduling an OBGYN and an gastroenterologist appointment also to make sure I am squared away. So hopefully we can get more answers soon.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

My health update

 Hi guys, I am suffering a lot. I have been nauseous for a month now and I had a doctors appointment the 17th of January since I went to the hospital on the 15th for all of this and all they did was take my pee and test it so I decided to schedule a doctors appointment because this is not right. 

I thought I had food poisoning but this is the longest case of "food poisoning" ever in which it is not food poisoning. 

 The doctor gave me omeprazole to rule out if the GERD is causing it in which it is not because if it was the omeprazole would prevent it since it has been a week of taking it. 

 I had blood work done and it came back normal but I am still nauseous and they had to up my nausea meds. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist to check my hormone levels and see if there is something that the doctors missed. I also have an H test schedule to see if there are any bacteria brewing inside of me that the labs missed. This has been a journey and it has taken a toll of me.  

I can barely eat anything without having to throw it up now or being nauseated also it will come out in diarrhea so something is wrong and I am hoping they can find what it is.  

My weight, I went from 235+ to 229 which was impressive because I didn't even know I lost anything. I do not eat any fatty or greasy foods, I do not eat any process foods either. I eat baked, grilled or air fried foods and I have cut out a lot of sugar and caffeine.   

Also, I am having muscle aches and weakness so I hope in March, when the endocrinologist can tell me something to help me also, I have another OB appointment with a different OB to get a second opinion on what is going on. It could be something with my PCOS that is being over looked or something. 

Also periods, are shorter than normal, My period lasted 3 days and on the 4th day it came back light pink and went off so I feel something is wrong there.

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