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Showing posts with label UTERUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UTERUS. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Problems with PCOS

 With PCOS they do not tell you how bad it is. It can make your days hard. They do not tell you you will be in pain most of the days until the cyst pops and then you will be in more pain for a few more days. They do not tell you that anything can aggravate it, your moods will be at full force swinging and your anxiety will be at an all time high. They do not tell you that it can cause seizures that I have been experiencing due to hormone changes and nothing nothing can really help with the hot flashes. It is almost like menopause. 

You will gain a lot of weight but then they expect you to some how loose it when you don't even know how you got it. They will try to push you on birth control thinking that is going to help it but you are just going to gain more weight and make them money off of it every time you go get the refills. 

They do not tell you the ups and downs about it. They don't really tell you anything about it. They say its where your eggs fail to release and it causes build up in fluids. They say you can notice it when you miss a period well, I missed 3 years worth and took multiple pregnancy tests when my spouse has a vasectomy trying to make sure we are in the clear.

 I even went to the hospital multiple times, primary multiple times and even got a second opinion and some how everyone missed it they all were thinking I am pregnant. I even went to my OBGYN the first time and she didn't do anything nor checked me. She won't even do a scan but says oh it's not good it can become cancer if you don't have a period for so long even though I went to her and others multiple times trying to get help.

I threw up all of my supper last night which was a salad because it was light. They don't tell you that it will happen. They won't tell you had bad it will hurt and how when you move when its hurting it feels like you are ripping and its folding down feeling like its going to fall out. When I first went for this feeling they found my cyst but when I went for it again they did another scan on it and it gotten bigger.

I know, I know peoples bodies are different and different things will happen but its just weird how it happens. 

 Did you know the cyst will make you look pregnant? That is when they decide to go in and take it out they won't do anything for it when its there but they wait until it gets hazardous and can cause harm. 

They tell you to just take over the counter pain meds when it happens and rest. 

Get your hormones back balanced with this Fenugreek

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Gallbladder pain/ removal, hysterectomy

Ever been seen by your doctor and you've started to notice that you are going more constantly for the pains or discomfort or your body is doing what it needs to do or suppose to do and you are feeling sick, tired and drained more often? 

If you are having gallbladder issues that is causing you pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea it would be best to change your diet and stop eating process foods, fatty foods, foods that contains high amounts of sugar because that will not help it. It will make it worst to the point you feel like you are dying and trust me after getting your gallbladder removed will feel the same way and it gets worst but then there's no organ to be removed because they already took it. 

If you've had it removed you will experience irritable bowel system (IBS) and then that hurts worst and causes more pain and issues and if you are like me, you will not get the diarrhea that comes after it. Most people say you will get diarrhea right after the surgery but that was not the case for me. It happened way later. I also have GERD and a bunch of other fun digestive issues from it even to the point I feel like I am dying. A thing to help the digestive issue would be Bile salt. Because the gallbladder was in control of the bile that is made by the liver and it releases it within the intake of food and nutrients but having a liquid that helps digest the food but once its gone you no longer have that and you end up having to find a new way to help the digestive tract no one will tell you this.

If you have a hysterectomy or a partial it is the same way. It may hurt you and cause you pain but if you remove it it will be worst than before and no one will ever tell you this. People are so happy that they removed it but will never tell you the negative to it. You may be suffering with this now but if you get it removed you are suppose to go on hormone therapy for it and be on hormones so that your body can balance back out but guess what, some people don't do it and causes them it feels horrible. 

You also may want to check out herbal teas and seamoss. Both can help out with a lot of things especially if you are having a hormone imbalance I would use chasteberries it good for helping the hormones
Chamomile flower is good for insomnia but I am allergic to it but there are different ones such as magnolia bark or leaf tea. 

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