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Showing posts with label TREATMENT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TREATMENT. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

PCOS, Diabetics, Herbals to help the body

 If you are having PCOS and your doctor is not doing anything for it and you are in pain to the point that nothing you do is working. Go to your local Walmart or order on amazon grab you some Cystex PM which will help the pain while you are sleeping and then get some Furocyst

Furocyst and Turmeric will help you with your pain, period cramps, and it will help you if you do not have a period. It helps regulate your blood sugar and insulin and does so much more than what they can give. It is all natural and will help you regulate your hormones and period without the birth control and pharmaceuticals that they push.

It will help with the swelling of the uterus and ovary. It can even make the cyst disappear and no longer bother you.

 Doctors do not want to tell you this because they get paid for how many visits you have and get part of the money from the medications that they prescribed. 

My doctor only prescribed me birth control and did not explain anything and hoping that it helps and that I can loose weight in reality the birth control is just going to put more weight on me and mess with the hormones that she failed to check. So I am looking into different things to help me and those two I know helped me.

Fenugreek helps produce breastmilk, lower blood sugar, boost testosterone in men, helps with cholesterol levels, helps with inflammation, helps with loosing weight if you need it and balancing hormones, helps with itchy skin and so much more including fever, vomiting and it is nothing but a herb so be careful if you are allergic to fenugreek seeds. It also has vitamins in it. It is just like Furocyst but a little better. 

If you are needing something else to lower your blood sugar and help you loose weight Chromium helps with that also.

Turmeric helps with inflammation and swelling by lowering blood pressure and it can also help increase the bile that is in the stomach to help digestion better.

Cinnamon helps the gut health and is used for anti bacterial. It can also help loose weight and if you mix it with turmeric it can help with cold symptoms and creates antibodies that allows you to detox your body. Cinnamon also helps with reducing fast blood sugar and could help with lowering the diabetic symptoms. 

Curcumin helps with parts of the body that is inflamed by relieving it and working as an inflammatory. It can help with anxiety, arthritis, high cholesterol and fats that is in the blood.

Ginger works as an inflammatory and helps with the digestive tract. 

Aloe Vera helps increase insulin levels and helps the kidney. It also helps with anxiety and depression and relieves stress.

Dandelion, fennel helps the digestive tract.

Fennel helps with anemia, skin, works as an anti-inflammatory and helps with heart. It is a wonderful source of fiber.

Dandelion helps with anti-inflammatory, blood sugar, lower blood pressure, help with liver health and could possibly help with weight loss.

Catnip tea helps with intestinal and digestive tracts and it also helps with babies that have colic which is a lot of air and built up gas on their tummy. 

Gymnema destroys sugar and helps lower the sugar that is in the blood to allow your body to produce insulin better and fight off diabetes.

If you get your gallbladder out you will need liver support and bile salt or ox salt that will help your body be strong and process the fats and helps keep your body healthy. Get it here





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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Gallbladder pain/ removal, hysterectomy

Ever been seen by your doctor and you've started to notice that you are going more constantly for the pains or discomfort or your body is doing what it needs to do or suppose to do and you are feeling sick, tired and drained more often? 

If you are having gallbladder issues that is causing you pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea it would be best to change your diet and stop eating process foods, fatty foods, foods that contains high amounts of sugar because that will not help it. It will make it worst to the point you feel like you are dying and trust me after getting your gallbladder removed will feel the same way and it gets worst but then there's no organ to be removed because they already took it. 

If you've had it removed you will experience irritable bowel system (IBS) and then that hurts worst and causes more pain and issues and if you are like me, you will not get the diarrhea that comes after it. Most people say you will get diarrhea right after the surgery but that was not the case for me. It happened way later. I also have GERD and a bunch of other fun digestive issues from it even to the point I feel like I am dying. A thing to help the digestive issue would be Bile salt. Because the gallbladder was in control of the bile that is made by the liver and it releases it within the intake of food and nutrients but having a liquid that helps digest the food but once its gone you no longer have that and you end up having to find a new way to help the digestive tract no one will tell you this.

If you have a hysterectomy or a partial it is the same way. It may hurt you and cause you pain but if you remove it it will be worst than before and no one will ever tell you this. People are so happy that they removed it but will never tell you the negative to it. You may be suffering with this now but if you get it removed you are suppose to go on hormone therapy for it and be on hormones so that your body can balance back out but guess what, some people don't do it and causes them it feels horrible. 

You also may want to check out herbal teas and seamoss. Both can help out with a lot of things especially if you are having a hormone imbalance I would use chasteberries it good for helping the hormones
Chamomile flower is good for insomnia but I am allergic to it but there are different ones such as magnolia bark or leaf tea. 

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