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Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2023

Feeling lost in life (Not sure what suppose to do)

 It's common to feel unsure about what you want to do with your life, and it's okay to take some time to figure it out. Here are some steps you can take to gain clarity:

Self-reflection: Spend some time thinking about your interests, strengths, values, and passions. What activities do you enjoy? What do you excel at? What is important to you? What motivates you?

Explore: Look into different career paths, hobbies, and volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and values. This can help you discover new passions and give you a better sense of what you enjoy doing.

Experiment: Try out different things to gain practical experience and test your interests. You could take courses, internships, shadowing or even take a gap year to travel and explore.

Talk to others: Seek advice and guidance from people you respect and trust, such as family, friends, mentors or career counselors. They may have insights or perspectives that can help you better understand yourself and your options.

Remember that finding your path is a journey, not a destination. It's okay to make mistakes or change directions along the way. What's important is that you stay curious, open-minded, and willing to take action towards your goals.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Doctors who lie on their paperwork just to make them look good like they actually did something when they basically tell you plain out that they aren't going to do what they are suppose to do. I went to the endocrinologist today for a hormone check and she didn't. 

She rather me sit there and listen to her to go on about how my weight is the cause of diabetes and insulin resistance when I don't have neither of them. She would not listen to me but kept wanting to talk about her agenda. 

I have been puking my guts out and having diarrhea for the last 3 months pain included and all I wanted was my hormones checked for my PCOS but no, she said she wasn't going to. So I asked her why am I here for then and left. 

She kept bringing up my weight when none of my other doctors are saying a thing about it. She kept saying diabetes and insulin resistance when all my blood work came back okay. 

I basically have had enough with this. Hospitals and my PCP do not know what's going on to cause this and I have an GI appointment tomorrow but I am going to another hospital that basically is known to figure things out before any of the others.

 The GI doctor basically has an idea of what is causing everything but she cannot officially rule it until I get the colonoscopy done and the Endoscopy done to be sure she knows what she is looking at.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

My life update...

 I am in college for medical coding and billing. I am graduating in November 7th. I am then going back for medical administration whenever this term ends my new term begins. I also support streamers and those trying to achieve their goals and dreams.

 I am a mom, and a wife but I am so tired to the point I am burning myself out. I am drained, my PCOS is acting up really bad and its to the point that it is both sides that is hurting me and causing me pain. It is also burning. 

My plans are to finish my certificate and then go out into the field to work since this would be my first actual job ever just so that I can support my family but I feel like it will be to much on me and a toll on my mental I will not be able to pass the NHA test. 

I actually no longer sleep at night due to having insomnia and when I go to sleep, I do not stay asleep. I am so tired and so drained that maybe soon I can get back on my feet and able to do the things I want and need to do. 

I no longer have an income from affiliate marketing and no matter how hard I push and promote nothing is coming from it and it sucks. I have been stressing ever since September but it is doing no good. I even explained how I was feeling since birthdays and Christmas is coming up but what is the point. 

He had been accepted to 2 job but yet he decided to wait for the other one and then things happen and now we are just sitting ducks again. Because he is now waiting on it to refresh contracts which sucks. 

I would like to also say we have covid for the 4th time this year... 

Check out my blog where I use to make it with affiliate links from reviews. 

Check out the gaming blog 

Twitch affiliate check out my gaming 

My ko-fi 


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Bug bites?

Have you got an itchy bug bite that every time you scratch it it got bigger and started swelling and hurting and itched non stop?

Have you ever have something bite you and or sting you and it hurts like crazy to the point you did not know what to do?

Garlic Clove is the key of getting venom out of a bug bite. It helps suck out all of that bad stuff and to the point it goes away kind of sort of. It helps remove the bad so it doesn't hurt, itch or bother you anymore. You can hold it there or use something to hold it there for you. I use a band-aid or something something like a stretchy hair band. This helps a lot. No more itchy bites no more anything really.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Sometimes depression can be so severe that you yourself cannot tell. It takes someone around you to notice how bad it is.
You believe your being normal and acting normal but you’re really not. Your thinking to yourself that everything is okay as your trying to keep it all together you slowly break and crack as your crying on the inside and pretending to smile on the out.
You just want to cry, and cry and cry not even move, not even be bothered. Your hurting so much you're getting thoughts and they are not good. You kind of want it all to end but your trying to hang on. Your emotions are everywhere, and you cannot control it.
Everyone notices how you push yourself away. You barely eat, you barely want to be noticed. It’s like your just there, like you don't matter, like your worthless and useless and everything is passing you by.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! There is many of people out there that feels like this, I even feel and felt like this most of my life till now. No matter how much your comforted no matter how many times people tell you; you matter, they love you, your more than this it still hits, and it hits harder than they know, and it makes it worse.
It's all a process sometimes it gets better other times it comes back worse but there are many people out here that feels this way and there are many people who are a shoulder to cry on.
There are also people out here who is willing to listen and help and those people know how to help and has been down this road one time in life and those are the people who are our Superhero.      

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Parenting Isn't easy! Tips and tricks ( Preview, Get your copy today!) - Buy your copy today!


Moming and parenting is not easy once so ever. For the mother they cannot do anything for pain but tell you Tylenol is best but it hardly helps. They cannot do anything for the rib pain or any kind of pain you just suffer and it’s great if you have the dad around they can help a lot. Parenting is the best feeling in the world you try your hardest to make sure the baby has everything he or she needs no matter how hard life gets or how bad you hurt.

Things that helped me get through my pain.

Tylenol extra strength (went to hospital they gave me something don’t remember what it was but worked wonders)
Massages from spouse. (Best to have them there they are biggest support and are very helpful.)
Heating pad (can’t leave it no longer than 15-20 minutes.

Labor do’s and don’ts


Don’t take castor oil. It can harm the baby and they can poop in the womb and they can suffocate from the poop it’s bad.
Walk, walk, walk it’s the best thing to get into labor
Don’t rush the baby; They will come on own time

    • Bumpy roads help so does train tracks

  • You can swing 
  • Eat pineapple 
  • Stimulating nipples 
  • Spicy foods
  • Exercise (don’t overdo it) 
  • Primrose oil works (tablet or pill you can put near cervix or in a bath your choice. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Life after baby; Postpartum.

There is a lot of things that women go through after having a baby that some people do not understand.
We have a lot to go through from pain to depression to everything under they sun.

There is a lot of things that we try to cope with and hide like the fact that in postpartum depression the baby can feel like it's not yours, you may gain suicidal thoughts, everything feels like its going wrong that you are horrible and start blaming yourself for everything. There are also hidden feelings and emotions you have that you did not know you have. You can also say things you don't mean.

I just want to say, it's all going to be okay, you have came along way. You got this! you have a little one who needs you. You have a reason to keep going even if it all feels like its going to end, like the whole world is falling on your shoulders you have to push through and keep strong for your little one! It's hard trying to wake up each day and you want to give up I know. I have a newborn and a 1 year old. It's a struggle but you just have to keep moving. A support system is the best thing to have no matter who it is. Someone to talk to is really important and helps. Exercising or doing something you love helps to. I have had and still having battles and wanted to give up but I can not because I have two babies depending on me and not letting me give up. You can also go to your doctor and tell them about it and they will give you antidepressants. You can also go to a therapist, Don't worry many women go through this and some just don't feel comfortable talking about it.

There are others out there that are just like us, you are not alone please feel free to reach out to someone and talk about everything, it helps!

Monday, November 6, 2017

My life in a quick shot.

Being pregnant and in college is some what hard. I have a 10 month old son already and we are due in December again. There is a lot on my plate trying to juggle both but nothing is impossible. Money is really tight to the point we can hardly pay any bills. My husband can not work due to he is back in school also and has to help tend to our son because I am on bedrest. I have tried all I can to get money up for bills but struggling to. eBay didn't work out and so we are trying again looking for some way to make money I am trying to sale my photography to get money for bills and the babies birthdays and christmas and it's extremely hard. Facebook is not really helping either. We are trying to sale but nothing is working.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Ways to help stress

A good stress relievers are fishing, hunting, exercising, writing, reading, hiking, meditating, listening to music, cooking, playing sports or doing whatever hobby it is you like to do; do it. Don't let things in this life get you down. There are many things in this life and sometimes we all hit the breaking point but don't do anything to cause harm. Just get away from what is stressing you and try to see the good in life. I know it's hard but you have to sometimes just get away from things in life that are trying to overcome and defeat you but you have to step above it and become the higher power of whatever it is in life that is trying to get you. Everyone has there storm but it will not last forever.

A Wise Man

A wise man once told me that things will never go the way you want them to go. He also told me that people will come and go and some will try to use you. Do things yourself to get it done never depend on anyone because waiting on you may end up causing you to fail and for things to not get done. Sometimes you will need help and you will struggle but try your hardest and try for yourself but at times it never hurts for you to ask for help. 

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