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Showing posts with label hormones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hormones. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2023

Dream Water

 Sometimes we all need something to help us sleep. Sometimes melatonin isn't helping or it makes you feel drained or groggy. Melatonin isn't the best to help you sleep especially if you have to take it every night .

 If you are a like me and get headaches from melatonin try Dream Water. Dream water not only has melatonin in it it has other supplements that are great for the body skin, hair and nails. This is prefect for those who are like me and suffer from insomnia or just cannot stay asleep.  

Dream water is a brand of sleep aid product that claims to help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. The product is typically sold in small bottles and contains a blend of natural ingredients, such as melatonin, GABA, and 5-HTP, which are believed to help calm the mind and body.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles, while GABA is an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system. 5-HTP is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is involved in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep.

Dream water is intended to be consumed about 30 minutes before bedtime, and the company recommends drinking the entire bottle in one sitting. However, it's always important to talk to your doctor before trying any new sleep aid, as some ingredients may interact with medications or have side effects. Additionally, improving sleep habits and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can also help promote better sleep without the use of sleep aids.

Get Dream water here and get you best sleep.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

PCOS- Things no one tells you about


No one talks about how when you have PCOS you are more prone to get sick. No one talks about how it can beat you down to the point some days are harder than others and you will end up having more pain. 

No one talks about how drained you will feel due to the hormone imbalance that comes with it to the point that when you wake up, you just don't want to do anything nor feel like even being here sometimes or how worthless you can feel. You can even loose your sex drive with it.

No one talks about the sleepless nights due to insomnia, the hair loss, the weight gain, the diabetes that comes with it. It is like it is not even a concern and there is really no cure for it. It is something you are stuck with and there is no cure unless you get your hormones under control but as my doctor will say you have to loose weight but here is birth control so we can control your periods and if you did not know the side effects of birth  control, it makes you gain weight. 

 PCOS is not a joke and it is nothing to take lightly. PCOS can cause a lot of problems including pain that is not manageable but you are pushing through it and not going to get checked out because they will tell you "There is nothing we can due until it is twisted." and all they will do is tell you to take over the counter pain meds to try to manage it.

 The OBGYN will end up trying to put your on birth control whether it is IUD, pills, implant all while they to try to balance the hormones but be concerned when you are missing periods because it can end up being cancerous but they won't do anything for it but give birth control.  

PCOS, only warning sign is late periods and pains. It can also mimic pregnancy in which I had not had a period for 3 years and when I went to my OBGYN and primary care, they all said I was not pregnant, it was just stress and I gained weight and if I loose weight it would come back when in fact it did not. I don't even really eat sweets, I don't really eat fried foods, nor fatty foods so, I am unsure where this was coming from. 

One thing, about PCOS is sometimes, you will have to take period relief meds because nothing helps it and you will have to take breaks doing things. It can cause all kinds of issues throughout the body that you would never believe including dry, itchy skin, pain, headaches such as migraines, depression, anxiety, anxiousness, loss of apatite, makes you snack a lot and not be able to get full, causes fluid on your body,  bloats, swells and it will drain you. The pains you can feel from it would be sharp, stabbing, achy, burning pain and it can often times be heavy. 

 It also causes  bacterial vaginosis due to the fluids draining when the cyst pops so you can get some boric acid suppositories' that are for it and although it will burn it will help a lot.

The way that I found mine was not only were my periods were late, I was in so much pain on my left side to the point it had me doubled over and nauseous. When I went to the ER, they found it and it was like 3.9-4.5 cm and when I went back again it was at 4.9cm so it grew. I was told when it became 5.0cm is when they start to worry about twisting in which happens when it get to around 10cm so if you are having any pain please get checked out it is better safe than being sorry. 

Also PCOS can be missed diagnosed, sometimes it does not have the ring of cysts it only has one or two like mine did but my doctor still classified it due to the cyst, pain, missing period, and facial hair growth. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Problems with PCOS

 With PCOS they do not tell you how bad it is. It can make your days hard. They do not tell you you will be in pain most of the days until the cyst pops and then you will be in more pain for a few more days. They do not tell you that anything can aggravate it, your moods will be at full force swinging and your anxiety will be at an all time high. They do not tell you that it can cause seizures that I have been experiencing due to hormone changes and nothing nothing can really help with the hot flashes. It is almost like menopause. 

You will gain a lot of weight but then they expect you to some how loose it when you don't even know how you got it. They will try to push you on birth control thinking that is going to help it but you are just going to gain more weight and make them money off of it every time you go get the refills. 

They do not tell you the ups and downs about it. They don't really tell you anything about it. They say its where your eggs fail to release and it causes build up in fluids. They say you can notice it when you miss a period well, I missed 3 years worth and took multiple pregnancy tests when my spouse has a vasectomy trying to make sure we are in the clear.

 I even went to the hospital multiple times, primary multiple times and even got a second opinion and some how everyone missed it they all were thinking I am pregnant. I even went to my OBGYN the first time and she didn't do anything nor checked me. She won't even do a scan but says oh it's not good it can become cancer if you don't have a period for so long even though I went to her and others multiple times trying to get help.

I threw up all of my supper last night which was a salad because it was light. They don't tell you that it will happen. They won't tell you had bad it will hurt and how when you move when its hurting it feels like you are ripping and its folding down feeling like its going to fall out. When I first went for this feeling they found my cyst but when I went for it again they did another scan on it and it gotten bigger.

I know, I know peoples bodies are different and different things will happen but its just weird how it happens. 

 Did you know the cyst will make you look pregnant? That is when they decide to go in and take it out they won't do anything for it when its there but they wait until it gets hazardous and can cause harm. 

They tell you to just take over the counter pain meds when it happens and rest. 

Get your hormones back balanced with this Fenugreek

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

PCOS, Diabetics, Herbals to help the body

 If you are having PCOS and your doctor is not doing anything for it and you are in pain to the point that nothing you do is working. Go to your local Walmart or order on amazon grab you some Cystex PM which will help the pain while you are sleeping and then get some Furocyst

Furocyst and Turmeric will help you with your pain, period cramps, and it will help you if you do not have a period. It helps regulate your blood sugar and insulin and does so much more than what they can give. It is all natural and will help you regulate your hormones and period without the birth control and pharmaceuticals that they push.

It will help with the swelling of the uterus and ovary. It can even make the cyst disappear and no longer bother you.

 Doctors do not want to tell you this because they get paid for how many visits you have and get part of the money from the medications that they prescribed. 

My doctor only prescribed me birth control and did not explain anything and hoping that it helps and that I can loose weight in reality the birth control is just going to put more weight on me and mess with the hormones that she failed to check. So I am looking into different things to help me and those two I know helped me.

Fenugreek helps produce breastmilk, lower blood sugar, boost testosterone in men, helps with cholesterol levels, helps with inflammation, helps with loosing weight if you need it and balancing hormones, helps with itchy skin and so much more including fever, vomiting and it is nothing but a herb so be careful if you are allergic to fenugreek seeds. It also has vitamins in it. It is just like Furocyst but a little better. 

If you are needing something else to lower your blood sugar and help you loose weight Chromium helps with that also.

Turmeric helps with inflammation and swelling by lowering blood pressure and it can also help increase the bile that is in the stomach to help digestion better.

Cinnamon helps the gut health and is used for anti bacterial. It can also help loose weight and if you mix it with turmeric it can help with cold symptoms and creates antibodies that allows you to detox your body. Cinnamon also helps with reducing fast blood sugar and could help with lowering the diabetic symptoms. 

Curcumin helps with parts of the body that is inflamed by relieving it and working as an inflammatory. It can help with anxiety, arthritis, high cholesterol and fats that is in the blood.

Ginger works as an inflammatory and helps with the digestive tract. 

Aloe Vera helps increase insulin levels and helps the kidney. It also helps with anxiety and depression and relieves stress.

Dandelion, fennel helps the digestive tract.

Fennel helps with anemia, skin, works as an anti-inflammatory and helps with heart. It is a wonderful source of fiber.

Dandelion helps with anti-inflammatory, blood sugar, lower blood pressure, help with liver health and could possibly help with weight loss.

Catnip tea helps with intestinal and digestive tracts and it also helps with babies that have colic which is a lot of air and built up gas on their tummy. 

Gymnema destroys sugar and helps lower the sugar that is in the blood to allow your body to produce insulin better and fight off diabetes.

If you get your gallbladder out you will need liver support and bile salt or ox salt that will help your body be strong and process the fats and helps keep your body healthy. Get it here





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