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Showing posts with label hurting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hurting. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2023

My health update

 Hi guys, I am suffering a lot. I have been nauseous for a month now and I had a doctors appointment the 17th of January since I went to the hospital on the 15th for all of this and all they did was take my pee and test it so I decided to schedule a doctors appointment because this is not right. 

I thought I had food poisoning but this is the longest case of "food poisoning" ever in which it is not food poisoning. 

 The doctor gave me omeprazole to rule out if the GERD is causing it in which it is not because if it was the omeprazole would prevent it since it has been a week of taking it. 

 I had blood work done and it came back normal but I am still nauseous and they had to up my nausea meds. I have an appointment with the endocrinologist to check my hormone levels and see if there is something that the doctors missed. I also have an H test schedule to see if there are any bacteria brewing inside of me that the labs missed. This has been a journey and it has taken a toll of me.  

I can barely eat anything without having to throw it up now or being nauseated also it will come out in diarrhea so something is wrong and I am hoping they can find what it is.  

My weight, I went from 235+ to 229 which was impressive because I didn't even know I lost anything. I do not eat any fatty or greasy foods, I do not eat any process foods either. I eat baked, grilled or air fried foods and I have cut out a lot of sugar and caffeine.   

Also, I am having muscle aches and weakness so I hope in March, when the endocrinologist can tell me something to help me also, I have another OB appointment with a different OB to get a second opinion on what is going on. It could be something with my PCOS that is being over looked or something. 

Also periods, are shorter than normal, My period lasted 3 days and on the 4th day it came back light pink and went off so I feel something is wrong there.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

It has gotten old...


The repeating myself has gotten old. 

The me expecting you to do something has gotten old.

Me explaining my stress, worries and fears seems to do nothing until I start crying and screaming at the top of my lungs for you to do something because I am sick and tired of living like this. I am tired of you saying you'll do it and you'll get it done and you fail to do it. 

I am so tired of this.

You said it wouldn't be like this and I believe you... That was my fault for believing you that you are actually going to do something. 

My expectations were always to high for you. It's like you have taken me for a joke and don't even act like my cares, my fears, or anything I want mattered. 

The stress that I feel daily is getting old... 

I have lived far to long like this and I am not living like this anymore. I am going to start doing things on my own and not depend on you because it doesn't matter, the responsibility that you were suppose to take as a man, as a provider, your not doing it but making excuses and I am no longer listening to them.

I'm sick of the back and forth and yelling, I am sick of it all. I'm so tired and I do not want to continue to live this way. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

The Gallbladder Attacks

When the gallbladder attacks it's no joke. I was pregnant with my second last year and it got worst but they wouldn't take it out till the middle of my pregnancy but because it didn't really act up as much then they didn't and when it did it was 3rd trimester and they couldn't.
  At the beginning I had an ERCP and it's where they take a camera with a light and they crushed a gallstone and took it out in pieces because it was stuck in my duct. The doc had to put a pancreatic stent in because the dye kept running into it and I ended up having more pain and had to get a EDG done to remove it. Now almost 3 months after my pregnancy I'm still having attacks and suffering no matter what I do and how much I try to prevent it it still is happening but they won't take it out till it's infected or about to bust open.  It sends pains and shocks through the chest, abdomen and back along with the shoulder. Sometimes it feels like an heart attack or something much worst whenever you eat certain things. I go see my doc or even go to the hospital they won't do anything but send me back to my doc and then tell me to schedule an appointment with the surgeon but last time I seen him he said he won't till it gets to the infection point so I'm stuck with it till further notice...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Being a mom in college

College is difficult when you have 2 kids. It is also difficult when you are trying to rest after getting surgery. I had a C-section December 27th, I got to leave on December 29th. Things are straining us. We are struggling to pay bills. My birthday is January 27th. I don't want to celebrate it I am to weak and tired and hurting. I just want to not be stressed. I want to be able to pay my bill and that will be fine with me. I haven't got a gift for my birthday in about 3 years. I haven't got a cake in God knows when. This is tough. I can't even hold my 1 year old because he is to heavy. I can barely hold myself up to walk, my husband has to help me walk because I cannot. He is also in school and tending to our kids and me all at the sametime and I know he's worried and stressed and I just want to be able to help. I just want to get better and be stressed free.

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