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Showing posts with label menstrual cycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label menstrual cycle. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2022


Be Prepared. Period

 Hi guys, I would like to bring up a lot of points about women mensural cycle products. Most of the products that they are selling to us and telling us are healthy and safe actually are not. If you leave a tampon into long it causes toxic shock syndrome. Most of the things we stick inside our body and are using is not safe. The chemicals that it is made of is harming us can causing so much issues that we would never suspect it is them. Tampons and or women mensural products can cause PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD, PMS and so much more including cancer. Cancer is mutated cells that are caused from reaction to chemicals. 

 I am not telling you to not use the products but be careful and be mindful of what you are putting in your body and please do research to help you know more about things that can cause it. 

If you are looking for alternatives check out this company they have washable pads and more



Thursday, June 16, 2022

An update about me; I have PCOS

 So, lately I have been sick and feeling miserable, drained, exhausted, overwhelmed and anxious. It seemed that it was getting worst and the anxiety attacks were not helping. This was becoming worst than all the other pain I have been having. In my teens, starting at 10 years old I suffered heavy periods to the point the pain was excruciating and it was basically hard for me to do anything for the first couple days. I would lay around with heating pad on my lower abdomen to my leg because the cramps would be so bad that it would hurt my legs. Sometimes it would also give me butt cramps to the point I don't even wanna move. I would have to leave school early and not even go is how bad they were. My mothers was just like this but they never diagnosed her with anything except they had to operate on her uterus due to it being heart shaped. They basically gave her birth control for this and then she tried to get me on it to help regulate it but they would not do anything for me so I was stuck suffering with it. So fast forward to me being in my late teens it was getting worst and I was having mystery pain.

No one could figure it out no one knew how to diagnose it. I was sick to my stomach, it hurt to move and it did not matter what I did. I felt like I was bleeding to death. There was so much blood every time it was enough for a crime scene. There's no way a person should be bleeding like this but I did.

When I had my first child at the age of 19 it wasn't that bad. The bleeding after wasn't so bad. After my second child it wasn't all that bad either but after my third child is when it started to worry me. I bleed for about 3-5 weeks and then it stopped. I stopped bleeding and I had a concern about it. I went to the hospital for pain in my back and I brought up I haven't really had an period I was diagnosed with kidney stones and no one could tell where my period went. I got referred to my OBGYN and they said I was just stressed. Three years rolls around and I was still hurting and have not had a period. I was basically waiting on something to come on which probably won't anymore and I was in so much pain for a month or two and then it got worst over the past two weeks.

 I was in incredible amount of pain and it has been happening and coming and going for months. The first hospital I went to on the 9th of June basically told me they could not find anything on the CT scan and nothing was on the swabs from the pelvic exam. A few days go by and yesterday on the 15th of June I went to another hospital since my I had to call and make an appointment with OBGYN from the first hospital visit due to I don't and have not had an period in three years which was alarming and they said to go get checked out if it was not getting better and if the medicine the other hospital prescribed was no longer working in which it was not and their ER found I have PCOS and a cyst on my ovary along with an infection. This explained my horrible periods from my teen years until my early 20s and answered my question of why I was hurting so bad. Also this would explain my anxiety attacks, depression, mood swings and the itchiness all over my body along with my chin hair growth and plenty of other issues I have been having.

 Motive of all this is to keep a check and if something does not feel right then keep going and keep getting it checked and get second opinions.

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