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Showing posts with label intentions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intentions. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sketchy people

 Sketchy people are people who you cannot trust. The way they do or say things do not make sense and it's just so hard to trust them and understand. 

You should never trust these kinds of people because they will do anything they need and want to even if it hurts you or someone around you. 

Not everyone is your friend, and you cannot trust everyone. It does not matter how long you knew them anyone can switch up and cause you harm, so be careful of the company you keep. 

Many people who claimed to be friends with people ended up dying by them, hurt, robbed and so much more. People are evil and can be jealous of you and those around so be careful. 

Jealousy is real and people get jealous over the littlest things so be aware and watch those you call friends and family. 

Not everyone is going to be just like you and have the same heart you have they are all for themselves. 

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