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Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2022


Some people are not who they claim to be. They will not tell you exactly who they are now will they be honest to you. 
Have you ever dated someone and got catfish and you hated it so much because you genuinely poured your heart out and told them everything and they didn't tell you really anything and lied to you about their whole background?

 Yeah, that has happened to me also and many of others. Stay safe while dating and get a background check to be sure they are who they say they are and not lying just because they want to and you end up getting hurt from it. 


Social catfish is a website that gathers information about a person and helps those understand the person they are talking. 

Social catfish can clear up a lot of confusion and help you find out if the person is legit or not. Save yourself the heartache and trouble by using this site to find out if the person you have been talking to online is real or if they are fake. You can never be to cautious especially if you have kids. This may save them. 

Social catfish, uses their name, number, email, username, address and image so that you can check out and see if the image is real or fake or if they are giving you false information. This site does cost a little but it is worth it in the long run. It pulls all of their information including social media, jobs, past relationships, emails, phone number, forgotten profiles, online usernames, chatting apps, dating apps, social medias and basically anything it can find. This will save people from scammers and being scammed of love and other things.  


Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Never depend on a person to do anything because sometimes they will never do it. Don't expect them to because when you need help they are never there but when they need help you are always there. It's like you don't exist till they need you so the come out of the woodworks doesn't matter if y'all are friends or family some still disappear and you never see them again. Unless someone dies and then they be trying to talk trying to catch up all in your life but still talk about you behind your back and it's like why are you even trying when you wasn't there when I was falling and still talk about me. They always tell you family is suppose to be there that's what you was taught when you was raised but some family members are there because they done fell out with some family but yet they don't even know how to fix it and then its to late because the person is already going and moving on either with their lives or they are going into their forever home. I've learned that sometimes water is thicker than blood because friends are just one call away and they end up helping more than family does but then again you gotta watch who your friends are because some aren't they are just trying to watch you fall or they will have their hands out just like some of the family.

I've also learned that people (Family) are the most judgemental people you can ever meet not all but some. They have so much negative energy and try to bring people down to the point they feel like nothing. Some people are just sacks of shit and need to get off their high horse. We all are struggling somehow and are in need of help. We all wear out pants the same way. We all was taught how to deal with life differently. People are so quick to point fingers and not realize what they are doing. They blame other people for their own mistakes and try to cope with it. They get people in trouble who haven't done anything or those who won't harm a soul. There is so much negativity and diversity in this world. Some people need to open their eyes and realize what they are doing to those around them. Some also need to own up to their own mistakes. Just because we are getting somewhere and they are stuck in the same place and won't keep trying they just sit there. We are working hard but yet they are still there and gave up instead of asking for help and they looking all kinds of way because we are living and they aren't/ So watch who you put yourself around because not everyone wants to see you grown and some people are still waiting for you to fall to get  whatever they can out of you.

You can't trust everyone, everyone is not your friend... they only care and want what you can do for them but once you can't do it for them anymore or stop then they will show you their real selves. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Roses Have Thorns Just Like We Do

Roses have their thorns so that nothing
 can hurt them nor tear them down.
Just like most people 
we have thorns to help
protect us from thing
mainly people that 
try to attack us and 
knock us down.
We stand strong till 
Our last breath then we
Wither away and regrow again

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