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Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Saturday, November 11, 2023


 Thanksgiving is coming up quickly meaning you're going to need your odds and ends to serve guests. Thanksgiving means a lot to people and is a way to gather people together and be thankful for everything you have from families and friends. 

Thanksgiving sometimes is never the same because people fallout and end up being alone, or loved ones pass away leaving the rest in heart break and grief. Thanksgiving can end up becoming another day to those who miss the ones that passed away or just another day in general when you are thankful for all you have and those around you.

Holidays no longer feel the same as they did when I was growing up even though I have my own family its like the ones who made the holiday are long go and now that family is falling out and not getting along it's just another day sometimes. 

If you need thanksgiving supplies be sure to get them in bulk here! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas is coming

 Sometimes during the Christmas month, we are not sure what to get our significant other or spouse. We also often times are not sure what to get for family and honestly that is okay. 

I also know this is the time people are alone the most and don't celebrate it for reasons, so if you know someone who is like this, just go spend time with them and hang out. Don't let them be alone. Being alone for the holidays sucks and no one deserves to be alone. 

 This season is all about the thought that counts and anyone would be glad to receive anything that you get them. The season is also about giving and spend with one another and cherishing. 

I know sometimes people are not the best and family tend to be hateful or mean but one day they will regret it all and try to come back and if they do, let them. 

Try to see through it all and spend time with them and if you feel you cannot then don't. No reason to put yourself through this. I have a good heart so I always believe in second chances but sometimes it is best to just leave it alone rather than to be hurt. Trust me, I know. 

One day the people who done wrong will regret it all as they sit there and look back on it trying to figure out why no one visits them and why they ended up alone when it is there fault. 

But, I wish you all a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Merry Xmas, Happy new years and I love you all! 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Abandonment feeling by family

The abandoned feeling comes from many different ways and family is included. It is like my mother only cares about my little brothers accomplishments. 

I graduated college and got my certificate she only tells me she's proud of me but my brother graduates and she's posting it all over Facebook. I just don't get it. 

They never come to see me, it is always me to go see them. They never ask me how I am, they don't even talk to me unless it's someone dies. They don't come see their grandkids it's me always taking them to see them. 

It's like I don't even matter to them. They don't care about me until something major happens to me and then they probably won't care then. 

It's the alone feeling I get the feeling of abandonment. The feeling of none of my accomplishments matter to them. 

Most days I feel like I am dying and I never even bother telling them. No point in it. Every time I come around it's like job and work and everyone else tells things that they are doing but no one cares about me it feels like and it sucks. They act like I haven't been looking for work or jobs but with my health no one will hire me.

They were right, people pick and choose who there favorites are, I guess that is the reason I'm the black sheep of the family.

 When I get my degree, I'm not even going to bother telling them. When I buy my first home, I'm not even gonna bother telling them, no point in it. 

They rather hang out with my old friend from high school and her parents instead of me so be it.

I didn't realize that when I grew up, I would be alone... 

We would get made fun of and threatened if we did wrong, we got made fun of from our weight in which it isn't our fault. Growing up wasn't the greatest, I would stick to myself and not bother, pretend I wasn't there stayed in my room cause I didn't feel like I was welcomed...

They would never take us to the beach, they would always drop us off at our aunts so they could go to the beach with my fathers parents every year for my parents anniversary but claim they would take us. My bother went to the beaches and other trips with his friends.

 I went to the beach back in like 2017 for the first time before I got married. They never took us anywhere really. We never went to the zoo, never went to Carowinds or an amusement park, it was we never really went anywhere and it sucks, we never spent time with them at all. The first time ever I went to Carowinds was on a school field trip in middle school and that was it. 

I don't have any trips with family to remember, I don't have time with family to cherish all I have is sadness and misery due to they never really done anything with us.

 It is like I missed out while others were able to go out and have fun and go to different places and now, that I am older, I want to take my kids out and I want to show them things I never got to do. 

So I am becoming the person that I needed when I was growing up. 

Also want you to know, that abandonment feeling will never go away. The feeling of being alone will never go away. Does not matter if you're married, have friends, or have a partner, you will just have to cope with it and find away because no matter how many people there are around you, you will always feel alone. 

You are never alone with me. I love you!

Monday, December 12, 2022


 Sometimes, it is best to let go of those you love but you can tell that they don't love you by the way they act and treating you.

They act like you are always going to be there, call you names, treat you horribly, say things you want to hear but none of it is true all while treating your like you barely exist and or a second opinion. 

They believe they can treat you any kind of way and manipulate you until you finally have had enough and leave. That is where the shocker becomes to them, they think you would never leave and you believe everything that they say.  They will make it seem like you are the bad guy and try everything to make you feel like you did something and make you feel worthless when in actuality you are not worthless and you have done nothing wrong. 

It is all them trying to manipulate you into thinking this and they will end up making it seem like no one wants you and try to keep you away from your friends and family but this is not true it is a ploy so they can keep you to themselves without having eyes and having those that care about you tell you what they are doing and try to intervene in the "relationship" in anyway. 

A way to spot this is by the way they sound and the tone that they use when you are going out with friends and family and or them getting mad and jealous over you when you decide to do something for yourself. 

A healthy relationship will not have the jealousy or will try to keep you to themselves, they will allow your friends and family to be around and not try to manipulate you into thinking anything bad or feeling any kind of way other than happy and loved. 

If you feel you are taking so much out of you time worried about what others are doing to the point you are "stalking" them because they deleted you or you deleted them because of the consequence of their actions and threating you horribly. 

Don't put yourself through this. It will hurt but it is best to let go and move on and start living to yourself because eventually the right person will come along and help you and love you the way you will need to be loved without hesitation and the lying and everything else the prier relationship has caused and as always talk to your partner, give boundaries and let them know everything that you been through and open up to them because sometimes that is what we need to do for those to understand us and our journey. 

Sometimes its best to let family go also, they do not see the best for you and only will make you miserable because you are doing things you want to and living your life all while they are miserable themselves.

Also, let go of the past, the past is not the present, use the past as a lesson and continue to move on. The past also does not define who you are so let it go. The past only made you stronger so do not let it hold you back. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sketchy people

 Sketchy people are people who you cannot trust. The way they do or say things do not make sense and it's just so hard to trust them and understand. 

You should never trust these kinds of people because they will do anything they need and want to even if it hurts you or someone around you. 

Not everyone is your friend, and you cannot trust everyone. It does not matter how long you knew them anyone can switch up and cause you harm, so be careful of the company you keep. 

Many people who claimed to be friends with people ended up dying by them, hurt, robbed and so much more. People are evil and can be jealous of you and those around so be careful. 

Jealousy is real and people get jealous over the littlest things so be aware and watch those you call friends and family. 

Not everyone is going to be just like you and have the same heart you have they are all for themselves. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

If I had the money...

 If I had 500,000, I would buy my first house. I would also pay my parents dues, give my mother in law a home of her own and give back whatever I had left to those in need.

 I would also give my little brother a little bit so he would not have to worry. I would make sure my family is taken care of before doing anything else with the money that is left.

 After all that I would get my friends gift cards or something that they need. I may save some or start a business but honestly I'm not worried about the money after all I got what I needed and wanted with it, while I had the money.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Repeating repeating repeating, am I the only one, do you love me, I am the only one you want, you don't want anyone else but me right?

Being watched over my should like I'm 12, are you talking about me, what are you talking about with them? I'm the only one right?

Constant, constant constantly being told I don't walk to you or tell you how I feel because you get mad. I don't even get mad its all you!

Constantly getting mad when I try to say how I feel. Repeating myself over and over and over and over again like a broken record player.

Getting to the point I'm tired of fussing and arguing and being blamed!

Get yourself together we've been together almost 4 years been married one and it's like a one man relationship at times!



Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Never depend on a person to do anything because sometimes they will never do it. Don't expect them to because when you need help they are never there but when they need help you are always there. It's like you don't exist till they need you so the come out of the woodworks doesn't matter if y'all are friends or family some still disappear and you never see them again. Unless someone dies and then they be trying to talk trying to catch up all in your life but still talk about you behind your back and it's like why are you even trying when you wasn't there when I was falling and still talk about me. They always tell you family is suppose to be there that's what you was taught when you was raised but some family members are there because they done fell out with some family but yet they don't even know how to fix it and then its to late because the person is already going and moving on either with their lives or they are going into their forever home. I've learned that sometimes water is thicker than blood because friends are just one call away and they end up helping more than family does but then again you gotta watch who your friends are because some aren't they are just trying to watch you fall or they will have their hands out just like some of the family.

I've also learned that people (Family) are the most judgemental people you can ever meet not all but some. They have so much negative energy and try to bring people down to the point they feel like nothing. Some people are just sacks of shit and need to get off their high horse. We all are struggling somehow and are in need of help. We all wear out pants the same way. We all was taught how to deal with life differently. People are so quick to point fingers and not realize what they are doing. They blame other people for their own mistakes and try to cope with it. They get people in trouble who haven't done anything or those who won't harm a soul. There is so much negativity and diversity in this world. Some people need to open their eyes and realize what they are doing to those around them. Some also need to own up to their own mistakes. Just because we are getting somewhere and they are stuck in the same place and won't keep trying they just sit there. We are working hard but yet they are still there and gave up instead of asking for help and they looking all kinds of way because we are living and they aren't/ So watch who you put yourself around because not everyone wants to see you grown and some people are still waiting for you to fall to get  whatever they can out of you.

You can't trust everyone, everyone is not your friend... they only care and want what you can do for them but once you can't do it for them anymore or stop then they will show you their real selves. 

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 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...