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Showing posts with label self support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self support. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2022

Are you in a Toxic relationship?

 They only call you toxic when you find out the truth that they were hiding and lying about. When you have that gut feeling that something isn't right and they keep trying to tell you that it's not what it seems, you are overthinking, your insecure that it's all on you because you have trust issues from your past and it's causing you not to trust. 

What they don't know, is that the lies they fed you and made you try to believe is what your exes have pulled and you became wise from it. You observe everything around you and take notes of how they are doing and what they are doing. You start to see similarities and you realize they are doing everything your exes are doing just in a different way and pattern. 

You decide to break off but your heart hurts because you trusted them to be different. You gave them all your love, your time and care just for this to happen. 

You take a break for a while and decide to give them the benefit of the doubt thinking that it's not like that they were right that you were overthinking but then you realize it is a trap and you got tangled into their spiderweb and it is getting worst and worst nothing is going the way they say it would.

 They lied multiple times to cover up and then trying again to make you believe the lie they told that its not true that you're just making things up but this time, you seen it with your own two eyes and so you leave and never come back. 

Block their number, social media and go no contact but then there is going to be this thought of what ifs and it will make you want to reach out but DON'T DO IT! It only will set you up for trouble and to get hurt again.

Eventually the pain you feel will stop and you will find someone who is loyal and will accept everything you have been through and put you first for everything. You will find that special person to be there for you through it all and willing to go through everything with you no matter the good nor the bad they are there for it all. 

But until you find your person be sure to heal, and give yourself a lot of self love, self care and support yourself.  

Monday, July 18, 2022

Investing time

Investing time in the wrong people and the wrong things can be costly and you not even realize it. Investing time into things that don't represent you this includes the people that around you, jobs, anything that is negative can cost you. You will start to lose yourself and lose sight of the person you want to be and are trying to be, get the job or career that you are wanting in life. 

Time just like love is valuable. It is something that you cannot get back so if you waste it and a lot of it you can count it as gone. The only thing you can do is move forward and hope to not waste it again.

People enjoy wasting other's time since they have nothing better to do but time is precious. People will also use you if you show them a lot of care and love.

 Invest yourself into positive spots and only allow positivity in. Don't invest in the negative and or a place where your hated or envied then you will be wasting your time when you could of made something out of it. 

Jealous eyes and ears are the ones that will try to bring you down since they didn't get anywhere nor believe that you can do it.

Make sure you put your time into those that will put time into you and not use you. Be careful of the company you keep. They will waste your time having you think they want the same thing you do when in actuality they don't. They don't care about you they only care and what you can do for them and when you stop they will do you dirty, call you names and all kinds of stuff and then leave you standing there realizing they weren't for you. 

You can tell those that have been investing their time into themselves because they don't let anyone close to them. You can tell those that have been hurt and taken the time to heal themselves. If you cannot, they are the ones that doesn't let anyone get to close anymore and take care of themselves first before they help others. 

Most of these people that claim to be friends do not care for you. Just wait. Stop doing things for them and watch them and notice the negativity they bring around you. Listen to how they speak and gossip about you. Think about what they are saying behind your back if they are talking about others. 

Never tell anyone anything about you nor your hardship. They will use it against you in the long run and won't care.

It will be come lonely but eventually you will find those that are for you and get the things that you want. The lonely part will shape you into a better person. Always stay positive and remove yourself from the negative. Remember whatever you give, whatever you do will come back. 

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