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Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2022

What is this mystery illness

 I caught the thing that should not be named. I went to the hospital for an infection that was not getting well and I was told I did not have anymore but it appeared I did. I started feeling bad a day or two after I went and then I went to a gathering. 

A few days later my throat started to feel funny. It was not an achy thing but a drain to the point it was hard to talk. A few more days later it got to the point I could not talk and I had this cough that would not go away. I coughed and coughed. I was running a fever, got the chills, chest was hurting from the all the coughing. I coughed up so much phlegm that I could not sleep comfortably. No matter how I turned I could not sleep. I had to take sleep aids that my body fought off and finally got sleep 12 hours later.

 I took what I had cold medications to help it and it did until I ran out. I had to scrape up a few dollars to go to dollar tree and get the Advil for cold and flu which was a sample pack and worked good. I also got the cold and flu for night and day and it worked great. I slept great until the last one now I am taking Thera flu and I don't like it but it kind of helps. 

I woke up this morning to my ear hurting and feels like it is closing off. It normally happens when I am sick but I used ear drops to help it but it made it worst and things are muffled.  I also use vapor rub at night and when I need it. It helps with the pain and opens up my passages enough to help me breathe. I have yet to loose my taste and smell this time so hopefully I get better soon. 

I went to the hospital and I have an ear infection which was given oral antibiotics for. I told them it was hard to hear out of it but now it is popping and sounds like bubbles in it again so hopefully that clears up.

The COVID tests are negative but we are all stick sick. After 2-3 weeks I stopped coughing up phlegm. I did how ever had to go to the hospital for an ear infection and they gave me antibiotics but that did help with me coughing and I am starting to feel better but this ear ache is still here.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Marriage and Clingy-ness

Lets talk about marriage and how sweet it is shall we? It's a great thing marriage is when you find the right person to confide in but now lets talk about clingy-ness the one thing that causes marriage to kind of shift away.

Clingy-ness is not good for a marriage it brings all kinds of things such as jealousy, selfishness and many other things. It can turn a beautiful process into a beautiful nightmare and tragedy.

Marriage is suppose to be built on trust but if there is no trust then guess what there is nothing there it turns into a repeating nightmare that you just want to escape from and have fears that you cannot.

You can become broken if and start to crumble as your trying to hold it all together there should never be selfishness in marriage and if there is trust then you should never have to worry if your spouse still wants you and loves you.

Being broken is hard while trying to hold up your head and make sure nothing is falling apart. It is a tough job when one person is pulling the whole thing because the other person has gave up. It can and will destroy you as a person and end up  tearing you down. Sometimes if it is like this it's best to leave the marriage and rebuild. Other times it's best to communicate and tell the other how you feel or it will keep happening.

Communication is key in any relationship, don't get mad don't judge just listen to what the other one say and nine times out of ten it will make it better.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Stress relief

The way I release my stress would be taking photos, playing video games, writing, cooking, fishing and whatever else makes me happy.

Stress is caused by millions of things say bills are due and your paycheck is short or say that there is problems going on with your family and your unsure what to do so you sit there thinking of ways to get by and you finally find away but yet your relieved a little but there is still stress. Don't worry it will all be okay in the end everything happens for a reason so do what makes you happy life is extremely short and to stress and worry. Try to patch things up and make things work it will all be okay sometimes you have to lose people to get to where you need to be so don't worry it will all be okay.

Ways to relieve stress:

Work out 


Create Crafts 


Take a hike 

Go Fishing

Hang out with friends

Work on things

Do whatever you need to do to make you happy and don't worry it will all be okay 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Babies and their sleeping

When a baby is asleep do not wake them it is a very important thing for them to sleep. It helps them grow and develop. They learn a lot of things when they are asleep. It improves their motor skills and other things. If a baby is asleep and you wake them up, good luck on getting them back to sleep. Most of them will cry and cry and cry. But if you believe they have colic because they cry nonstop then find some wild catnip if you are unsure what wild catnip is then ask a gardener or you can even go to the store and get the non-wild catnip tea and give it to them. It will help them more than you believe. - link for recipe .

Monday, February 19, 2018

Photography and other tips!

When doing photography on a newborn white noise is the best! It keeps them from being fussy and calms them. 

If they start crying take their passy and put it in their mouth (DON'T FORCE IT!) When they seem like they are alright take the passy and quickly snap a photo. 

Use natural light from windows if the light is to bright use a very thin white sheet over the window to create a solar effect to create a white light balance

If using light kits with no filters use a white piece of paper to bounce light on to subject or around into your photo

There is so much you can do. 

Editing is a whole different topic the best software I have found for editing would be Photoshop and Illustrator, Indesign is for like invitations and books but they all run smoothly if you use all three of them together it can be difficult but a breeze to use.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Love can be the greatest thing in the world or it can be the most painfullest thing ever.
Love has a lot of trust that needs to be builded but when its broken down it takes a while
 to gain it back. There is lots of things that need to happen in a relationship to even be classified as a relationship because it is a commitment either way you go at it. You date a person to marry. If they don't tell you everything then you barely know them and at times it will end up tearing you apart and wrecking everything you've tried to work to keep together. Let the person know how you feel and everything before so they know how to handle it and take it. Don't try to hide it and then let them find out. It destroys their trust along with everything they've tried to keep and work so hard for.
One more thing don't say things you never mean and never I mean never hurt them always try to protect them don't let them slip through your fingertips because you probably will never get them back and they probably will never trust you.

Fella's buy your girl things, take her out treat her like a queen and talk about your feelings and everything let it all come out, let them know what you really think and how you feel.

Ladies tell your fellas how you feel, don't hide anything, treat them like a king and always try to help them during their weakest moment.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Sometimes depression can be so severe that you yourself cannot tell. It takes someone around you to notice how bad it is.
You believe your being normal and acting normal but you’re really not. Your thinking to yourself that everything is okay as your trying to keep it all together you slowly break and crack as your crying on the inside and pretending to smile on the out.
You just want to cry, and cry and cry not even move, not even be bothered. Your hurting so much you're getting thoughts and they are not good. You kind of want it all to end but your trying to hang on. Your emotions are everywhere, and you cannot control it.
Everyone notices how you push yourself away. You barely eat, you barely want to be noticed. It’s like your just there, like you don't matter, like your worthless and useless and everything is passing you by.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! There is many of people out there that feels like this, I even feel and felt like this most of my life till now. No matter how much your comforted no matter how many times people tell you; you matter, they love you, your more than this it still hits, and it hits harder than they know, and it makes it worse.
It's all a process sometimes it gets better other times it comes back worse but there are many people out here that feels this way and there are many people who are a shoulder to cry on.
There are also people out here who is willing to listen and help and those people know how to help and has been down this road one time in life and those are the people who are our Superhero.      

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Fever Blister... AKA Cold sores and other health.

Anyone can get a fever blister or a cold sore. There is no way around it. They normally pop up if you have a sour or upset stomach. they also come up when you are sick. There is no reason to be embarrassed by it it happens and it is apart of you and it is what makes you you.
There are way to treat it. 


You can boil or microwave water and then add epsom salt just a little to it. Let it cool off some then take a wash cloth or rag and dab it in the solution and apply it to the sore or blister. If it is open then it may sting and burn but it will get better. You can also drink it but it will make you poop because it helps clean your system.

Blistex works but takes weeks and weeks at a time but it still works.

 Lysine heals it in about a week or two and it doesn't even take that long for it to disappear. 

You can take a tea bag and boil it and apply it to the sore but squeeze it out some.

Cranker X along with Blistex works also but it is sticky. 


Ways to help you poop 

  • Drink coca-cola 
  • Eat greasy foods 
  • Eat green leafy foods 
  • I enjoy junk food lol and I enjoy cheese 
  • Cut back on cheese 
  • take laxative 
  • Take stool softeners if you have trouble once a day should work 
  • Suppositories 
  • Periods are the worst you hurt and hurt and hurt and bleed and bleed and bleed.
  • You can take advil, tylenol, pampers and any other ones that's out there to help
  • Stay warm because that helps 
  • rub your belly and hold the uterus
  • Eat whatever you want 
  • Chocolate can help but its just an emotional need
  • Heating pads help with cramps 
  • just relax
  • exercise helps it supposedly also 
  • I enjoy sugar on my period 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Hey Guys, About the books and links of where to get them. - Buy yours today!

Go check out my books that are for sale on Amazon! Buy one if you'd like!

If you want something funny to read then this book is for you 38 stories of my life as a child: Review and preview  (GET YOURS TODAY!). It's an Autobiography and memoir of my life as a kid- This 📓 is hilarious, it’s about my childhood and all the things I’ve done to my mother as a kid. It is nothing but laughter. ( YOU WILL NOT BE 😞 THERE ARE 38 STORIES IN THIS 📓 AND IT’S WORTH IT ALL!)  The link for the eBook and paperback is right here. -Ebook

If you are interested in fantasy fiction then this book is the right book for you! Powerful Freaks is a 📓 about a kid who is in highschool and has powers and ends up in jail and does not know if he is going to get out or not. There are so many different creatures and powers that are used in this book that it keeps you on your toes.

Are you interested in objects telling a story about it's life and what happened to it? Are you interested in something that talks and tells it's story and can give you imagery of where it is and how it looks? Story of the Underwood Typewriter tells a story of it’s life and what happens to it. and is the right book for you! The typewriter gets passed down from a grandmother to granddaughter. 

Are you interested in mysteries with a plot twist and you do not know what is going to happen? Are you interested in detective mysteries that you are unsure what is going to happen next and then you are on your toes? Then the mystery of Egar Cartell is a book for you! It's a mix of mobsters and moonshiners and it gets really twisted. Mystery of Egar Cartell tells who killed the character Egar Cartell and you won’t believe who did it!
Are you interested in a book full of poems to make you feel? Are you into feelings of someone else's being spreaded across paper? Then Poems written through poetic eyes is the book for you! It's nothing but poems.
Cosmic Hearts: A Space Cowboy's Odyssey," follow the thrilling and epic journey of Jack Steele, a daring space cowboy, and his fierce bounty hunter companion, Serena.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Parenting Isn't easy! Tips and tricks ( Preview, Get your copy today!) - Buy your copy today!


Moming and parenting is not easy once so ever. For the mother they cannot do anything for pain but tell you Tylenol is best but it hardly helps. They cannot do anything for the rib pain or any kind of pain you just suffer and it’s great if you have the dad around they can help a lot. Parenting is the best feeling in the world you try your hardest to make sure the baby has everything he or she needs no matter how hard life gets or how bad you hurt.

Things that helped me get through my pain.

Tylenol extra strength (went to hospital they gave me something don’t remember what it was but worked wonders)
Massages from spouse. (Best to have them there they are biggest support and are very helpful.)
Heating pad (can’t leave it no longer than 15-20 minutes.

Labor do’s and don’ts


Don’t take castor oil. It can harm the baby and they can poop in the womb and they can suffocate from the poop it’s bad.
Walk, walk, walk it’s the best thing to get into labor
Don’t rush the baby; They will come on own time

    • Bumpy roads help so does train tracks

  • You can swing 
  • Eat pineapple 
  • Stimulating nipples 
  • Spicy foods
  • Exercise (don’t overdo it) 
  • Primrose oil works (tablet or pill you can put near cervix or in a bath your choice. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tips for Parenting book

 My book on tips for Parenting is here to help with anything you need. I have gone through this once and now going through this again. This is just a couple tips and tricks on how to comfort your baby. Things people have never told but has helped with their babies!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tips to How to survive high school.

Do everything your suppose to give it your all.
If being bullied or someone being bullied speak up.
Don't bully you never know what's going on in other people's life. Everyone has different situations thats why some people bully but most do it because it's fun.
If someone needs help try to help them
If you have homework do it, it's to help you succeed. Don't copy; that will just make you fail in life and you won't learn anything
If you know the next assignment try to do it before it's due or sometimes given out
If you needing help in subject all you have to do is ask; your peers and teachers are there for you!
Try your best in the 9th grade because you need it every grade counts
In 12th don't get senior-itous because you need to try you best and get where you need to be.
Don't even down yourself. If you don't pass an assignment there is many ways you can make it up.(You can do better!)
If you fail don't blame anyone else but yourself. It takes a lot to get to where you want to be just try your hardest and that's all that matters!
Be friendly; you never know what will happen or to expect. Anything can happen but always be kinds not matter what it is.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What's my happiness?

It's being with the ones I love and doing what I love like
 riding four wheeler's, hunting, mudding, Fishing, Riding bikes
Writing stories to poems drawing and hiking, listening to music
 but really its doing anything from planting to doing college work, making crafts, hanging with my family that's what I love to do and what settles me and makes me happy.

Finding your happiness is important because your happiness matters even when you feel like it doesn't. You need to stay positive no matter what happens. Try to see the good things instead of bad and if it's people trying to bring you down. Remove yourself from them because they have something wrong or been put down and try to bring everyone else down with you. Try removing all negativity out of your life and not getting upset when things don't go your way. Sometimes you just have to do this to become a better person and be happy.

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