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Showing posts with label Word of the wise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word of the wise. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2018

Word from the wise

The pain the storm and troubles won't last always the people that's around you won't always be there. There will be ups and downs and tests. Just be you and stay true and pray that it gets better. Have faith in everything you do and never give up. Don't show yourself for any less, let people know how you feel and who you are don't try to hide it. Be true to yourself and them and always tell the truth, the truth shall set you free.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

A Wise Man

A wise man once told me that things will never go the way you want them to go. He also told me that people will come and go and some will try to use you. Do things yourself to get it done never depend on anyone because waiting on you may end up causing you to fail and for things to not get done. Sometimes you will need help and you will struggle but try your hardest and try for yourself but at times it never hurts for you to ask for help. 

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