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Showing posts with label Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tricks. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Stress relief

The way I release my stress would be taking photos, playing video games, writing, cooking, fishing and whatever else makes me happy.

Stress is caused by millions of things say bills are due and your paycheck is short or say that there is problems going on with your family and your unsure what to do so you sit there thinking of ways to get by and you finally find away but yet your relieved a little but there is still stress. Don't worry it will all be okay in the end everything happens for a reason so do what makes you happy life is extremely short and to stress and worry. Try to patch things up and make things work it will all be okay sometimes you have to lose people to get to where you need to be so don't worry it will all be okay.

Ways to relieve stress:

Work out 


Create Crafts 


Take a hike 

Go Fishing

Hang out with friends

Work on things

Do whatever you need to do to make you happy and don't worry it will all be okay 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Sometimes depression can be so severe that you yourself cannot tell. It takes someone around you to notice how bad it is.
You believe your being normal and acting normal but you’re really not. Your thinking to yourself that everything is okay as your trying to keep it all together you slowly break and crack as your crying on the inside and pretending to smile on the out.
You just want to cry, and cry and cry not even move, not even be bothered. Your hurting so much you're getting thoughts and they are not good. You kind of want it all to end but your trying to hang on. Your emotions are everywhere, and you cannot control it.
Everyone notices how you push yourself away. You barely eat, you barely want to be noticed. It’s like your just there, like you don't matter, like your worthless and useless and everything is passing you by.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! There is many of people out there that feels like this, I even feel and felt like this most of my life till now. No matter how much your comforted no matter how many times people tell you; you matter, they love you, your more than this it still hits, and it hits harder than they know, and it makes it worse.
It's all a process sometimes it gets better other times it comes back worse but there are many people out here that feels this way and there are many people who are a shoulder to cry on.
There are also people out here who is willing to listen and help and those people know how to help and has been down this road one time in life and those are the people who are our Superhero.      

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Parenting Isn't easy! Tips and tricks ( Preview, Get your copy today!) - Buy your copy today!


Moming and parenting is not easy once so ever. For the mother they cannot do anything for pain but tell you Tylenol is best but it hardly helps. They cannot do anything for the rib pain or any kind of pain you just suffer and it’s great if you have the dad around they can help a lot. Parenting is the best feeling in the world you try your hardest to make sure the baby has everything he or she needs no matter how hard life gets or how bad you hurt.

Things that helped me get through my pain.

Tylenol extra strength (went to hospital they gave me something don’t remember what it was but worked wonders)
Massages from spouse. (Best to have them there they are biggest support and are very helpful.)
Heating pad (can’t leave it no longer than 15-20 minutes.

Labor do’s and don’ts


Don’t take castor oil. It can harm the baby and they can poop in the womb and they can suffocate from the poop it’s bad.
Walk, walk, walk it’s the best thing to get into labor
Don’t rush the baby; They will come on own time

    • Bumpy roads help so does train tracks

  • You can swing 
  • Eat pineapple 
  • Stimulating nipples 
  • Spicy foods
  • Exercise (don’t overdo it) 
  • Primrose oil works (tablet or pill you can put near cervix or in a bath your choice. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tips for Parenting book

 My book on tips for Parenting is here to help with anything you need. I have gone through this once and now going through this again. This is just a couple tips and tricks on how to comfort your baby. Things people have never told but has helped with their babies!

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