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Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2022

What is this mystery illness

 I caught the thing that should not be named. I went to the hospital for an infection that was not getting well and I was told I did not have anymore but it appeared I did. I started feeling bad a day or two after I went and then I went to a gathering. 

A few days later my throat started to feel funny. It was not an achy thing but a drain to the point it was hard to talk. A few more days later it got to the point I could not talk and I had this cough that would not go away. I coughed and coughed. I was running a fever, got the chills, chest was hurting from the all the coughing. I coughed up so much phlegm that I could not sleep comfortably. No matter how I turned I could not sleep. I had to take sleep aids that my body fought off and finally got sleep 12 hours later.

 I took what I had cold medications to help it and it did until I ran out. I had to scrape up a few dollars to go to dollar tree and get the Advil for cold and flu which was a sample pack and worked good. I also got the cold and flu for night and day and it worked great. I slept great until the last one now I am taking Thera flu and I don't like it but it kind of helps. 

I woke up this morning to my ear hurting and feels like it is closing off. It normally happens when I am sick but I used ear drops to help it but it made it worst and things are muffled.  I also use vapor rub at night and when I need it. It helps with the pain and opens up my passages enough to help me breathe. I have yet to loose my taste and smell this time so hopefully I get better soon. 

I went to the hospital and I have an ear infection which was given oral antibiotics for. I told them it was hard to hear out of it but now it is popping and sounds like bubbles in it again so hopefully that clears up.

The COVID tests are negative but we are all stick sick. After 2-3 weeks I stopped coughing up phlegm. I did how ever had to go to the hospital for an ear infection and they gave me antibiotics but that did help with me coughing and I am starting to feel better but this ear ache is still here.

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