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Showing posts with label Mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mysteries. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Hey Guys, About the books and links of where to get them. - Buy yours today!

Go check out my books that are for sale on Amazon! Buy one if you'd like!

If you want something funny to read then this book is for you 38 stories of my life as a child: Review and preview  (GET YOURS TODAY!). It's an Autobiography and memoir of my life as a kid- This 📓 is hilarious, it’s about my childhood and all the things I’ve done to my mother as a kid. It is nothing but laughter. ( YOU WILL NOT BE 😞 THERE ARE 38 STORIES IN THIS 📓 AND IT’S WORTH IT ALL!)  The link for the eBook and paperback is right here. -Ebook

If you are interested in fantasy fiction then this book is the right book for you! Powerful Freaks is a 📓 about a kid who is in highschool and has powers and ends up in jail and does not know if he is going to get out or not. There are so many different creatures and powers that are used in this book that it keeps you on your toes.

Are you interested in objects telling a story about it's life and what happened to it? Are you interested in something that talks and tells it's story and can give you imagery of where it is and how it looks? Story of the Underwood Typewriter tells a story of it’s life and what happens to it. and is the right book for you! The typewriter gets passed down from a grandmother to granddaughter. 

Are you interested in mysteries with a plot twist and you do not know what is going to happen? Are you interested in detective mysteries that you are unsure what is going to happen next and then you are on your toes? Then the mystery of Egar Cartell is a book for you! It's a mix of mobsters and moonshiners and it gets really twisted. Mystery of Egar Cartell tells who killed the character Egar Cartell and you won’t believe who did it!
Are you interested in a book full of poems to make you feel? Are you into feelings of someone else's being spreaded across paper? Then Poems written through poetic eyes is the book for you! It's nothing but poems.
Cosmic Hearts: A Space Cowboy's Odyssey," follow the thrilling and epic journey of Jack Steele, a daring space cowboy, and his fierce bounty hunter companion, Serena.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Mystery Of Edgar Cartell (Book Preview- Get your book today!)

Do you need something to else to read? Do you enjoy good mysteries that are breathtaking to the point you do not know where to turn and what's going to happen next so you have to keep reading? Then this is the book for you! - buy your copy here!

Chapter One
It’s a cold October day in Staten Island, 🗽. 
The wind blows through the trees. I’m on my way to the bar where 
we are having a family meeting.
I enter the bar and I 👀 Ronny, Jim and Bobby sitting there at the table waiting on the boss. 
They was sitting there talking about their records and what they have been doing since
the last time they was together.
“So Ronny how is your family doing?” Asked Jim.
“They are, doing fine.” Replied Ronny.
“ We are only here to talk about the reason we are here. 
We aren’t here to talk about anything else, no family business, 
and that’s the reason we are here and that’s it!” Exclaims Bobby as he interrupts the two.
“Jim,Ronny,Bobby there’s something I need for you to do for me” said
someone from the corner.
From the shadows of the bar a tall muscular Italian descent man dressed in 
black steps in the bar. The Boss. He sits at the edge of the table where he always sat.
It all got silent. He is the most powerful one around. I once saw him shoot one of them 
shiner boys in the head over something he was told. 
They all was rattled up ready for a war to start but it didn’t it just made us divide apart 
more it made us hate each other and not wanting to be in each other’s presences.
There was once this old shiner who was not bothering anyone. 
Another family boss and his members told something to the 
Boss and they went and shot the old shiner ⚰️ right in front of
his grandchildren and his wife while they were eating dinner. 
The Boss does not play around and He doesn’t care about who’s
around or what happens he kills who he’s ordered to in cold blood, ⚰️ on the spot.
He once shot his own member in front of his son because someone told him that the
reason he went to jail once was because the member, who I believe was
Donnie, had ratted to the cops where boss would be, and when he got out boss
shot him ⚰️ right where he stood. He was begging for his life, though what’s the point
of begging when you’re already ⚰️ the moment you join the family but most didn’t
believe it till it was them.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Don't Scream! Tells to tell in the dark! (Preview, Get yours today!)    -Buy your copy today!

Do you want to hear creepy tales?
The tells that you might get a fright from?
The ones that keeps you awake at night?
You know the ones that make you tremble at night making you look under your bed?
Well you came to the right place!
Come on what-cha waiting for???
It only gets better!

The legend of Crybaby Bridge
On a dark stormy night there was an old man and an old woman on their way home in the little town of south of Pageland in Anderson, South Carolina. They had to cross the old rigid bridge that has been there for many years to get to the other side. As they started across the bridge their old 1930 Chevy truck started to act up. The light’s started cutting off and on and the truck’s motor started cutting out. The truck stops before it gets to the middle of the bridge. The man gets out of the truck and looks around his surroundings. He heard a baby cry and then he saw a woman appear from nowhere walking towards him and the truck. She was wearing an all-white flowy dress. Her brown hair was stringy and wavy. Her eyes were brown, and she looked extremely pale. She looked like she was from the 1840’s.
“Have you seen my baby???” She cries out
“Can you help me???” She says as she walks to the man.
“What happened??” He asks her and then she disappears.

“Hello, Hello. Where did you go??” The old man hollers out.

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