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Showing posts with label gallbladder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gallbladder. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

The Gallbladder Attacks

When the gallbladder attacks it's no joke. I was pregnant with my second last year and it got worst but they wouldn't take it out till the middle of my pregnancy but because it didn't really act up as much then they didn't and when it did it was 3rd trimester and they couldn't.
  At the beginning I had an ERCP and it's where they take a camera with a light and they crushed a gallstone and took it out in pieces because it was stuck in my duct. The doc had to put a pancreatic stent in because the dye kept running into it and I ended up having more pain and had to get a EDG done to remove it. Now almost 3 months after my pregnancy I'm still having attacks and suffering no matter what I do and how much I try to prevent it it still is happening but they won't take it out till it's infected or about to bust open.  It sends pains and shocks through the chest, abdomen and back along with the shoulder. Sometimes it feels like an heart attack or something much worst whenever you eat certain things. I go see my doc or even go to the hospital they won't do anything but send me back to my doc and then tell me to schedule an appointment with the surgeon but last time I seen him he said he won't till it gets to the infection point so I'm stuck with it till further notice...

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