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Showing posts with label eBook. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Poems Written Through Poetic Eyes ( Preview, Get yours today!)

Do you like poems that make you feel? A book full of nothing but poems and feelings? Then this is the book for you! 
Everything doesn’t feel real touch
 it’s all in your imagination  
this is all a dream we are all inside your head
 can’t you 👀 it’s all nothing but a memory 
just close your eyes go to 💤 
there’s nothing to fear but life itself 
But this is the end of the poem 
 there’s no time 
  left to continue
 so this  is how it’ll end
Fear of the ⚰️ 
Sittin in this empty room 👀 
 my mind flutter across the page
 of my memory and listening to 
 the slow moans of the ⚰️>
 the embracing arms of the cold ⚰️
that stalks me every step
 I take and
💤 with me even when
 I’m ignoring their presence
You treat me horribly I’m 19 
I should have freedom but I don’t you’re trying 
to keep me under your wing But you’re wrong 
 it’s not gonna work I’m ready to go ready to leave
  I can’t stand it here you yell cuss and try to fight 
You threatened to hit me You try to scare me but you don’t
 Try breaking me now I have someone who will help me stand 
You’re not ready for me to go but watch me leave
Your not gonna win 

The Story Of The Underwood Typewriter (Preview, Get yours today!)

Do you need something else to read? Are you into objects telling a story and their life from past and present?? Then read the Story of the Underwood Typewriter it is a short story. - Buy your copy here!

I have been kept in a room with my own desk. 
I’m covered with dust. She no longer comes in and uses me like she did.
It’s been a long time since my ink has been used and keys have been pressed.
I hear footsteps that are lighter than normal echoing coming towards my 🚪.
The 🚪 knob twisted and the 🚪 creaks open.
A little girl that looks like my owner walks in and spots me on my desk. 
She walks closer into the 🚪 and glances around. She has reddish blonde hair.
She wears glasses and has a plaid 👕. 
Her jeans looks worn out like ✋ me downs. 
She is pale white like the 🐈 snowball wondering around.   I got so 🙌.She spots me and walks closer. She blows the dust off my keys and presses on them. They start dinging.It kind of hurts when she does but it feels good at the same time. It has been a while since I felt this way. I peek out the 🚪 and saw her but older. She doesn’t look as good as she did. She looks 😷 and tired.Her hair is shiny grey looking. Her eyes green eyes look gloomy and droopy. 

Power Freaks (The Book Preview! ) Get your copy today!

Do you need something to read? Are you interested in Fiction hero and villain stories? Are you interested in vampires, Giants, Snakes, all kinds of creatures along with people who have powers? Then this is the book for you! The setting is a high school and that is all you get.  - Buy you a copy here!

Did you 👀 the 🐰 hopping around the room playing around, 
having fun while birds are chirping and singing hanging from the fan? 
Did you 👀 the pony sticking its head out of the wall 👀 my every movement 
while I sit here in this room and write this 📓? 
Things are appearing and disappearing. 
There are fights happening deep inside of my head with the voices
tearing me apart and they are my only friends. 
They keep me up at night 👀 things that don’t exist.
They argue and argue about things that do not even matter.
I sit and sit thinking on this 🛏️. Writing and writing nonstop.
Nonstop arguments between family, the voices and me. 
They are the only ones that keeps me company right 
along with the misery inside of me.
“Hey loser, you’re never gone amount to anything.”
“Don’t talk to him like that he’s not worthless.”
“Yes, he is; Look at him sitting on this bedside doing nothing with his
life he’s such a low life. Talking to his imaginary friends 👀 things 
and hearing things talking to no one who’s there. 
You have no real friends you just have us, you’re writing your drawings that’s it.
Your family doesn’t even care for you. You’re not even here to them. 
You’re just a nobody. Just dust in the wind nothing but a faded memory.”
“Hey guys look at this jerk off he’s trying to run from all his problems.”
“Oh Jacob, Only a little longer. You’ll be completely insane. 
You mom threatened to put you into a mental asylum, 
your dad’s in prison for murder. They want nothing to do with you Jacob.”
“Alright guys stop it stop bullying him. 
Let him live stop trying to cause more troubles than he’s got.”
“JACOB.” Calls a voice from down the hall
I DON’T WANT YOU TO BE LATE.” A wondering voice from down the hall.”
“I’M UP.” I yell.
I lay back down. I close my eyes and drift back off to 💤.
“Hey, Jacob, you’re skipping school again today?”
“It’s gonna catch up with you oh wait it already has.”
“You’re just a loser. Nobody likes you nor 😍 you. 
You’ll never get a girlfriend, a weird oh a freak.” The voice argues.
“You mind as well drop out. You’re such a loser; 
You’re too stupid for anything you mind as well give it up 
and quit life you suck at it anyways. You fall at everything nothing 
you do is worth anything; Mind as well just end it.”
“Hey guys let’s leave this loser alone.” “He’s not worth it.” 
“Catch you later Jacob you loser.”

The Mystery Of Edgar Cartell (Book Preview- Get your book today!)

Do you need something to else to read? Do you enjoy good mysteries that are breathtaking to the point you do not know where to turn and what's going to happen next so you have to keep reading? Then this is the book for you! - buy your copy here!

Chapter One
It’s a cold October day in Staten Island, 🗽. 
The wind blows through the trees. I’m on my way to the bar where 
we are having a family meeting.
I enter the bar and I 👀 Ronny, Jim and Bobby sitting there at the table waiting on the boss. 
They was sitting there talking about their records and what they have been doing since
the last time they was together.
“So Ronny how is your family doing?” Asked Jim.
“They are, doing fine.” Replied Ronny.
“ We are only here to talk about the reason we are here. 
We aren’t here to talk about anything else, no family business, 
and that’s the reason we are here and that’s it!” Exclaims Bobby as he interrupts the two.
“Jim,Ronny,Bobby there’s something I need for you to do for me” said
someone from the corner.
From the shadows of the bar a tall muscular Italian descent man dressed in 
black steps in the bar. The Boss. He sits at the edge of the table where he always sat.
It all got silent. He is the most powerful one around. I once saw him shoot one of them 
shiner boys in the head over something he was told. 
They all was rattled up ready for a war to start but it didn’t it just made us divide apart 
more it made us hate each other and not wanting to be in each other’s presences.
There was once this old shiner who was not bothering anyone. 
Another family boss and his members told something to the 
Boss and they went and shot the old shiner ⚰️ right in front of
his grandchildren and his wife while they were eating dinner. 
The Boss does not play around and He doesn’t care about who’s
around or what happens he kills who he’s ordered to in cold blood, ⚰️ on the spot.
He once shot his own member in front of his son because someone told him that the
reason he went to jail once was because the member, who I believe was
Donnie, had ratted to the cops where boss would be, and when he got out boss
shot him ⚰️ right where he stood. He was begging for his life, though what’s the point
of begging when you’re already ⚰️ the moment you join the family but most didn’t
believe it till it was them.

Don't Scream, Tales to tell in the dark! (Preview)

Do you want something spooky and creepy to read at night? Then Don't Scream is the book for you!    -Buy your copy today!

Do you want to hear creepy tales?
The tells that you might get a fright from?
The ones that keeps you awake at night?
You know the ones that make you tremble at night making you look under your bed?
Well you came to the right place!
Come on what-cha waiting for???
It only gets better!

The legend of Crybaby Bridge
On a dark stormy night there was an old man and an old woman on their way home in the little town of south of Pageland in Anderson, South Carolina. They had to cross the old rigid bridge that has been there for many years to get to the other side. As they started across the bridge their old 1930 Chevy truck started to act up. The light’s started cutting off and on and the truck’s motor started cutting out. The truck stops before it gets to the middle of the bridge. The man gets out of the truck and looks around his surroundings. He heard a baby cry and then he saw a woman appear from nowhere walking towards him and the truck. She was wearing an all-white flowy dress. Her brown hair was stringy and wavy. Her eyes were brown, and she looked extremely pale. She looked like she was from the 1840’s.
“Have you seen my baby???” She cries out
“Can you help me???” She says as she walks to the man.
“What happened??” He asks her and then she disappears.

“Hello, Hello. Where did you go??” The old man hollers out.

38 stories of my life as a child: Review and preview (GET YOURS TODAY!)

Do you need something else to read? Something that is hilariously funny that will make you laugh throughout the whole book? Then this is the book for you! 
This book is a memoir and an autobiography. It has 38 stories and is nothing but laugher. It tells all about me as a kid and all the funny and hilarious things that I have done to my mom and how I got hurt and half the scars. Here is  preview of the book enjoy!
- Buy yours today!
 When I was little I was the Tasmanian Devil or what my mom calls me the devil's child. I have done a lot of things when I was little. I caused a lot of headache and most of my scars came from my childhood. I was a curious child and done almost anything I could not to be bored. The house I live in was my first house. The apartment mom and dad lived in I probably lived in for a couple weeks to a month but this was when I was first born. They felt like there wasn’t much room there so they moved here and this is where all the things that I’ve done or that has happened, happened here.

 The house was still. I was about 3 years old. My mother just got off work. She worked 3rd shift at walmart. Mom comes home and plays with me like she always did. I must of got tired and so I lay down on the living room floor trying to take a nap. She lays down on the floor  and she falls asleep beside me. I wake up and I tapped her she was dead asleep. I got bored didn’t know what to do and then suddenly I hear something calling my name. I went to the trash can and pulled trash out of it. I put it around her. I go in the kitchen and got into the cabinet where the kool aid packets was. I pull the green one out and put water in a cup. I open the green kool aid packet and poured it on her hair. I then grabbed the water and poured it on her hair. After I was done with her hair. I went to the trash can and grabbed a dish detergent bottle and put it in her mouth. She woke up freaking out. I thought It was pretty funny. I could feel her madness. She picks up the trash and walk to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and she freaks out. She takes a shower trying to wash it out but it didn’t work. She calls my dad and tells him he better come get me. He got off work and came and watched me. She had to go back to work anyways.

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