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Showing posts with label Affiliate marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affiliate marketing. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2023

Blogging for cash?

 Did you know you can make money by blogging but did you also know it will give you false hopes? Google adsense not only can and will deny you multiple times but it can also give you false hopes.

 Did you know with google adsense you get paid by the clicks not the views and then google adsense will not calculate everything correctly. 

It will also tell you that you need to fix an ad.txt file in which even when you do it does not correct itself and there is no number that you can call to get a walk through of it. You have to go through their community and wait for people  to answer the questions and concerns since no one at google will answer them and there is no direct line or contact to them. 

This basically sucks and gets you no where. They always talk about how you can make money from adsense on blogs but it appears it is not true. 

When I first got onto adsense it said I made a few dollars to cents but now it says I have not made anything. It gave me false hopes and don't get me started on affiliate marketing because that doesn't really make you anything either and I have been doing it for 8 years. 

This blog does not have google adsense on it but this one does so check it out.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Affiliate marketing is not the best!

 Let me honest, affiliate marketing does not make anything. You have to actually really push yourself out there to get people to buy things and look at your stuff. Sometimes you will feel like it is going no where and you are at the wits of your ends trying to make ends meet

. Affiliate marketing is basically free advertisement without being paid.

 People can look at your stuff and decide to go to the website and buy it without using your links meaning you make nothing for it. Trust me, I have been an affiliate marketer for 5 years now and now, its like no one is buying, looking nor clicking. 

People will lie to you and tell you it is a quick way to make money it or you can make X amount of income with it. This is not lie but it can be. So do not get your hopes up thinking it is a quick route to make money because it is not. You have to work 10x harder to try to get 5-10% of commission that is sold.

Bloggers don't really make anything trust me, I would know I have three of them and only one has Adsense on it but won't make anything from it and I also have affiliate links in it and that doesn't make anything either.

Here are my blogs:

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Blogs and affiliate marketing

 Blogs do not really make money like people say they can. Yes you can get adsense on blogs as long as they follow the guidelines and TOS but unfortunately none of my blogs does due to one of my blogs are adult content and reviews adult novelties all while they have advertisement for alcohol on adsense. 

Since I could not have adsense to monetize my blogs I have affiliate marketing links and ads to at least try to make some kind of revenue in which that doesn't really make anything either. 

When starting off and needing money to the point you are trying to find anything that will make you something please do not get your hopes up with blogging because I'm here to tell you I have been here since 2016 and have not really made anything.

 I made a few sales with the affiliate marketing links here and there but not enough to get a payout which sucks. 

Another thing I will say is don't get tangled up in affiliate marketing. It is not worth it. You will spend your time giving them free advertisement while you make nothing and it does not matter the company nor what they say you can make because you won't make it and I rather tell you now than you get your feelings hurt thinking it will bring in quick cash.

Also third party affiliate sites are not worth your time. If you still do decide to affiliate marketing then go to their websites and sign up as an affiliate from there. 

People won't click on off the wall tracking links because they don't know what they are unless they have the company and site name in the link.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

No longer happy...

 I am no longer happy in my life. I am no longer happy nor excited with the things that use to excite me and make me happy.

I cannot even fake it like I am anymore. I'm so exhausted and stressed that I'm tired. I have been looking for jobs trying to do everything I can from blogging, affiliate marketing and so much more.

 I exhausted myself helping others that I no longer want to help anyone. I no longer sleep at night because all the anxiety that I feel happens the most when I try to lay down and rest. The thoughts are horrible, the panic attacks suck and the seizures are the worst.

I graduated college, a course that I pushed myself though to get a certificate that I have to take a big test for but if I complete the degree program I won't so I decided to go back to get the Bachelor degree hoping something comes from it.

I watch my dreams fall apart and never come true really. I thought I would own a home, have some land and possibly have a little farm but no it hasn't happened yet. I also wanted to travel around and visit places but no, that doesn't look like it is ever gonna happen.

We are in a three bedroom rental and there are 6 of us living in it. I'm not complaining about it as long as we have a roof over our head but I was promised we would move and never did. 

I'm just tired of the false promises that you gave me. I'm tired of you saying your going to do something and you don't at all. I'm tired of the back and forth. I'm tired of it all. 

I'm tired of the back and forth me explaining everything how I feel, what I feel and nothing gets done about it. I am tired of the yelling, I am tired of the arguments. I am tired of it all.. My mental health is no longer worth putting myself though this. 

Some how, I will change this. Some how I will change it all and become better and do better. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Trying to make a living

Blogging makes you nothing. It does not matter how many times people say blogs can make you money they cannot.

 If you have certain content on your blogs you cannot get adsense and there for you will be just like me affiliate marketing trying to make it and affiliate marketing does not make you money either. 

You will get commission percentage on what a person buys if they even bother buying which most time they do not. I have ran blogs from 2016 to now trying to get adsense or even trying to make a living but now it's impossible.

 When trying to get people to the blogs it's hard you have to use tags, labels, keywords and use catchy photos and titles not counting the SEO to get the viewers attention to try and make them click it. 

You have to be interesting with the topic and you will have to share and promote it on your own. It is not gonna be easy.

I am giving up working with many affiliate companies because they don't make anything for me really and I get tired of using them. I have been trying since I started blogging and it's just a headache now. 

I did all this trying to get a stable income for my family since I am a SAHM with kids who have autism. 

I also suffer from PCOS, severe anxiety and writing has always been something I wanted to do besides take photos of nature photography.

 I have put in for multiple jobs after jobs and it's like no one is calling nor wanting to hire. 

I make vinyl cut outs that can go basically anywhere and no one wants them. I have them listed on my own site and I share it out. 

I also have a ko-fi for this blog and a Tumblr that allows people to tip me.

I have a gaming YouTube and twitch. The twitch is affiliate but due to no views I quit streaming and I can't get the YouTube to partner due to needing 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours. 

My YouTube is here 

My Kofi

My Tumblr 

Twitch- name changing soon 

Store - more coming soon  

My cashapp 

My gaming PC reviews and more  

Adult novelty blog - I make 5% of purchase bought if use code 215U to get 15% off.

Amazon affiliate link- use this link to buy I get 5% or so of each sale.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

You can make X amount of figures SCAM

 Running a blog is never easy. Sometimes it is hard to get traffic and so you have to promote it basically everywhere all while making sure your SEO is up to standers to be sure you are being seen and getting traffic all while using catchy titles and tags and labels.

Adsense doesn't always get approved sometimes you cannot make money on it so you have to find affiliate marketing links just to make a little.

The ugly truth is if your not getting views your not gonna get paid. Even if you are getting views does not mean your gonna get paid. People will say you can make so much from this and by doing this but it's not true. It's a scam and if you click on the links on their blog post they get paid and they are the ones giving you false hope by having you believe you can make so many figures by doing such and such but it's just click bate and a scam. I fell for it one to many times in hopes it's real but it's not. It's a get rich quick scheme people use to take advantage of people just so that they can get traffic to their own blogs.

 Also paying for traffic doesn't help. Don't use the paid sites to get views and traffic it makes them money and gives you bot views and no one wants that we want organic growth.

I have had my spicy review blog since 2018 and it has been ups and downs. It doesn't matter how many views you are getting. If they don't like it, they won't buy and it doesn't matter what it is. I have my side bars full of affiliate ads but they just sit there and linking the product in the post doesn't help either. 

Check out my spicy blog reviews 

If you are wanting to start a small business or blog I highly suggest dreamhost for hosting even though its a WordPress site that you can convert into regular websites also by uploading your own files, you can make it into a shop like I did. 

My book here!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Blogger, Reviewer, Affiliate marketer and More

 Being an affiliate marketer has some ups but plenty of downs. People say you can make a lot doing affiliate marketing but truthfully you can in a way but it's not always. I once made 700-300 monthly selling sex toys. Giving amazing reviews from products being sent enticing the views and readers to want the toy, the way it is, what it does and how it works including how it feels. I still make a little off of it but I do not make much like I did.

I use to use the reviews to make money to support my family and now I am trying to find something else to make a little bit more income in which I started streaming again on twitch. So if you are interested my channel is lovely_grizzly. I don't really get views but I have been affiliated since 2018 and I actually quit streaming in 2019 due to internet would not allow it but now it does.

On adult blogs you cannot get AdSense at all. They do not approve it so you have to go around to companies and become an affiliate with them and try to get people to buy products and click the links that you have laying around the blog whether it is in the post or on the side bars but most do not count if the viewer does not buy something. 

Companies enjoy seeing the traffic from your content. They will try to give you a review unit and then make you basically wear out the viewers and your social media by recycling the product post and then basically try to up your commissions if they buy and then because of their sales they believe it will push more and more people in but in hind sight, they have so many bad reviews and reputation that when I brought it to the attention they just rub it off and say its just a competing company in which I understand that as a business owner but trying to use someone for clout isn't gonna help their case.

Sometimes, you can give it your all just to watch it not grow no matter how much love and water you give it, it never takes off so you have to figure out what you are going to do next while in a time crunch and not understanding why nothing is working. Sometimes it is like this trust me I worked with affiliate marketing for 5-6 years and only had a sell for one company and then have a lot for another company.

 No one will ever tell you how difficult it is to do this. I have done this from scratch many of times and I had to start over. I ended up getting rid of a lot of companies that have not done anything for me. I also cleaned the slate and did not stress over it cause it is a 50/50 chance of making it. 

Sometimes it is best to just stick with one company instead of using so many that way you can focus on and not get lost like I did trying to force and share links to try to get spotted and known and just completely trying to help others get out there and it just became so much on me.

Truthfully it does not take much to start your own business you can dropship meaning the product stays at a warehouse and you never have to touch the product at all. It cost me $20 dollars for a business license and the EIN is free. In which I did this and made close to 1000 or so until I got shut down by eBay since they were suppose to release the money but did not and pocketed it all. 

Inventory of FREE dropshippers is where I found my supplier and made some cash. I used Dream host as a webhosting site which was 13.99 a month for as many sites as I wanted. Click here to check them out they are really simple to use and use WordPress but you can convert it as a store using the themes and plug ins which is nice and the customer service is on point and always helpful.

Check out my other spicy blog 



Affilate links: Support me by buying from these links!

 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...