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Showing posts with label small business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small business. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

What ever you do

 Whatever you do in life you have to be passionate about. You have to be confident in it. Do something that you love to do. You cannot do it for money or the fame behind it you just have to do it because you love it. Money will eventually start coming in. Do not give up and do not get discourage. Hard work pays off in the long run and it never goes unnoticed. Everyone just have a certain time to bloom and blossom so it can take a while. 

Sometimes life will not give you everything you want it will only give you what you need. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

High Risk Online Buisness?

 Are you a high-risk online business and trying to get paid but payment processors won't let you get paid? Don't worry we have a way for you to get by it. What you are going to need to do is ditch shopify and anything that will basically tell you, you cannot sell your products. That is false they only want to charge you more money to run your shops. If you are looking for a website to get started on I highly recommend Dream-host.

 Not only you can make blogs you can also run a shop for cheaper than what shopify is charging. I had my run ins with shopify because I am a high risk selling adult novelty toys and was looking for website hosting and could never get seen using shopify but I then I found Dream host and never had a problem. They have so much stuff that allows you to get traffic and help you get out there and make you feel like you are not being shadow banned. 

There are all kinds of plug ins on dream-host that allows you to get payments from Cash app to Payoneer and plenty of other ways including paypal which pay pal is okay and not the greatest over the years I have had issues with them and they would not give me my money. 

If you are selling adult products be warn that stripe does not like handling high risks so they will turn you down but other than that there's others out there.

Shopify does not support CBD, THC and tobacco businesses they consider them high risk and more. 

Dream host is prefect for any shop that is just getting started and if you have any questions their customer service is subpar and goes beyond to help the customers.


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

You can make X amount of figures SCAM

 Running a blog is never easy. Sometimes it is hard to get traffic and so you have to promote it basically everywhere all while making sure your SEO is up to standers to be sure you are being seen and getting traffic all while using catchy titles and tags and labels.

Adsense doesn't always get approved sometimes you cannot make money on it so you have to find affiliate marketing links just to make a little.

The ugly truth is if your not getting views your not gonna get paid. Even if you are getting views does not mean your gonna get paid. People will say you can make so much from this and by doing this but it's not true. It's a scam and if you click on the links on their blog post they get paid and they are the ones giving you false hope by having you believe you can make so many figures by doing such and such but it's just click bate and a scam. I fell for it one to many times in hopes it's real but it's not. It's a get rich quick scheme people use to take advantage of people just so that they can get traffic to their own blogs.

 Also paying for traffic doesn't help. Don't use the paid sites to get views and traffic it makes them money and gives you bot views and no one wants that we want organic growth.

I have had my spicy review blog since 2018 and it has been ups and downs. It doesn't matter how many views you are getting. If they don't like it, they won't buy and it doesn't matter what it is. I have my side bars full of affiliate ads but they just sit there and linking the product in the post doesn't help either. 

Check out my spicy blog reviews 

If you are wanting to start a small business or blog I highly suggest dreamhost for hosting even though its a WordPress site that you can convert into regular websites also by uploading your own files, you can make it into a shop like I did. 

My book here!

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