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Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Affiliate Marketing

 Affiliate marketing is not for the weak. It is not easy to make money while affiliate marking and no it will not make you a quick dollar. Some of the contracts terms and agreements you sign is that you only get 10%-20% of the sale and that is a few cents and then some sales may take longer to get.

 A few may be back to back if you are lucky but most times we can go weeks without having a sale it just depends on the product and the way you market. A good way to market is to go to social media platforms and use hashtags on your posts and links. 

Another way is to make a blog post about it using key words and optimize words to be sure that your search pops up on top. This took me forever to know and learn when I first started. You have to be sure you are marketing toward the clientele that will use it because if you do not then you can end up missing the whole market. 

So you are going to have to figure out your niche and the way you are going to market because sometimes things that we have plans for and the way we do things are not going to work and if you don't like the products you are trying to sell then you are not going to have a fun time and end the end you are going to give up with it and be sure you reach out to the companies and get a review unit or sample and if you cannot then try to buy it and review it to get an actual look at the product so you know what you are marketing and so you know how the product is. 

Check out my blogs: 

The hidden room with spicy reviews is an 18+ blog

Tainted co is a gaming, tech and software review blog 

lovely reviews is a blog that reviews all kinds of products. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Smart product video

 Often times are are trying to figure out how to do things but due to recently, tiktok is showing us other ways and the correct ways to use things. I think that is funny, we have basically been going our whole lives doing things incorrectly or the way we feel was correct. Sometimes things in life come with little to no explanation and you are basically looking for them trying to figure out how to do things or use something. 

You basically ship your product to the company and they test it and make endless amounts of content and assets for the product. They will make videos, articles, pictures, widgets and so much more. This basically will help you market your items and you won't really have to do the production or work yourself. You can send them clothing and they will model it for you, get pictures, take videos of the clothes. They can also stress test your products to see how durable they are. This is perfect for small businesses and those who want to make more material for their items.

Click here and check out these interactive videos for products and other things. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Blogs and affiliate marketing

 Blogs do not really make money like people say they can. Yes you can get adsense on blogs as long as they follow the guidelines and TOS but unfortunately none of my blogs does due to one of my blogs are adult content and reviews adult novelties all while they have advertisement for alcohol on adsense. 

Since I could not have adsense to monetize my blogs I have affiliate marketing links and ads to at least try to make some kind of revenue in which that doesn't really make anything either. 

When starting off and needing money to the point you are trying to find anything that will make you something please do not get your hopes up with blogging because I'm here to tell you I have been here since 2016 and have not really made anything.

 I made a few sales with the affiliate marketing links here and there but not enough to get a payout which sucks. 

Another thing I will say is don't get tangled up in affiliate marketing. It is not worth it. You will spend your time giving them free advertisement while you make nothing and it does not matter the company nor what they say you can make because you won't make it and I rather tell you now than you get your feelings hurt thinking it will bring in quick cash.

Also third party affiliate sites are not worth your time. If you still do decide to affiliate marketing then go to their websites and sign up as an affiliate from there. 

People won't click on off the wall tracking links because they don't know what they are unless they have the company and site name in the link.

Monday, October 24, 2022

My life,2022

 Christmas is on its way and I am not ready. I am normally always ready for Christmas but this year is different.

 Last year, I had money for Christmas where this year I do not since the company that I was working for decided to make it harder for their affiliates to be able to make money. 

They also pay a month behind so it. 

 The threshold for pay out is 50 dollars but if you do not hit 50 you do not get paid so you kind of get it. 

I included an image of the payments and the last time I got paid from the company. 

If anyone feels in the giving spirit, you can always tip me. It is not required but I would be very thankful! I am also looking for remote work if anyone could point the way.

I have been trying to figure things out on my own. The person that I married, made so many promises that it's to the point I am tired of hearing them and they become broken promises that are empty. I have repeatedly asked him to do things and it is like talking to a brick wall and I end up having to do them myself even though he said he would get it, don't worry but what is the point when it is me having to pull your load also because he won't. I am so tired of this, I am tired of living like this, I am tired of the unwanted stress I receive daily and it is not fair to me and my mental health to be put through this even though oh, he applied to jobs, been accepted but comes up with excuses and reasons he can't do it just like everything else. This is not fair to me.  

I have spent a lot of my time applying for jobs for him... I have spent a lot of my time worrying about bills being paid, worried about if everything is in order when he lives careless... I did not get a gift for our anniversary and most of the gifts that I got... I end up giving him money to buy or he some how got it. I don't really get Christmas.. I don't get flowers or chocolates really. I don't even get to go out on dates anymore and it sucks. 

Here are my links... to the gaming stuff

Here is my sextoy review blog, you can buy anything from it and I get a few dollars commission anything helps. My blogs have ads on the sides you can buy from which will also give me a few dollar commission. 



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Lets talk about Jobs! (Work from home!)

There are so many jobs that you can get out there. There are retail jobs, fast food, caregivers, teachers, government, and many more jobs. Sometimes it is harder to find jobs that you are qualified for and then other times the jobs that basically you do not get no where, they are dead end, no raises, bosses just sit there and make you do this, that and everything else for a little pay that barely feeds your family. Then there are jobs where you are forced to get a 2nd or 3rd job to make ends meet and then your not with your family and you cannot watch them grow because you are busy and always gone trying to make ends meet. There are so much you can do from home like becoming an Amazon affiliate, Fiverr affiliate and many other stores. You could become a twitch or YouTube streamer, advertise on social media and just even having your own businesses create your own site for at least around 30 bucks for your own domain and your own site but if you don't wanna go through the hassle then use eBay or Shopify(eBay for everything you sale has a fee that they take out, Shopify 30 buck a month ain't bad.) If you do crafts great create yourself an Etsy store and sell them on there or eBay or even Facebook. If your good with writing, creating logos, fixing photos and or just techy use Fiverr or any other freelancing service. Ask people if they need help and see if they will pay you to help them if its nothing but a couple dollars. It all equals up. The best part is you work only when you want to work!

Become an affiliate on just about any store site by scrolling down and clicking affiliate! Create your account for free and of course it will ask your address, email, name, if your a business or individual and phone number along with country. It is all free to promote their ads. Promote them on blogs, social media, just about anywhere but read their terms of services along with the place your posting them because some places are not allowed!
Click here for Information about affiliate program, what it is and what it's about (Free to join!) (Free to join!) (Free to join!) (Free to join!) (Free to join just have to pay 30 bucks a month for your shop!) (Free to join!) - Gaming Streams, Live streams, In real life, NO NUDITY! (Read terms of service!) (Free to join!)

  Technology Used by Successful Businesses - it is free and its nothing but advertising ads!

Affilate links: Support me by buying from these links!

 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...