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Showing posts with label sites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sites. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Making Money Online (selling)

Surveys do not pay you like they say they will. Don't get me wrong there is lots of sites saying that they will pay you to take surveys but honestly, I have not found one to pay me yet. I only found ones that you refer people with and you get paid.

There are all kinds of articles for you to read on how so and so has made so much money or how they get paid but honestly I don't even think its real. I've tried and tried but they did not work. I got so fed up with it I deleted my account after 6 months of opening it due to it was not honest. Affiliate marketing could work if you get your audience but don't count on it because I've been doing it for a year and still have not made anything advertising for Rakuten marketing or Amazon. You get paid by selling things for them to people and you get a certain percentage of what it sold for. I have not even sold anything on either and guess what I had to go in and reopen my amazon affiliate marketing because it closed itself all because I didn't meet the requirements of selling something. There is a lot of work to affiliate marketing from posting advertisements that are appropriate while trying to figure out what people are into and it gets hard and frustrating because it is a lot of balancing trying to figure out what is popular and what isn't.

eBay and Amazon are nice but the fees get expensive and there is lots to worry about. There are honest people in this world but then there are people on eBay trying to scam people and try to get things free. Trust me we have ran into this recently and decided to shut down the store because it was not worth it anymore and sometimes the fees are more than you make which puts you in the whole and you barely make anything unless you price things higher.

Facebook market and sale groups and apps like let-go, craigslist, offer-up or any other sites you meet face to face are nice but sometimes it can take forever to sale something but its like this on anything you sell on.  ALSO BE SURE TO MEET IN PUBLIC FOR YOU SAFETY I!!! Sometimes you will have a no show and you waste your time and gas trying to sale things so be sure to message them and let them know if you cannot make it and be sure to ask if they are coming. We tell people the time and the kind of car we are in to let them know and then we tell them where we are parked.Not all people are like this but there are a couple. There was also a couple of people who have gotten robbed over a phone so be safe and bring another person with you. Please do not go alone if you can help it. You could also do shipping on these if you don't wanna bother meeting them just on the post put shipping available and make sure you charge enough to cover the shipping weight.

Mercari is nice and I love it! The only thing is you don't get your money until you ship the item and it reaches the buyer. This is a safety thing so that you cannot scam or be scammed.The app lets people know when their package is there and they have 48 hours to rate you and if they do not then the workers of Mercari rates you for them and you will get your money. I absolutely love how it is set up and it works great. You don't even have to hunt the shipping label because when something is sold and paid for it is emailed to you. It also takes it fees out of it for you so you don't have to worry and when you post the listing it will tell you how much it is taking.
(Sign up for Mercari and get $10 OFF your first purchase. Here's my invitation link :

Etsy is a site for handmade crafts but you can basically sell it anywhere not just there. i have an account but never sold anything. I felt it was to much of a hassle and you have to pay.20 per listing which isn't to bad but I just don't like the way its set up or the platform.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Lets talk about Jobs! (Work from home!)

There are so many jobs that you can get out there. There are retail jobs, fast food, caregivers, teachers, government, and many more jobs. Sometimes it is harder to find jobs that you are qualified for and then other times the jobs that basically you do not get no where, they are dead end, no raises, bosses just sit there and make you do this, that and everything else for a little pay that barely feeds your family. Then there are jobs where you are forced to get a 2nd or 3rd job to make ends meet and then your not with your family and you cannot watch them grow because you are busy and always gone trying to make ends meet. There are so much you can do from home like becoming an Amazon affiliate, Fiverr affiliate and many other stores. You could become a twitch or YouTube streamer, advertise on social media and just even having your own businesses create your own site for at least around 30 bucks for your own domain and your own site but if you don't wanna go through the hassle then use eBay or Shopify(eBay for everything you sale has a fee that they take out, Shopify 30 buck a month ain't bad.) If you do crafts great create yourself an Etsy store and sell them on there or eBay or even Facebook. If your good with writing, creating logos, fixing photos and or just techy use Fiverr or any other freelancing service. Ask people if they need help and see if they will pay you to help them if its nothing but a couple dollars. It all equals up. The best part is you work only when you want to work!

Become an affiliate on just about any store site by scrolling down and clicking affiliate! Create your account for free and of course it will ask your address, email, name, if your a business or individual and phone number along with country. It is all free to promote their ads. Promote them on blogs, social media, just about anywhere but read their terms of services along with the place your posting them because some places are not allowed!
Click here for Information about affiliate program, what it is and what it's about (Free to join!) (Free to join!) (Free to join!) (Free to join!) (Free to join just have to pay 30 bucks a month for your shop!) (Free to join!) - Gaming Streams, Live streams, In real life, NO NUDITY! (Read terms of service!) (Free to join!)

  Technology Used by Successful Businesses - it is free and its nothing but advertising ads!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Gaming 101; All about streaming

Gaming is a stress reliever until you find a game that is stress inducing until you find a stress inducing game and you will end up buying 3 new controllers a new TV and lots of wall repairing. There are games out there that is stress reducing and then there is a couple that is stress inducting. There are different categories of games that you can get into and there is so many games that lets you interact with people. You can find all kinds of friends on them and then you can find enemies that do not like you and try to kill you multiple times but that's besides the point. Gaming is a great therapy for whatever you are going through. It helps relieve your mind and think for a while before you start worrying and stressing over something. It helps calm you down and let you forget for a while. It's even better when you spouse or partner is playing along with you. They also help bring the stress and frustration down.

 Gaming is a career a hobby and a job at times. You can make money off of it just by becoming a twitch affiliate, a partner on YouTube or just by getting donations and tips on both if your live streaming. Becoming an affiliate takes a lot of dedication, hard work and time. It does not just come to you it takes time and patience along with tips and donations. People enjoy having good content like jokes, perverting streams and just being yourself. Play for you and them not for the money behind it. Entertain them, engage with them and talk to them if you have a mic and if you do not reply to their messages in chat. If you have a capture card it works out 10 times better but if you do not have one just be yourself and entertain do not be a meany and do not be stuck up and rude just be yourself and if you find someone that gets on your nerves you can ban them and block them. Don't let a troll get you down everyone gets them and we all just brush them off. One more thing well a couple. Play games that you like and care for. Don't play the ones with the most views people are looking for other things so stand out and do your own thing. DO NOT WATCH YOUR OWN STREAM IF YOU HAVE SUCKISH INTERNET YOUR STREAM WILL CRASH!!!! IT CAN ALSO DISTRACTS YOUR FROM THE STREAM AND AS A FELLOW STREAMER I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE!!!!

Advertising and promoting your streams works wonders with getting the view count up. Send you links to family and friends, on Facebook, Reddit, twitter, discord and basically anywhere that you can post a link like join groups on Google-plus that allows you to promote your channels. (You can join more than one group!!!) You can also do the same for Facebook. (Some links are below!)

Affilate links: Support me by buying from these links!

 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...