Friday, August 23, 2024


 The soul sinking feeling of watching everyone you grew up with have friends they can go to or talk to while you stick to yourself because you never fit in. 

The feeling of wishing you could have a friend but you don't so you decide to go searching for a friend but end up finding people who are not friend type and just do things to you just for their pleasure or just because.  

The hopes that you have a support group because  your family isn't the greatest and you're just wishing you had someone else in your corner besides your spouse. Watching people get invited to outings or things and you end up at home by yourself wishing someone would invite you to something.

 Wanting to have someone to have kids so your kids can become best friends also. This is a dream.. This was what I was hoping for but in the end, I did not get that. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Writing and talking

 Writing and talking is often times the best medicines. This allows you to get your feelings and emotions out. It allows you to open up and maybe there are someone who is going through the exact same things or maybe they haven't went through it yet and it is coming. 

Talking is a great therapeutic thing but if you have no one to talk tom you can always write or vlog about it. 

I love writing, I love being able to express my feelings and emotions and what I am thinking because it allows me to be able to express myself so I don't bottle everything up and keep it inside because it is not good to do that. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Digestive issues with no gallbladder

 I am sick. I feel like I am not being listened to or heard. I keep explaining everything including how I feel but its like it does not matter. I went to multiple different doctors for diagnoses but its like what is the point of it? I feel like they are not listening nor are trying to help me. They keep pushing medications after medications and it is not helping only making it worst. I have chronic pancreatitis  that flares up occasionally and I have fatty liver disease. 

The hospital would not do anything for my pancreas. They gave me IV and nausea medications and sent me home. I have been taking Physicians Choice Digestive enzymes and  OX bile and it seems to be helping break down the foods that my body cannot due to a missing gallbladder that I had to get out. It also

is not causing pain as bad in my pancreas and I am less bloated than I was.

My liver and pancreas took over and was doing all the work and no one told me that it was going to be harder for the body. No one explained anything to me and it took me until now since I have a medical knowledge and went to college for parts of it that it is going to cause this. 

I spent 3 years suffering with pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and I am still suffering with the pain trying to get it diagnosed but its like everywhere I go, no one is listening and is only making assumptions and playing a guessing game so I decided to self treat.  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Review Blog

 Hi everyone, I also have a review blog that I am starting to get back into. Check it out here! 



Summer is almost over, if you have not taken a vacation yet but still looking for a suit case or just looking for a suitcase in general, I highly recommend these! These suit cases are roomy comes with a travel bag that allows you to put your travel necessities in them such as lotion, shampoo, sunscreen, toothpaste and all kinds of other things that you are needing.

 It also comes with a large suitcase and a small one which to me that is a win win if I have kids or needing to add extra to mine and have no room. Some also comes with an extra rolling suitcase so be sure you are getting the one you are wanting! 

 I personally love how easy it is to move these suit cases around. I say this because most suitcases that I have a re not easy to move around and often times get stuck but this one does not. To me these are light weight and I can wheel both of them in my hands and they have no problem like most does. 

 Get yours here! 

These have an extra suitcase and travel bag! 

 My review blog! 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Senior year of College and can finish

University of phoenix
 I was just informed  that I will have to pay $6,000 or more to finish school even though I am in my senior year and graduating in April 2025.

I did not know I was going to have to pay. No one from the university has called me or let me know anything and when I first called they said I would have to wait until July but I called because of an email and they told me I was going to have to pay

$15,000 and then she changed it and told me it was 6000 after she went to contact her supervisor. 

I am having to quit because I cannot pay that. I do not have the money to pay that and they dropped the ball by not telling me. They want me to pay this by October or work in payment plans of $300 a month but I cannot pay that either which sucks. 

No one has reached out to me about anything not even my financial  aid or to tell me that I was running low. 

I even called them and they told me I was good but now I owe $6,000+ or as the lady on the phone was trying to say until she went to her supervisor $15,000. They could of used my medical coding and billing credits to pad over it and then I would not have the extra classes since it is the same thing I learned already. 

They do not give you everything they advertise either. If you are a parent, you do not get that credit. They don't even really give you any credits which sucks even though they advertise it. The scholarships you try for, its a pick or choose system and you don't get them either. 

I never really had a problem with this University until now and honestly I do not know how to go about this. 

I even told the lady to drop my classes in chat but she kept saying payment would not start until October and I told her I won't be able to pay it but yet they still would not drop my classes so I am stuck. I have 10 more classes and they told me to go to Sophia and take them but I cannot pay the monthly cost there since it is going to be $299 and they do not have the courses I am taking so. None of the places they recommend offers the courses I need but yet they still try to recommend them.

If you want to donate, you can donate to my stripe. 

I have been trying to apply for scholarships but it's like no reason since it feels like I will never be chosen. 

I would reach out to family for support but what is the point? My brother pretty much got college paid for by my father and he allowed him to use his credit for it and it appears he's the favorite out of us.

My stripe

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Chime Bank| My Review


Are you looking for a bank that allows you to receive payday 2 days early? Then look no further. Chime is an amazing bank that allows you to not only receive your money 2 days early but it also can help build your credit. You can also pay bills, send money to friends or request it just like cash app and so much more. You can also save money by putting it in your savings and you can also track your credit on there.

If someone sends you money, or you send someone money you can boost them and give them an extra spotme. You can send boosts once per month and when it runs out all your friend has to do is send you some money and they can boost you and you can boost them.

This is a great thing because you can use your card and pretty much over draft however much the boost is and then once you get paid it takes it from there. Did I also mention that Chime has no fees so they do not take money like most banks do. I have been using chime for 5 years and I pretty much just switch my cash app to my chime because it was so much simpler and cash app kept locking people out and I did not want to risk it.

A chime bank account is 100% free and easy to use. If you need to add cash to it, you can go to dollar general, CVS, Walgreens and other places that allow you to in which the chime app will show you locations on a map to go to.

I highly recommend chime because it is simple to use. I have the app on my phone and I have never had an issue with them like other banks. They do not charge a fee for my hard earn money and you can use the spot me boost to spend over for emergencies. I love love love this bank so much more than any other bank I have been with. You can also link chime to other banks and move money with no issue that way which is also great. I love that.

Join Chime using my link and receive a $100!


 The soul sinking feeling of watching everyone you grew up with have friends they can go to or talk to while you stick to yourself because y...