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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Worrisome 2025 Benefit cutting

 I normally do not post this kind of stuff over here but because my mind is racing and I am kind of worried not just for my family but others also. 

This will impact me and not only me but everyone a great amount. This is going to impact a lot of families. 

My husband is on Medicaid because he is technically disabled but he works. He only has one kidney and suffers with RA and that makes him swell and his joints hard to move. 

SS will not give him his benefits because of their long rule of thumb and all the other documents that they are needing and the long wait times. 

Don't worry they don't give half the people benefits and they need it. A lot of people have to go through lawyers and attorneys to get their benefits because it takes years to get it started for them to even bother looking at it and then you can get approved or denied and a lot of people get denied even though they really need it. A lot of people do not get enough on SS to actually survive through this economy. They barely get enough to get by. 

My kids, husband and I are on Medicaid. I will be on Medicaid until my youngest kid turns 21. That is just the rule of the state that I live in. I am not complaining because of I am on Medicaid. I am complaining because I am worried. We are a low income family just like all the others that are on Medicaid. This is one of our ways that we can afford seeing doctors without having to worry. This is one of the ways we can afford our medications without us having to go without them. This is really worrisome not only to me but to everyone that is on it and needs it just like those that have medicare. A lot of people are going to get seriously ill and they could end up passing away because they cannot get the treatment that they are needing. 

We are on food stamps. I am not complaining because of this. Everyone has to eat and in this economy, it makes it a lot harder because the minimum wage does not match the inflation and the prices of food. A lot of people are going to feel this collapse. A lot of people are going to suffer because of careless acts. A lot of people are going to get sick, and not have the funds they need to cover it. This is how 2025 is going. A lot of people are in fear, a lot of people are going to be affected by this and they do not care.

 They only want to give the money to their buddies for billionaire tax cuts and fill their pockets from the hard earned money that we put in and gave. 

A lot of people getting laid off and fired from their jobs. Their jobs that they ran for many years to make sure that everyone is stable and could actually try to survive in this world. A lot of people that are qualified that actually want to help the people just for them to get fired and everyone else suffers because of it.  It is only the 3rd month in 2025. 

If you look at other countries, they are so much better, so much advanced. They actually want to help their people everyone can afford things they need and want and they do not have to sacrifice things like we do. 

The American dream is long gone and the American way is also. They try to make America look so much better than other countries when other countries are so much better than America. 

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Monday, March 3, 2025

Leave the world behind: Movie review

 Leave the world behind is such an eventful movie. A few of the things that happened in the movie could happen now and it is important to note the events and be prepared for just in cause scenarios because with the world going on right now we do not know what to expect. This movie was a weird movie to be honest. This movie is not even complete. 

You do not know what is going to happen at the end because it is cut off like there is a second part but it is just a cliff hanger. This movie to me was good at the beginning but once it kept going it was just a mess. The beginning also did not tell you anything that was going on. Everything just happened so it made it a little difficult to understand. 

It is an apocalyptic style movie with multiple series of events. In which throughout the movie you learn that it is better to be over prepared for this rather than not prepare at all because you never know what you are going to need besides an underground bunker, food, supplies, first aid kit, and medications.

First it was a cyber attack that then made transportation crash everywhere such as planes, and ships and cars. The radio and communications did not work due to something taking out the satellites along with taking out the power grid and causing power failure. There was also a loud window cracking screech that was echoing through the sky that could cause all kinds of issues such as a person becoming deaf, dumb and paralyzed in which it drove the deer and made the animals go crazy and then the little girl goes missing and the mother doesn't even bother going to search for her at the end. It just moves cameras to the little girl and then it cuts off leaving us hanging like what is this. 

What was the purpose? This movie was good and then it went everywhere. I wish at the beginning it would have explained and given a little insight instead of the ship just boarding the seashore and then everyone running. I would have also loved it if it did not end the way it did.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Building Credit with Current and Chime Credit!

 Let me just say, I was hesitant about this. I was not so sure about this because I heard rumors and truthfully they were all wrong. Chime and Current is a great way to help boost your credit without having to get a credit card. 
Yes, they both report to your credit and each time you use it, it will end up boosting your credit so many points.
 Unlike credit cards, you are using your own hard working money that you do not have to pay back nor have a monthly fee or charge on. It just brings you interest to your credit score making it rise.

In Chime, the credit builder is attached to the account you just go in and request a credit building card and you one. Each time you move money to it, it allows you to spend it and it will help boost your credit no matter what purchase it is. 

With current, you have to put  $100 first and then you can go in with micro transactions but in the long run this will also help you with building it also. These both go great hand in hand because you can double boost your credit without even having to have a credit card. 

I highly recommend this. Oh, don't worry you can also put your direct deposit on them and it will help even more. You also get perks and can get cash back on certain purchases from stores which is a win win and I highly recommend it. 

Join Current here! 

Join Chime here!  

Friday, February 28, 2025


 Pneumonia is nothing to play with. It felt as if we had covid or a cold and then it got worst and nothing helped it. We were taking over the counter cold medications to try to help alleviate the coughing, runny nose, sneezing the muscle aches, the congestion but after a while that did not help.

 It feel like it only got worse. Shortness of breath, the uncontrollable coughing whether it was wet or dry the tossing the turning the mouth pain, the head pain, the chest pains, wheezing. It is a horrible experience of loss of appetite, feeling fatigue, tossing and turning at night, cannot sleep, cannot get comfortable. You can also get nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in which it is horrible because you cannot keep nothing down. Another thing is feeling weak and weakness. 

It sometimes feels like there is an elephant or something on your chest and coughing hurts your ribs and back. You can also be hot cold hot cold or run a 3 hour long fever even if you took something for it or you can end up running a back to back fever and then it suddenly break off. 

I was using the congestion vapor rubs trying to alleviate it and then I was taking a hot shower in which it helped some but not a whole lot, it just made me more cold than anything. I was also using the vapor sticks, Flonase, and pretty much anything thing else I could to try to help and it did a little bit. I also ate some soup and drunk Gatorades and power aids to keep me hydrated. If you cannot eat, eat a little bit of crackers and drink something with electrolytes in it to help you. 

Pneumonia, is an infection where the lungs become inflamed and fluid and or pus gets into the lungs and makes it extremely difficult to breathe. It is caused by having illness going untreated such as the Flu, COVID, RSV, cytomegalovirus and fungi. If you go to the hospital, they will run CT or x-ray to look at your lungs to determine what it is and then the treatment plan if antibiotics and they can prescribe you some cough syrup that works 10x better than the OTC ones. 

MY husband and I both have Pneumonia, only difference is his is more severe because he has RA and is on Humira where mine is not as serve and do not have as many symptoms.  Humira weakens the immune system until it can level out the RA and it means that the person that is taking it can attract illnesses quickly and it can be a while for them to be able to get rid of it with out going to the doctors. 

Pneumonia is contagious for about 48 hours so that explains how I got it. 

There are three different types of Pneumonia

Bacterial: Contagious for about 48 hours after starting antibiotics and the fever is going away. No longer contagious when the fever is gone and been antibiotics for two days. 

Fungal: is not contagious

Viral: is contagious until symptoms such as fever improves. Consider contagious until you feel better and fever free for several days. 

It is best to consult your doctor if you do not feel good. It will save you in the long run and you will not have to do through this and suffer like we did. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


There are a lot of pandemics that are happening now. We have walking pneumonia, bird flu, COVID 19 and Norovirus and measles, Flu A. Not really anyone is talking about this either. We are under censorship pretty much and no one is allowed to cover much of it. 

Wear your masks, wash your hands and be aware of your surroundings. Take safety precautions to keep you and your family safe, especially those with immune compromise. Watch the things you eat and watch the recalls. If you want some relief, try taking allergy medications because it helps with the congestion, runny nose and a few other things. 

Bird flu can happen if you do not cook your chicken and eggs fully thoroughly so be sure it is cooked. Chicken is done when it hits 165 degrees internally. Eggs are done when they are not running.  Yes, bird flu is currently spreading through beef and other things including pets so be mindful and be warned. 

Bird flu H5N1: Does not really spread from human to human but only from chicken to humans. It causes fevers, coughs, sore throats, achy muscles and pneumonia. 

Needing to find out recalls here this post has a link to an app that gives recall notices. Very helpful! 

FLU A: Contains weakness, body aches, chills, cough, and a lot of other things. Right now it is attacking children and a lot of them this is making it difficult for them to walk and do their everyday things.  It can also cause ear infections, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pain in the abdomin, chest pains, pneumonia, bronchitis, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache and body aches. 

Anyone can catch it including animals. 

Norovirus: contains diarrhea, and vomiting and really bad stomach issues. It can also cause a low grade fever. It takes 12-48 hours to start showing symptoms but then it lasts 1-3 days kind of like a stomach bug. It comes from food, water, infected people and surfaces in which it can survive for weeks. 

Covid: is a really bad common cold but it makes you feel like you have the flu. It has a wet cough that converts to a dry cough. COVID takes away your taste buds and smell and can make everything taste salty and bad. It can also make you lose your appetite. It can also cause shortness of breath and respiratory distress. Covid spreads through respiratory droplets, someone coughing, sneezing, and or talking. It can also be on a touch base where you pick it up from touching things.

Measles:  High fever, cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes, rash, coughing, sneezing, and small white spots in the mouth ( this does not happen all the time.)

I have had COVID 19 7 times now.  My family is currently dealing with it and the pneumonia and  the norosvirus and it it suck.

Right now we are combating it with cough medications, congestion medications to help with the congestion because after coughing a while, you will start aching in pain not wanting to cough. 

We are taking a tea spoon of raw honey to help with it and attempt to help build up parts of the immune system. 

We are also taking Ibprohen, Tylenol and advil to help with the fever and any pain we may experience. The kids are taking Motrin and tylenol to help them.  

The cough medications did not help clear it up as much but my kid had a rash that looks like an allergic reaction to something and we gave him allergy medications and he cleared up quickly. I took allergy medications and I felt way better and the only symptoms that I have is my little cough and a itchy throat. My congestion left and my nose stopped running and  I now feel better. I highly recommend getting some allergy medications because it can help. It helps break down the congestion, and the runny nose and a few of the other symptoms.

We notice it started with a cough and a runny nose, then it went from that to a low grade fever. From the low grade fever it then moved over to wet cough, body aches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

 Then my kids developed a rash on her face. The other kid then developed a spotty rash that looked kind of like a honey comb shape. We though it was something he got into so we quickly gave him an Epsom salt bath and then used non allergic bar soaps that was made of oats. After his bath we gave him some allergy medications his doctor prescribed him because he and I both have severe seasonal allergies and I am glad she did give him that because it came in handy right now it cleared up all of his symptoms. He had a little dry cough but that was about it.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Scholarships 360


If you are looking for a place to get scholarships, check out Scholarships 360.

 They have all kinds of scholarships for everyone and they are easy to get into and use. You do not have to make a huge Essay like certain places, not at all.

You only have to write a 250 maximum essay and that is it. They also will give you show only scholarships just for you and to me that means a lot since not all scholarships are meant for everyone. It will also allow you to filter through and find Scholarships that you are eligible for and those that you are partly eligible for. Scholarships 360 is 100% free and simple to get into.

I highly recommend it because it is really useful and unlike certain places (Scholarship owl which is not free) this one is and it is not a scam like most. Also Join bold. It is almost like Scholarship 360 but you can also earn points and get a bold card that you can use to pay on your loans which is nice.

Join Scholarship 360 now!

Join Bold here!

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