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Showing posts with label houses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label houses. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2022

Affordable housing


The home we are renting we are suppose to be buying. We are needing to add two more rooms on it so that it is not as crowded here. Buying a home right out is not easy they are needing your check stubs for the past two years and sometimes you won't have that. 

You are also needing a great credit score even though some said they would take the 580, they do not. It is so much more on you to try to buy a home. Home buy is not affordable. The affordable housing went extent and are so rare that people do not believe them when they tell you the price due to so many scams going around. 

The houses that has all the rooms needed are way to expensive and wants payment that are often time higher than people can afford and it sucks. It is like you are giving an arm and a leg to have a place to call home. 

Affordable housing would be great for people because they would have a place to forever call theirs without having to worry about if the landlord is going to make them move. 

The bank system doesn't even help those who really need it. It will only help the ones who have money. Unless you have $10,000 or more they do not even want to see you. They won't even really take cash, it has to be in your account because they will claim you are doing illegal things if you hand them cash which is not right but as everyone is saying we are going into a cashless society.

If housing was affordable there would not be as many homeless people as there is because no one can afford a house and be sure that we can eat also and pay bills. Things are expensive. Most of the businesses that are trying to force people into office could convert it into housing for those who needs it. Also businesses that closed down could be a perfect place for the homeless to live. It would be like an apartment to them but no one really wants to help them. No one really wants to help anyone. It is a hand up thing that they don't want to help anyone but themselves. 

It is all about greed, who has the most cash. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


We all had a favorite dog right. We all had a favorite dog that has died of natural causes and you are unsure why. I had a dog get bit by a snake and make it but others got bit by a snake and they died. My mothers dog eats snakes and although we thought it would hurt him it didn't. A snake biting a dog is really common. People say there is nothing you can do but in actuality you can.

Giving them raw fat back and putting milk in a bowl helps them. The fat back sucks the venom out and the milk helps give them strength. It works really well if you have a hunting dog or an outside dog. This is good for any kind of dog and a great way tip to try. When you cannot afford to take them to the vet this helps. So don't let your dog suffer. Give this to them and keep a check on them to make sure they are okay.

Giving your dog warm grease on top of their food helps them keep their fur soft. It helps them also keep most of their hair. The only reason they won't keep their hair is if they are old, they are sick, or the weather is changing so they are shedding. You can use a de-shedding brush to help out so their hair doesn't get everywhere. Shedding can be a mess so their hair can be everywhere. There are things you can get for it and the links will be at the end of this page.

You can give your dog table scraps just mix it with their dog food. I would not really give my dog corn only because they are just like us and cannot digest it. If your dog seems like they are not eating then mix their food. You can pour some milk in their food and it will make them eat it too. I've done this a lot because my dog would not eat.

De-worming a dog is the best thing you can possible do. We de-worm ours when they don't eat or start looking sick or even when they loose weight. For some reason they loose weight but we feed them about 2 times a day and sometimes they still have food in their bowls. To tell if your dog has worms they will show in their poop and they will start not eating and loosing weight like there is no tomorrow. So depending on your breed and size determines how many times you de-worm them.

Deshed gloves

Shed Control Shampoo


Dog Toys

Dog Leashes

Dog Brushes

Dog beds

Dog Shampoos

Dog Houses

Dog items

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