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Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Affilate links: Support me by buying from these links!

















Monday, May 6, 2024

The Gluten Free Mall

 Trying to find gluten free products are hard! A lot of the foods that state are gluten free are not or can also be contaminated with gluten. Gluten free mall makes it so much easier to find products that you need. 

They have so many different gluten free staple that will help better your breakfast lunch and dinner. They have a lot of different gluten free brands and it is not even all that expensive as other stores. They also have Vegan and Vegetarian foods which is nice.

 I personally love Gluten Free Mall because they have so many different foods that I have been looking for that local stores do not carry and this allows me to be sure that I am safe. 

This company is really trustworthy and I trust them with my health and life because there are not a lot of gluten free brands and foods to choose from but they have it all from bread to snacks to pastas, granola, breakfast, nut fee, soy free, corn free, dairy free, frozen and a bunch of other things that people are needing. 

Start shopping here Gluten Free Mall

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Yasso greek yogurt poppables (FROZEN)

 Let me first start off by saying these are delicious! I seen them at Walmart and I quickly grabbed them up since I was to try them and let me start by saying my kid and I ate the whole bag.  

They just melted in my mouth and were so delicious. 

The way you can taste the caramel and sea salt a little more than the Yogurt and honestly they are worth it. 

There are 35 calories in each popable. The serving size is 1 per container but if you start you are going to end up eating the whole bag if you are not careful. 

I really love these and ended up having to get myself a bag of them and getting my daughter one because she ate all of mine. 

You can also get these at target or order them from their website which is nice. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Use Honey for Discounts!!!

Holidays and birthdays are coming up so why not use honey??? It is a coupon discount extension that has saved me over 100 dollars on game-stop, Walmart and amazon not counting other sites we use!!!!!

All you do is download it to chrome and whenever your shopping it will pop down a box that says if there is any active coupons or if you just click it and click the try coupons then it will go through them all finding the right one for you!!! IT DOES NOT SAVE YOUR INFO BUT IT DOES NEED YOUR NAME AND EMAIL TO VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT! use this link to get it! - USE THIS LINK TO START SAVING

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


We all had a favorite dog right. We all had a favorite dog that has died of natural causes and you are unsure why. I had a dog get bit by a snake and make it but others got bit by a snake and they died. My mothers dog eats snakes and although we thought it would hurt him it didn't. A snake biting a dog is really common. People say there is nothing you can do but in actuality you can.

Giving them raw fat back and putting milk in a bowl helps them. The fat back sucks the venom out and the milk helps give them strength. It works really well if you have a hunting dog or an outside dog. This is good for any kind of dog and a great way tip to try. When you cannot afford to take them to the vet this helps. So don't let your dog suffer. Give this to them and keep a check on them to make sure they are okay.

Giving your dog warm grease on top of their food helps them keep their fur soft. It helps them also keep most of their hair. The only reason they won't keep their hair is if they are old, they are sick, or the weather is changing so they are shedding. You can use a de-shedding brush to help out so their hair doesn't get everywhere. Shedding can be a mess so their hair can be everywhere. There are things you can get for it and the links will be at the end of this page.

You can give your dog table scraps just mix it with their dog food. I would not really give my dog corn only because they are just like us and cannot digest it. If your dog seems like they are not eating then mix their food. You can pour some milk in their food and it will make them eat it too. I've done this a lot because my dog would not eat.

De-worming a dog is the best thing you can possible do. We de-worm ours when they don't eat or start looking sick or even when they loose weight. For some reason they loose weight but we feed them about 2 times a day and sometimes they still have food in their bowls. To tell if your dog has worms they will show in their poop and they will start not eating and loosing weight like there is no tomorrow. So depending on your breed and size determines how many times you de-worm them.

Deshed gloves

Shed Control Shampoo


Dog Toys

Dog Leashes

Dog Brushes

Dog beds

Dog Shampoos

Dog Houses

Dog items

Thursday, January 4, 2018


There are many ways to make lasagna. You can add all kinds of seasoning to it but this is my way of making it.

Step one

Take the noodles break them in half and put them in a pot of water until the noodles are tender and done. (Don't forget to sprinkle salt into the pot so it does not stick!)

Step two

Take your ground beef and stick it into a frying pan. Once the meat is brown add your chili powder (to how spicy you want. We shake it about 5 times.), italian seasonings, a little garlic powder, onion powder and oregano some salt and pepper. (You do not have to use the garlic powder, or onion powder or even oregano.)

Step Three 

Preheat the oven to 350 and take an place a layer of noodles in a pan that you believe is big enough. (We use a 9x9 pan) then add you a layer of meat then cheese of your choice.( We use swiss, cheddar and mozzarella.) Repeat till all is in the pan. 

Step Four 

Put your lasagna in the oven and let it bake for about 15-20 minutes depending on stove or until the cheese is melted all the way and you are done! Let sit for about 5 minutes and then  ENJOY! 

Whole Juicy hen or turkey 

Step one 
Clean the hen or turkey (Make sure you take the extra organs or bag out!) (We forgot it one year and it was gross.)

Step two
Poke holes in the turkey or hen (This is for the juices and seasons to soak in.)

Step three
take a baking sheet and stick the hen or turkey in it along with sticks or spoonfuls of butter, some salt and some pepper. (How much butter do you want to add, you decide.)(We also add half potatoes around the turkey or hen.)

Step four 
Place turkey or hen into the oven for how ever it needs to be in there. 

Buffalo Chicken Dip 

Step one

Take some chicken breast and let it boal in the pot , add salt and pepper

Step two

When done add boiling tear the chicken to pieces and put it into a bowl

Step three 

Preheat oven to 325 and Take cream cheese and add it to the chicken along with ranch and buffalo wing sauce and then mix them together.

Step four 

place into a pan and add shredded cheddar cheese on top and bake for 20-25 minutes or until cheese is metal and then let it still to cool

Enjoy on Tortilla chips

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 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...