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Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2022

Self Care

You have to make yourself happy. You have to focus on yourself. You cannot make everyone happy it will end up causing you your peace and hurting you, taking your joy and just so much more things you do not deserve. 

You have to focus on you and yourself and not worry about things on the outside. People will come and go and many will use you to get what they want and need and then disappear. 

You are not a door mat so do not let them use you as one. You have feelings also and if they do not consider you and how you feel then they are not for you. A person that is for you will care for your well being and not just themselves.

Focus on your mental health and be sure you are okay. Take care of yourself and be sure that you are doing the things that you want to do, things that will make you happy and not wear yourself down trying to please everyone else. You cannot please everyone so please yourself. 

Heal yourself from everyone and things that broke you or you will end up breaking others around you and be sure that you love yourself, give yourself the time to heal and fix yourself before finding someone to love, this will help you not mess up but you can always heal with others if need be as long as you find someone who understands you and is willing to help you. 

Healing yourself before jumping into another relationship will allow you to get rid of the excess baggage and will allow you to start over with the person but if you do not feel ready, do not jump and just wait until you are ready. Sometimes being alone is best. 

It is not selfish to take care of yourself and say no to people, it is all about you and what you want not them. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

They aren't for you

If they are not showing you your worth then they are not for you. If they are not showing you they care then they are not for you. If they are showing everyone else attention and talking to them more then they are not for you. If they are calling you names, arguing about pretty much everything, not calling saying they're only with you but not giving you the proof they are and you just know they aren't telling the truth you can feel it and see it.

 They do this to people tag them along make up excuses cause they see the good in you and want to keep it for themselves and they will do anything to do that. They will do any and everything to break you down. They will blame you for the reasons why and then get mad because you reacted the way they didn't want you to.

 It's up to you to decide if you want to keep going though this but I am here to tell you it's not worth it.

 There is someone out there for you that doesn't want to argue that wants to show you the attention and love and care who wants to spend all their time with you. There's someone out there whose always want to be there for you and will always answer you no matter what. There is someone who is willing to accept you for you and if someone ever told you your expectations are to high and your expecting to much that is false cause some one out here is ready for it. The person who told you that is not ready for it and they will not change to. 

There is a person out there whose ready for it but first before you go looking for them be sure to heal yourself and take time for you and give yourself all the love you need. 

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