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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Temporary people

 I no longer have time for temporary people in my life. I no longer care for those who I use to care for. I quit loving those who basically used me and were never there when I needed them. I have no more time for trying to help people get it together nor time to wait and keep telling a person how to get it together and telling them to do right more than once. I am no longer expecting people to be genuine people and truthful anymore.

 I found out the guy that I was with, was basically hiding his "ex" and was playing us both. He was not being as truthful as he was saying he was. Every time she would come online I could tell a difference that he was entertaining and talking to other people when he said he was not. I found her steam... I found her on his profile. 

She put her name as something she goes by and I found it. We were suppose to play grounded together but he basically ignored me and I went to his profile and through his friends because I had a gut wrenching feeling and poof she was on. 

The person he said he didn't talk to but them came up saying they do talk every other month or so but when he is talking to her, you can tell the difference and then it feels like I have became the second opinion. 

Besides bring her up multiple times, and he just brushing it off and ignoring me until last night and then he was like its not my fault you guys don't like each other and I told him yeah cause you turned us against each other and then I deleted him. 

He then texted me a gif calling me an idiot sandwich and I told him cool I really don't care goodbye and then I came back with the I'm blocking your number so I can move on because after the two years it is not worth it anymore tbh and I blocked it. 

I blocked it because, I do not have time to waist and to give to those that I have to beg to talk to, spend time with me and so much more. I blocked it so I could have peace and to find myself. He showed me multiple times he was not loyal, truthful and trustworthy so I decided to end it. 

I have been named called, bullied, lied to, assumed on, blamed, and so much more that it started to attack my mental health to the point, I did not even care anymore. I lost all the love and care I had for him because all he did was make excuses on why he could not call, send photos or anything. The back and forth, the begging him to do right and be honest took a toll on me and I decided to just leave and not come back because he was only a temporary person since he kept leaving all the time anyways and gave excuses and reasons on why he left and could not act right like a boyfriend and every time we got into it he would say he was being accused and blamed for being a bad boyfriend and it wasn't worth it anymore. 

 He also said my dreams, I would never get there and I got farther than he thought I would. 

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