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Thursday, January 4, 2018


Anxiety is horrible. It's the worst thing ever for people to deal with. There is so much that can cause an anxiety attack like being forced to do something your not comfortable with, being in crowded places, speaking in public, talking to certain people. Most people do not believe or even realize how easy it is for someone to go into a panic and freak out. I have had my share and still do. I can not go into to much of a crowded place without someone I know. I cannot also be left alone for a long period of time because I tend to freak out and feel like I was forgotten or left. It is hard. I feel like if I speak someone will judge me I also so feel like people judge me either way I go. I try not to let it get to me but sometimes it happens... It's the worst ever. I sometimes even panic for no reason it just gets ahold of me and knocks me down to the point I cannot take it anymore and causes my chest to hurt and I just either curl up in a ball or pass out whichever happens first. It is not a pleasant thing to go to a dinner or a store and just faint because of the pressure and your body cannot handle the crowds.

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