It feel like it only got worse. Shortness of breath, the uncontrollable coughing whether it was wet or dry the tossing the turning the mouth pain, the head pain, the chest pains, wheezing. It is a horrible experience of loss of appetite, feeling fatigue, tossing and turning at night, cannot sleep, cannot get comfortable. You can also get nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in which it is horrible because you cannot keep nothing down. Another thing is feeling weak and weakness.
It sometimes feels like there is an elephant or something on your chest and coughing hurts your ribs and back. You can also be hot cold hot cold or run a 3 hour long fever even if you took something for it or you can end up running a back to back fever and then it suddenly break off.
I was using the congestion vapor rubs trying to alleviate it and then I was taking a hot shower in which it helped some but not a whole lot, it just made me more cold than anything. I was also using the vapor sticks, Flonase, and pretty much anything thing else I could to try to help and it did a little bit. I also ate some soup and drunk Gatorades and power aids to keep me hydrated. If you cannot eat, eat a little bit of crackers and drink something with electrolytes in it to help you.
Pneumonia, is an infection where the lungs become inflamed and fluid and or pus gets into the lungs and makes it extremely difficult to breathe. It is caused by having illness going untreated such as the Flu, COVID, RSV, cytomegalovirus and fungi. If you go to the hospital, they will run CT or x-ray to look at your lungs to determine what it is and then the treatment plan if antibiotics and they can prescribe you some cough syrup that works 10x better than the OTC ones.
MY husband and I both have Pneumonia, only difference is his is more severe because he has RA and is on Humira where mine is not as serve and do not have as many symptoms. Humira weakens the immune system until it can level out the RA and it means that the person that is taking it can attract illnesses quickly and it can be a while for them to be able to get rid of it with out going to the doctors.
Pneumonia is contagious for about 48 hours so that explains how I got it.
There are three different types of Pneumonia
Bacterial: Contagious for about 48 hours after starting antibiotics and the fever is going away. No longer contagious when the fever is gone and been antibiotics for two days.
Fungal: is not contagious
Viral: is contagious until symptoms such as fever improves. Consider contagious until you feel better and fever free for several days.
It is best to consult your doctor if you do not feel good. It will save you in the long run and you will not have to do through this and suffer like we did.