If you are looking for a place to get scholarships, check out Scholarships 360.
They have all kinds of scholarships for everyone and they are easy to get into and use. You do not have to make a huge Essay like certain places, not at all.
You only have to write a 250 maximum essay and that is it. They also will give you show only scholarships just for you and to me that means a lot since not all scholarships are meant for everyone. It will also allow you to filter through and find Scholarships that you are eligible for and those that you are partly eligible for. Scholarships 360 is 100% free and simple to get into.
I highly recommend it because it is really useful and unlike certain places (Scholarship owl which is not free) this one is and it is not a scam like most. Also Join bold. It is almost like Scholarship 360 but you can also earn points and get a bold card that you can use to pay on your loans which is nice.