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Showing posts with label Not fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Not fun. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Depression sometimes goes unnoticed, you can not tell you have it but others around you can tell.
Everything can be okay to you and feel normal but those around who suffers from depression can experience things differently.

If you do not know what depression is, it is a combination of different emotions happening all at once, one minute your fine the next your not the next its like everything is gone and you just want everything to end because you feel its better that way but guess what it won't be okay those around you will suffer more than you believe.

Depression can happen to anyone, doesn't matter how tough or strong they are or seem to be just one little thing can make them break. Sometimes people just cry and cry and cry, suicidal thoughts can occur at any moment and it's not good. Their happiness that they just had is gone and the depression takes over. Some people fail to realise that suicide is NOT  I repeat NOT the answer! It causes so much to their family and they do not realise it.

Please if you know someone who  is depressed or if it is you talking helps and just being there a shoulder to cry on also helps. Ask them what is upsetting them what makes them do what they do or why they want it to end it all so bad. Life gets better I promise no matter how bad things seems go out explore, talk and do what makes you happy  make friends!

Depressed people needs someone more than anyone else knows, there are people out here to help and they have medicines to help don't worry it's all okay. If you don't feel like talking write it out or draw it out that's the best medicine also!

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