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Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Worrisome 2025 Benefit cutting

 I normally do not post this kind of stuff over here but because my mind is racing and I am kind of worried not just for my family but others also. 

This will impact me and not only me but everyone a great amount. This is going to impact a lot of families. 

My husband is on Medicaid because he is technically disabled but he works. He only has one kidney and suffers with RA and that makes him swell and his joints hard to move. 

SS will not give him his benefits because of their long rule of thumb and all the other documents that they are needing and the long wait times. 

Don't worry they don't give half the people benefits and they need it. A lot of people have to go through lawyers and attorneys to get their benefits because it takes years to get it started for them to even bother looking at it and then you can get approved or denied and a lot of people get denied even though they really need it. A lot of people do not get enough on SS to actually survive through this economy. They barely get enough to get by. 

My kids, husband and I are on Medicaid. I will be on Medicaid until my youngest kid turns 21. That is just the rule of the state that I live in. I am not complaining because of I am on Medicaid. I am complaining because I am worried. We are a low income family just like all the others that are on Medicaid. This is one of our ways that we can afford seeing doctors without having to worry. This is one of the ways we can afford our medications without us having to go without them. This is really worrisome not only to me but to everyone that is on it and needs it just like those that have medicare. A lot of people are going to get seriously ill and they could end up passing away because they cannot get the treatment that they are needing. 

We are on food stamps. I am not complaining because of this. Everyone has to eat and in this economy, it makes it a lot harder because the minimum wage does not match the inflation and the prices of food. A lot of people are going to feel this collapse. A lot of people are going to suffer because of careless acts. A lot of people are going to get sick, and not have the funds they need to cover it. This is how 2025 is going. A lot of people are in fear, a lot of people are going to be affected by this and they do not care.

 They only want to give the money to their buddies for billionaire tax cuts and fill their pockets from the hard earned money that we put in and gave. 

A lot of people getting laid off and fired from their jobs. Their jobs that they ran for many years to make sure that everyone is stable and could actually try to survive in this world. A lot of people that are qualified that actually want to help the people just for them to get fired and everyone else suffers because of it.  It is only the 3rd month in 2025. 

If you look at other countries, they are so much better, so much advanced. They actually want to help their people everyone can afford things they need and want and they do not have to sacrifice things like we do. 

The American dream is long gone and the American way is also. They try to make America look so much better than other countries when other countries are so much better than America. 

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Monday, July 4, 2022

Being Bi racial in America

I never had a goal in life but I always wanted to travel. I always wanted to visit states and go out of town and just visit different places including out of the country. I always wanted to visit New Zealand, and Canada and the United Kingdom including Fiji. My dream was to always be able to travel around to not just all 50 states but to different countries and just check out the places since it has always been a dream and I never visited anywhere out of the states and have only been to two states so far in my life. 

I basically put a lot of things on hold while having a family and trying to support them in the world we live in right now since it is hectic and I have a feeling it is only going to be worst. Being a bi racial person with a bi racial sibling with bi racial children who have autism, married to a Caucasian man while having a bi racial mother and father in this world makes it kind of scary and causes fear not knowing what is going to happen next. They already over turned the Wade VS Roe something that has been set into law and into place for 50+ years and now there are rumors of it going to be worst as they take more and more rights away. 

I know there are a lot of bi racial people out there who are fearing the same thing. It is history repeating itself where women has no rights and the men gets all of the say. I hope they can stop it soon so we can go back to the country we once was or what we showed people to be. 

America was always the place where could be free people. If they have a dream it could happen. They would come here to have a better life than what they have in their own country but lately it is the complete opposite of it and personally if I could afford it, I would move since I do not know the out come of what is going to happen next and I don't want my family in harms way. 

I mean they already don't have baby formula on the shelves for the baby but they banned abortions. There are barely in food on the shelves in grocery stores as it is now and mysteriously the factories are burning down that produces the food. Baby products have metal shimming in them that can cause harm to the babies. Cows died from a high heats and then chickens and poultry died of bird flu. Then there was a chicken shortage along with other food shortages. 

If I were you, I would start gardening and grow your own because it will be healthier and safer then what they put into them now.

Gas prices are going so high to the point we have to decided what we want to do whether its pay bills, go to work, or eat. There is no in-between anymore and you are basically working yourself to death for a company that will get major tax breaks at the end of the year but can careless about your well being and can replace you within seconds. 

We have race war, viruses, diseases, homeless vets, homeless citizens, people who could not afford life and no one helped or helps them really. They are dividing us and separating us by turning certain people like the vaxxed and the anti-vaxxed, democrat vs republican, blacks vs whites, religions and the always famous the rich vs the poor where the richer gets richer and the poorer gets poorer.

 People in fear of not knowing what is going to happen to them one day after the next due to there's so many people being killed so many people having to make decision that they are not ready to make.

They are talking about voting rights are next, then LGBTQIA+ but then what's next? It is like they are taking our rights away that so many people worked hard for to put into place to be sure we all have quality but for what? They don't see us as human they see us as something else basically a money ticket they use us to stack their money high while we all struggle to survive. We are basically wage slaves.

This is not the America we use to know. This is not the American dream. 

IMAGE CITED-, Joseph Catrone, et al. “Editorial: We Did Start the Fire.” Hicksville News, 10 Apr. 2018,

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