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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Earn SWEAT While You Walk and Work!

Exciting news for all fitness enthusiasts and those looking to make the most out of their daily activities! SWEAT coin has just transformed into a cryptocurrency, giving you the opportunity to earn while you walk and work. Yes, you read that right – now your steps can translate into real value!

How does it work? It's simple. Every step you take can now earn you SWEAT coins, a digital currency that has immense potential. Imagine getting rewarded for your healthy lifestyle choices! Whether you're strolling in the park, working out at the gym, or simply going about your daily routine, you can earn SWEAT coins effortlessly.

But that's not all – the exciting part is just around the corner. The SWEAT wallet, set to launch in October, will be your gateway to converting your hard-earned SWEAT coins into real-world rewards. This means your steps can lead to tangible benefits, thanks to the innovative technology behind SWEAT coin.

 Unfortunately, I used this and honestly you cannot cash out your SWEAT! There is no way for you to. You have two cyrptos in your wallet called Sweat and Near, and neither will allow you to cash them out. I honestly am telling you do not expect anything nor waste your time on this because not only is it hard to mint your coins once you walk however many steps needed, it is never the same and makes it harder for you to earn. I would like to also says, neither of them a line, if you look at your sweat app and have so much balance in it, it really doesn't transfer over. You also can have sweat growing in jars but it really doesn't bring you much of anything and you won't be able to cash it out either until whenever the term is up but if you wanna give it a try and try to grow some sweat of your own, go for it. 

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