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Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 Growing up, all I ever heard was when you grow up, when you turn 18 your going to get a job and move out. That was all I heard. So I moved out right before I even graduated. 

My brother on the other hand, he didn't. He went to college graduated and still lives there. He doesn't work. They pay for his taxes, his phone, and everything else he needs.

He had a contract with AT&T and had an Iphone, I had a straight talk phone that never really stayed on. They bought him a car but when mine messed up, caught fire, and everything else... I bought my own. 

 Me on the other end, occasionally I needed help with power and stuff they helped but now that I am needing help with trying to get the funds to move on because the landlord is trying to sell the house and whatever else they cannot help me.

 I was told, they were gonna cosign a loan to help me get a mortgage but that wasn't the case now that I need it, and I'm sick, they cannot. 

I graduated college but I didn't hear a congratulations but she post him all over FB. The favoritism is strong here and unjust. 

All I ever wanted to do was make them proud but it wouldn't even matter. Everything I feel like I'm doing is wrong or a burden.

I always tried to stay strong and not let it bother me but now it is way more and it's starting to crush me. 

Growing up, he went everywhere with his friends where I was home. He went to Bible school, boy scouts but I didn't get to. It 's like they are ashamed of me. It weighs on me heavily. I don't feel like I am good enough for them. I feel everything is wrong. 

Mama...didn't try... they never took me out to the beach. We never went to the Zoo I don't even feel like they are my support system. I don't even feel like I can talk to them about anything because it's like why bother. 

This is now eating me alive... I am now 26 and this is now affecting me the more I sit back and look at it the more I feel like a burden. If I was at the hospital, they wouldn't really go up there to see me. If I was getting surgery, they wouldn't really be up there for that either. It's like I am a loss cause to them. They never call me or come see me, it's always I got to go see them.

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