Being sick sucks, I cannot work in this condition and I am doing everything that I can think of to make money not only to get me to and from the appointments that I need but just incase there are other things that I am needing from medications to certain foods.
I cannot really eat without being in extremes amounts of pain and puking. The puke is clear at times but mucus and it tastes of bile. Sometimes it is yellow. The pain is on my sides, my pancreas area, my back and stomach.
I get so weak with headaches and just achy all over. I have started to swell and it hurts to bend.
I have an GI appointment and a CT scan to basically tell if there is a stone stuck in my tubing of where my gallbladder use to be. My Primary care believes it is a stone and I can actually feel something sharp in that area just going over it.
I did the H pylori test and so far it is negative but having to wait 7 days for an actuate answer.
Below is my links and my other blog about gaming and another one about adult novelty reviews.
Just to let everyone know, these blogs do not have AdSense due to reasons so a lot of them are affiliate marketing ads where I do not get paid unless something is bought in which with me being sick, I can not really do much nor promote them. I do not even want to sit in my chair at my desk to write anything at the moment.