Ever have pesty stains that don't come out of your favorite shirt,
pants or dress? Get them out now!
I use cleaning supplies like
dish detergent, La's Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner, Clorox, washing powders and some
other things like stain remover or whatever I have. I sometimes even use the
de-greasing cleaners too.
I take the shirt and I lay it
in the bathtub or a container big enough. I spray the stain with some
awesome and then put some washing powders and Clorox and let it sit for 3
minutes or so. I then run some water. I take cleaning brush or even an old
tooth brush and scrub it. It then squeeze it out and hold it up to the light so
that I can see how much it worked. Sometimes I even take a dryer sheet and rub
over it along with that and it works. Some stains come out easier than others
and some does not. The longest time it took me to get a stain out of two days
for a shirt because I had to let it rest and then came back to give it a good
scrub and it came out. This really does work and you get your clothes