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Showing posts with label black friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black friday. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2023

Black friday

 Everyone is rolling out their black friday sales early and I am unsure why. I mean every store right now is doing the sale. Although it is a sale, there are a few companies that are hiking up the prices of their products just so they can make a few extra bucks off of the customers.

 I kind of dislike Black Friday sales because some companies try to take advantage while others are trying to get rid of products to roll other things out in which this is fine and I am not complaining about it but I just feel they shouldn't take advantage.

 I mean every other black friday was full of crowds, fighting, pushing shoving and everything else so if you have to or want to go black friday shopping be careful. There are some cruel people out there just looking to hurt. 

Just wait for cyber monday, it is a lot safer. 

Amazon is having their black friday sale get your stuff here!

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