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Showing posts with label Explicit. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

Mystery of Who killed Egar Carntell: By Vanessa Wright

( - buy your copy here!)

It’s a cold October day in Staten Island, New York. The wind blows through the trees.
I’m on my way to the bar where we are having a family meeting. I enter the bar and I see
Ronny, Jim and Bobby sitting there at the table waiting on the boss. They was sitting there
talking about  their records and what they have been doing since the last time they was
“So Ronny how is your family doing?” Asked Jim.
“They are, doing fine.” Replied Ronny.
“ We are only here to talk about the reason we are here. We aren’t here to talk about anything
else, no family business, and that's the reason we are here and that's it!” Exclaims Bobby as
he interrupts the two.

“Jim,Ronny,Bobby there’s something I need for you to do for me” said someone from
the corner.
From the shadows of the bar a tall muscular Italian descent man dressed in black
steps in the bar. The Boss. He sits at the edge of the table where he always sat.
It all got silent. He is the most powerful one around. I once saw him shoot one of them
shiner boys in the head over something he was told. They all was rattled up ready for
a war to start but it didn’t it just made us divide apart more it made us hate each other
and not wanting to be in each other's presences.
There was once this old shiner who was not bothering anyone. Another family boss
and his members told something to the Boss and they went and shot the old shiner
dead right in front of his grandchildren and his wife while they were eating dinner.
The Boss does not play around and He doesn’t care about who's around or what
happens he kills who he’s ordered to in cold blood, dead on the spot. He once shot his
own member in front of his son because someone told him that the reason he went
to jail once was because the member, who I believe was Donnie, had ratted to the cops
where boss would be, and when he got out boss shot him dead right where he stood.
He was begging for his life, though what’s the point of begging when you're already
dead the moment you join the family but most didn’t believe it till it was them.
Ronny walks out of the bar and starts walking down the street and towards the store. He walks
up to the counter and asks the clerk for the usual Cuban Cigars for the Boss. Somehow this
store has them when no one else does. No questions asked Boss probably got them, he gets
a lot of them and sells them to shops and other mob families around. A shiner walks in, I look
up and see its MooMoo who looks like he haven’t slept in ages. His eyes was droopy, his
jeans was dirtys and so was his shirt. His hair was shagged and so was his beard. I only know
who he was because we grew up together he looked so different but I could still tell who he
was by the way he stands, the Boss doesn’t know, because he hates shiners, but we did we
were actually great friends till the day the boss sent some crew members to killed his grandpa
Lorenzo right in front of him. The thing is if I remember correctly Lorenzo didn’t do anything to
the boss that I know of. No one knows who exactly killed Lorenzo the case got thrown out
because there was no evidence except he got stabbed and shot and there was no weapons or
any trace.

He smelled like he hasn’t showered in a couple days he also smelled like corn liquor and
some other mash. I just let him go, I didn’t try to talk to him because it would end up into a
huge fight and I know he wouldn’t give up till he or I was dead. I knew how bad that had hurt
him. Though I’m not like boss or anyone of the others, I don’t kill people when someone tells
me to. He walks towards the sacks of corn and the sacks of sugar. He grabs two of each then
walks to the window beside me, looks over at me with hatred in his eyes. He hasn’t looked at
me with kindness since he found out I was part of the family that killed his grandpa. He pays
the clerk for the sacks and walks out. I can’t believe how someone getting killed in front of you,
especially family, can hurt you so bad and can make you change so much.  

Ronny walks back to the bar with a box of Cubans. There was a slinky fellow sitting there
blowing his cigar smoke into the boss's face. The guy was going on and on about how he killed
so many people. He pulls out stacks of money and waves it in the boss’s face. The boss gets
heated. He tells the guy to stop doing that but the guy didn’t. The boss tells his crew to kill for
being better than them. They draw their guns and the guy pulls out his. The guy shoots the
boss and takes off running. The boss lays there in pain. Someone must have because in the
next 10 minutes boss was inside the back of an ambulance.

They get to the  hospital and they rush him to the operating room. They take the forceps and
slowly get the bullet out. They patch up the wound and  puts him in a room. Ronny, Bobby
and Jim walks into his room. They ask him what happen and he explains to them that it’s the
moonshiners that shot him. They robbed them for their money and shine and left them for dead
laying on the sidewalk. The guys set off for the old farm on the hill where one set of shiners
stay. They saw them coming and they went to grab their guns and weapons, pitchforks because
 they knew trouble was lurking up ahead. Three shiner guys walk out. It’s Jase, Mark and Billy.
Mark asked “what are the hell are y’all doing on our property.”

“We just wanna talk.” Ronny said
A shiner  shoots in the air.
“I don’t give a damn what you wanna do get off my property willingly or go out in a body bag”
Mark said angrily.

Ronny, Bobby and Jim walk back to the car.
“I can't believe they did this!” Said Ronny. “I just wanted answers.”
“I have an idea.” Bobby said
Ronny and Jim looking curiously at Bobby waiting on his response
Bobby asked  “Do you know that guy he was once in the family but he disappeared and became a
Ronny nod and said “yeah he went with ol' whatsherface”. He snaps his fingers trying to think of her
“He went with Eliza.” Jim said.
“Yeah; I wonder if she still has his number or if they still keep in touch we should go over and
ask since the shiners ain’t corporate.” Ronny said.

Suddenly we get a call. It's from the hospital the boss has died. They go on saying it looked like
a conflicted shotgun wound. They said no one has seen anyone come in or out of the room.
We drive to the hospital. There’s a lady sitting at the desk who looks like she has no care in the world.
Jim walks up to her.

“We are looking for Egar Carntell.” Jim tells the lady.
“You can’t see him because he has passed away.” She says with a lousy attitude.
An officer walks in the door and looks at us. He tells her that we are with him and she
rolls her eyes and pushes the button to unlock the door. The four of us walk down the
hall to an elevator.

We took the elevator to the 4th floor where I see more cops than I ever want to see in my life.
We walk to room 4464. I never knew that there was this many rooms in the hospital.
There is crime tape and more cops standing outside talking to each other. They look at each other
glaring at us. Bobby tenses up because he hates cops. He has a bad record, well we all do.
The officer told us we can walk into see him but we aren’t allowed to touch him.
A couple photographers came in. They took pictures of him and I knew that they will be in the
newspaper tomorrow. I hear footsteps coming down the hall. It sounds like a woman’s high heel.  
“Where is he?!? Where is he?!?!?” I hear her say.
I recognize the voice. It’s Amy.
She walks in sobbing and sobbing. She stands by the door. She takes one look at Egar and she falls
apart. She crashes down onto the hospital floor. Jim and Bobby picks her up and holds on to her.
They walk her into the family room and sat her on the couch.

“Who; Who would do such a thing to him?!?!”
“Why would they murder him?”
“What have he done to someone that was so bad that they have to take him from me???”

Amy sits there questioning everything including life itself.
“Amy pull yourself together we will find the one that did this, and they will pay!!!” Jim says as he puts
his arm around her.
I hear the door open and a young man pushes in. He had dark brown hair that was short and he was
wearing a pinstriped suit that went so well with his black dress shoes. He makes his way in the room
and gets next to the boss. It's the guy that left the family and started working as a detective.
“Don’t worry brother I will personally kill the one who did this to you.” I whispered to the boss.
“Why the hell are you back  Ricky, you traitor?” Amy yelled at him.
“I’m just trying to help.” I said. “Is it that bad I’m just trying to help it ain’t my fault you had the creeps for me and you got caught.” I continued saying to Amy.
Amy sits there embarrassed she leans in to Jim and Bobby and tells them  “get Ricky out
of there that I want him no where near the body.”
“With all due respect ma’am he’s the best chance we got to find out who killed the Boss.”
Said Jim cautiously.

Officer Williams walks into the family room. He greets us all and then looks at me. He starts
telling me about the body and tells him to come alone with him.
I follows the officer into the room. We cross over the caution tape. He stares at the body and
points out that there are a couple stab wounds and it looks like a gunshot wound. He says that
he has been dead for about 6 hours and luckily he hasn’t started to smell or swell as bad.

The wounds look like he's was in a fight. The wounds look like the person was a left handed
man. He’s been stabbed 3 times with a knife that has a crooked blade. Along with other
wounds that leaves holes. He has a blonde hair on his chest where the wound and there is a
burn on his arm. He look like he was trying to stop them.

“The person in the next room heard some fussing and then he heard a loud crash and a boom.
They pushed the nurse button screaming but no one came. It was like no one was working on the floor.
An hour or two later a nurse came in because the person was distressed hitting the button repeatedly.”
Officer Williams tells me.
Officer Williams walks into the family room and Jim and Bobby were gone. Amy was sitting
there alone in tears because the love of her life was killed and no one knew who or why.

“Amy, I trust Ricky will solve this case in no time.” Officer Williams tells Amy.
“You don’t know what he did or who he really is.” Amy said. “He’s a murderer in disguise,
he will do what it takes and do anything to bring people down and hurt them.” Amy said
“That’s nonsense he wouldn’t hurt a fly, he’s been here for 3 years solving cases and doing
the right thing, you're just in shock since you lost your husband.”

“He’s a heavy alcoholic and a druggy. He’s been in and out of jail. He’s lost everything his own.
He even killed people. I would know he was one of us.” Amy said furiously.
I walk outside and Ronny was following me out of the building. Jim and Bobby was standing
there talking to each other back and forth smoking cigars.

I walk to my car and sit in the driver's seat. I take out my flask and open it, I take a sip
and the cold whisky tickle the back of my throat as it went down. I then take out one of my
favorite needles and I hold it up letting the air bubbles float to the bottom where the plunger is.
I press the plunger letting out a little and then I stick it through my veins and push the plunger
of the needle all the way down. I get cleaned up and get out of the car and walk back into the
hospital entrance.

Ronny, Bobby and Jim looks at each other. They knew something wasn’t right.
“How did he even become a detective if they take drug tests?” They think to themselves.

Jim, Bobby and Ronny walk back into the hospital entrance and walked into the room.
They heard Amy talking and sobbing down the hall. I hear Officer Williams talking to the
patient to the left of the room, then I suddenly hear a scream of a distressed man.
Ronny walks down the hall. The man goes on about the fussing. He said he hard an argument
about something he couldn’t make clear then he said he heard something metal cling against
something else and it was real loud then he heard a boom and he didn’t hear nothing else just
saw a shadowy figure walk from the room and down the hall. He said he tried to get the nurses
or doctors but they didn’t come until an hour or two later.

They take the body out of the room. They take it to the morgue where they can do autopsy
and figure out what killed him first.

Jim, Ronny, Bobby walks outside. I walk outside to them and tell them not to do nothing stupid.
Jim, Ronny and Bobby hops in the car.
“I can’t believe him.” Bobby said.
“I can’t believe that he’s gonna go off and turn on us.” Said Bobby
“Relax said Jim  Just relax it’ll all be okay and it’ll all work itself out, I have a feeling it's them
shiners. We stole all that money and liquor from them and then we killed a couple of their
people and they probably wanted to seek revenge and hurt the boss when he was down and
killed him because they didn’t finish the job.” Said bobby.

“Hey Ronny can you drop me off at the bar?” Bobby asked
Ronny takes Bobby to the bar. They pull the car to the side of the road. They get out and walk into the
bar. It was just how they left it.

   “I’m glad you came I was expecting you all.” I said as a voice in the corner.
    “I know that y’all are upset that Egar is no longer here.” I said to them as I approached them.
“I have found some evidence.”
“What did you find?” ask Jim.
“I found a Mason Lid with HB and a smashed mason jar and the only people we have record
of selling HB is the  Montgomery’s down on Old Berry Trail.” I said to Jim.
“I’m going to go back to the hospital and look around to see what I can find there was to many
people in the hospital room and they wouldn’t let me search”. I said as I was walking out the door.
“I’ll let you know what I find.”
“I have a feeling that there’s something going on that we don’t know about” said Ronny .
“You’re right he was acting kind of strange. It must be all the meth, drugs and alcohol he’s taking
and on”. Said Jim

“I still don’t know how he even got the detective job in the first place. He was a rat, a thief, a criminal,
A druggie, and alcoholic all together. He’s the reason we all went to the big house in the first place.
How can we trust him; when we know how he is?” Bobby added.
“I have a bad feeling about this.” Said Ronny
The phone rings, we look to see who was calling and it was Ricky.

“During the autopsy they found a 12 gauge slugs in his chest, along with some stab
wounds but none of that killed him instantly like it should of because the slugs don’t stay in
a row, they spread out but it was the blow to the head that killed him. They said he got hit
with a head with a heavy object.” I told Bobby.

“Whoever did this wanted him dead for something he did or something that has happened.”
Said Bobby.

“I’ll call you back whenever I find out more” I said before I hung up the phone.
Just then car doors shut and a couple pair of heels click clack against the side walk.
They hear the door creak open and then the heels started click clacking again.
Then they saw them Amy, Anne, Eliza, and Kayla all walking over to them.

“I have bad feelings about this cat.” Bobby said to Ronny as the wives and sisters sat down
beside them.
They sat there trying to figure out our next move.
“Who could have done this?” Amy asked.
“He’s never bothered anyone.” Said Amy.
“Is there something I need to know that you're not telling me?” Asked Amy.
“Did he rob someone or did anything of the matter to hurt anyone or bring them?”
Amy asked wondrously.

“Calm your tit’s” said Bobby
“There’s something I need to tell you but it will hurt you and I know it will.” said Bobby
“What is it.???”
Tell me!” Amy questioned.

Bobby pulls out a pack of cigars. He takes one sticks it in his mouth, grabs his lighter and lights
it. He takes a long puff and lets out a cloud of smoke.
“You see he Egar has been...” Bobby stops to think about his word choices carefully before
he spoke so he doesn’t make her want to hurt her as bad.

“You see boss has been doing things that you won’t even believe.
He’s been doing it for years right under your nose. He’s been seeing other people.
He heard about you and Ricky and what better way for him to get back at you then see
other people.”
“He also had a couple of his crew steal moonshine and robbed people.”
Not only along did he just do this he also hurt innocent people and made them suffer
just as he did before he became a boss. Jim inputted

“YOU’RE LIARS! HE WOULD NEVER!!!” Shouted Amy angrily.
Amy sits back in her chair crying.
Kayla hold Amy as she sobs.
“Knock it off Bobby she just lost her husband.” Kayla snaps at Bobby.
Ronny tries to tell Bobby not to argue but before he could his phone rings and
it’s the boss’s phone.
Bobby answers it.

“You don’t know who this is. But I know who you all are and I know where you are and
I wouldn’t who the next move.” The voice said deeply.
It goes silent and all you could hear was heavy breathing on the other end.
“Who the hell is this?” Bobby asks angrily.
But before he gets the whole sentence out the person on the other end hangs up.
He slams the phone down
The phone rings again.

“WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!?”Shouted Bobby as he answers the phone.
“It’s me, Ricky and I’ve found a knife with some weird design with a crooked
blade in the trash can outside of the hospital.
The lab is going to do some test on it to see if it has blood on it.
I just wanted to tell you I’m  gonna get to the bottom of this and
I wanted to come by the bar to have a chat with y’all about everything that’s going on.”

The clock strikes Midnight and in normal bars they close the doors
but in this bar they don’t it’s open twenty-four-seven. They just switch
out bartenders and waitresses.
The door makes a loud boom as I walk in. Lightning flashed behind
me as I walked in and the door slammed shut.
“Didn’t know they was calling for a storm.”Jim said
“Me either.” said Ronny
I walk up to the table and pull out a chair.
“Well, I have some news.” I said.
One of the knives we found wasn’t involved in Egar’s murder
but it was involved with another murder.

“Do you remember Lorenzo?” I asked.
 “Isn’t he the moonshiner that got killed right in front of his grandkids?” Asked Jim.
“Yes him. They found him lying outside of his house. His grandkids was outside looking out the
window because he knew something was up.” I said.
The phone rings and Bobby answers it.
The person was breathing heavily and then they hung up.
“I want you fellas to come with me.We are gonna take a ride.”
I said as I stood up and walked towards the door.
“Alright.” said the guys.
The phone rings again then it stops.

“Someone’s messing with me and it’s pissing me off.” Bobby said angrily.
We get up and walk out of the bar. The girls get into their car and drive off.
We walk over to my V8 Ford Model T and we all climb in. I get in the driver seat,
Ronny in passenger, Bobby and Jim in the back.

We drive down to Old Berry Trail. I saw three moonshiners on the hill.
They stopped what they are doing and look at us.
I hear a whistle off in the distance  and I saw moonshiners come out
from all around and the woods.
I have a feeling something bad is about to happen.
I look around and I see smoke, lights and fire coming from the hill.
It smells like corn mash and all kinds of
liquor being made.
We get to the end of the trail and hang a right.
We are at the Montgomery's.
I stop and get out of the car. I told the guys to get out also.
I walk up to the door and as the guys walk up behind me.
I knock on it. MooMoo answers it. I tell’s MooMoo we are here to talk
about an investigation on
his grandpa Lorenzo and also an investigation
about Egar.  

“Why are they here?” Moomoo asked
“They are here because Egar got killed the same way Lorenzo did.” I said.
“I’m here to ask some questions about Lorenzo and
I want you to answer them as truthful as you can.” I said.
“Okay.” Moomoo said grumpily.
“Did Lorenzo have any problems with anyone?” I asked.
“Not that I know of.”
“He didn’t take anyone’s customers?”
“Yes he did.”
“Did they have any troubles?”
“No they didn’t they didn’t mind it they was trying to help us with the cost farm.”
“Did he make anyone mad?”
“Not that I know of.”

Where was you on the night that Lorenzo got killed? I know this was a while ago but try to
remember it could help us.
I was here with my brothers and sister’s waiting from the window as he got murdered.
There was about four guys here I couldn’t see their faces. They was wearing all black.
Looked like they was wearing suits but wasn’t clear but they was wearing matching hats.
I hear the screen door open and a woman comes in.
“MooMoo you know there’s a caar” Bethany said.
Bethany looks at us and then looks moomoo.
“Why are they here ???” Bethany asks
“Go upstairs I’ll be there in a minute.”Moomoo said

 Bethany walks to the stairs. She starts up them and we hear her footsteps
echoing as she walks up.
When she gets to the top her footsteps echoes to the left and then stop.
“Will y’all excuse me I’m done talking right now.”

“Y’all can show yourselves out.” He said as he walks up the stairs after his wife.

We get up and walk outside.
“I wonder if he knows something he’s not sharing. "Jim said, as he walks to the car door.
“I don’t know” said Ronny.
“I’m gonna take you all back to the bar. I want you all to go home and rest.
We will pick back up in the morning.” I said
The next morning I see everyone at the bar smoking cigars when I arrive.
They looked ready for whatever they have to do to
find out who killed Egar. The room feels still as I walk over to the table.
I pull out a folder from my briefcase.
I open it on the table and
pulls out pictures of a crooked bloody knife, a shotgun shell, a HB mason jar lid, A cigar butt,
The wounds of both Lorenzo and Egar and a broken jar and bottle.

We look at the pictures. Lorenzo looks like he died the same way
Egar did but something didn’t match up on it.
“The stab wound on both bodies matched up but on Lorenzo it went deeper.”
I pointed out to the boys.
“On Egar the stab wounds are not as deep.
On both Some look left handed and some looked right handed.” I continued.
“We are going to visit both crime scenes and see what else we can find.”
Jim said looking at me.
We walk outside and walk over to my car and climb in.
I drives two blocks down then turns left,
I keep going down a long eerie road and
then takes a right and turns down a narrow road, I pull the car over.
“This is where Lorenzo was found” Jim said to us. “I’ve never seen so much crime tape.”
We get out of the car and walk over to the scene. There was a lot of blood.
The blood on the asphalt looks like he got dragged or he was trying to crawl away. Blood is
splattered along the pavement and trashcan. There's something hidden in dirt.
I put some latex gloves on and pick it up, it's an old handkerchief. It’s bloody you can’t really tell
what it is. I pull an evidence bag out of my pocket and sticks the handkerchief in it.
I walk back to the car and grab a box. I stick the bag in the box and pulls out another bag.
“There’s something shiny in the dirt.” Jim says.

I carefully move the dirt about and find a piece of a crooked knife blade with some blood on it.
The blood looks like it hasn’t been on there long. I stick it in the evidence bag and drop it in
the box. I walk over to the trash can and I find pieces of a dismantled body.I walk to the other
trash can and find an arm and an leg. I keep going and I see more and more blood.
It looks fresh. I look on the side of the building and it looks like chewed chewing gum scattered
all over it but it’s not gum. It’s scattered brains.

I pull my phone out and call the cops. I tell them where I am and that I have Ronny, Bobby and
Jim with me. They get here fast.  
The coroner walks over to the trash can. He looks in at the dismantled body.
He examines the pubic bone and tells us that it’s a female but until the autopsy is done
he can’t say how she was killed. He takes pictures of her and the way she was found.
He walks over to the trash can with the arms and leg and he takes a picture of it. He examines
the arms and legs and tells us that it’s a girls also unless the guy was very poor and liked to
paint his fingernails pink and the toe nails rainbow. He walks forward and looks at the chewing
gum brains scattered all over the building and takes a picture of it.
He looks down at the ground. He said whoever it was was trying to fight off the person and
whoever the person was was wearing a size 11 shoe. He takes a picture of the drag marks
and the shoe prints in the dirt.

Something is strange about this one said the coroner. The blood is different and the way the person
is dismembered and how the blood and body parts are.
I look at the coroner.
“How many killers do you think there are?” I ask him.
“I believe there could be 2-3 just the way the wounds are different.” The coroner replied.
“I need a body bag.” Said the coroner to a cop.
The cop brings him a bag and they bag the body.
“Hey detective Ricky, I’m gonna go do an autopsy on the body and I want you and an
officer to go question anyone you can.” Said the coroner.
I look around at the crowd of bystanders looking for someone who looks suspicious.
I spot a weird guy with a gray baseball cap.
“Sir did you see what happened here.” I ask him.
“No, but I overheard the two guys over there talking about it.” The guy said, while pointing
at two guys.
Then I see one of them has a scratch on his face. As I start to walk over to them I hear the coroner
call out.
“Ricky, I found something you should see.” He hollers.
“I’ll be right there.” I shout.
I turn around and walk to him. I look back over my shoulder and the two were gone.
“Let me guess you found skin under her nails.”
The coroner picks her arm that was laying in another trash can and waves it at me.
“Yes, Yes I did but  how did you know?” The coroner asks as he’s looking at me confusedly.
“It was just a lucky guess” I tell him.
“I also found a ring print on her face. "The coroner says.
“Officer, see if you can find the guy with the scratch on his face. He’s wearing all black with a
weird designed tie” I say to the officer.
“Alright Ricky.” He replies.

The officer quickly walks through the crowd. Looking for the guy but there’s no sign of him or
his buddy.
“Jim, Ronny, Bobby I need you to do me a favorite” I tell the guys.
“Alright what is it?”
“I need you to go find two guys one has a scratch on his face and the other is wearing
a gray jacket and white dress shirt with a red tie.”
“Alright.” Guys said as Ricky hands him the keys to his car.
“Officer, see if you can find the guy with the scratch on his face. He’s wearing all black
with a weird designed tie” I say to the officer.
“Alright Ricky.” He replies.

The officer quickly walks through the crowd. Looking for the guy but there’s no sign of him
or his buddy.
A woman walks up to me.
“Sir I have a confession to make I know who did it. There was long black haired man.
He was dressed in black. He had a white hat one and he’s wearing sunglasses and he's
standing in the back.” She tell me.
I tell her “I have this under control and I walk over to the guy.”
“Sir I have questions for you and I want the truth.”
“Alright” the guy said.
Where was you at around 6 this morning?
“I was with my wife” he said to me.
She walks over to him and ask him “what’s going on.”
I tell her “I’m questioning him for an investigation.”
I ask him the same question again.
He tells me “I was with my wife.”
She agreed and says that “we were at home with our daughter when they heard
a scream and shouting.”
I ask to look  at his arms and he pulls up his sleeves and shows me. I closely examine
them and  there’s no sign of skin missing.
I tell them alright that’s all I needed to know I tell them and walk back over to the coroner.
“Sir I did it. I did it all. I killed this body. It was me take me in. Take me in.” A guy said walking
up to me.

A woman also walks up to me and says the same thing .
I watch a  couple more people walks over and say the same thing.
“ENOUGH!!!” I holler.
The crowd gets quiet.
“Does anyone know the sex of the person?”
“Does anyone know what how the person is?”
“Does anyone know the hair color or skin color?”
“If you all are the ones that did this then how did you do it?”
“Where is the weapon and how was the person killed?”
“What time was it when the person was killed and was there a fight?”
I ask a series of question and the people gets quiet.
The people chattered amongst themselves and then they backed away except for 3.
I look at them. “Is there something you need to tell me?” I ask the three.
They start looking nervously at the ground.

“I did it. I kill Rosaline. She the body shredded up in the trash can. I don’t know why I did it
but I did. I stripped her and raped her and I murdered her  I blew her brains out and then
I cut her to shreds dismembered her arms and legs and threw them in a trash can.”
The one wearing the overalls, confesses to me.
I pull out my handcuffs and walk to him.
“You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used
against you in the court of law.” I tell him giving him his miranda rights.
I open the back of the police car, placed him in and closed the door.
“Now you two.” I said to the other two men. “I assume you’re not going to confess to Egar and
Lorenzo's murders are you?”
They both point fingers at each other and say he did it at the same time.
“What did you do?” I ask them wondrously.
The guy in a white suit shirt and black pants stepped up and started to speak.
“Well you see detective I… we were there when the shine and money was stolen.” Jonny said.
“So Quincy suggested we keep some for ourselves.”
“So how does the murder of Lorenzo and Egar play into the robbery of the family?” I asked.
“Lorenzo caught us and threatened to tell the boss, Egar.” Quincy added.
“So you killed Lorenzo and framed the boss but why?” I asked curiously. “Why not just hide the body?
“His grandchildren saw us and told the other shiner, Jase over there so we split the loot with him
if he spread the word that Egar did the killing.” Jonny said.
“Why kill Egar?” I asked finally getting interested at the storytelling confessions.
“He found out about the three way split!” Yelled Jase from the back of the car.
“That’s right, what he said.” Quincy said agreeing with the shiner.
“So just to clarify things Rosalina doesn’t go with you two just him?”
“Yes detective that’s right.” The two said.
“Ah in that case;” I say. I pull out two handcuffs out.  “You are both under arrest. You have the right to
remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.” I tell them.
“Officer put these two in the back of a cop car and take all three of them to the holding cell till their
court days.” I tell the closest officer.
I look around for Jim, Ronny and Bobby. They are standing there beside my car. They are smiling.
They must of didn’t leave. They must of stayed because they knew something I didn’t. I thought to
myself. I walk over to them.
“Hey. I don’t know how long you’ve all been here but I figured out what happened.” I tell them.
“Yeah so what happened.” They all asked curiously.
“So the woman her name is Rosaline and she’s the one that was dismembered in the trash cans.
I don’t know why but the moonshiner  Jase stripped her and raped her and murdered her he blew
her brains out and then cut her to shreds dismembered her arms and legs and threw them in a
trash can.” I tell them
“What happened to Lorenzo and Egar?” Jim asked.
“I was gettin to it.” I tell them
“Jonny and Quincy do you know off them?” I asked
“Yes we do, they was in our crew but we haven’t heard from them in a while more like years.”
The three said.

We’ll they stole the moonshiner’s money and moonshine and Quincy gave them  an idea to keep it to
themselves. When they got caught Lorenzo threatened to tell Egar about the theft they did and so
they framed Egar. The grandchildren saw them and told Jase the guy who was wearing overalls that
all three of the guys split the loot and some how Egar found out about it and I believe that Rosalina
told him.”
“Ohh that all make sense now.” I say.
“Rosalina was probably the one who snitched and told him so that’s how she end up getting
Jim, Ronny, and Jim all thanked him for solving this.
“You're not such a bad guy after but there is something I have to do.” Jim said.

An officer walks up behind me. He grabs my hands.
“You are under arrest  Mr. Ricky for using illegal drugs and drinking while you on the job. You must
remain silent anything you can and will be used against you in the court of law.” The officer said as he
put the handcuffs on Ricky. The officer throws Ricky in the back of the police car.”
The officer tells the boys  “thank you” and then get in the car and drives off.

“So what do you want to do now.” Jim asked the other two.
“I just want to go home and sleep it’s been along four days.” Ronny said.
“Same here.” Jim and Ronny.
38 Years later Ricky is sitting in the government prison waiting to be released and wanting to seek

So there you have the story of 3 boy’s in a mafia a crooked detective and a lot of murder.

(click older post to read

38 Interesting Stories From My Life As a Child!!!)

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