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Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

DON'T BULLY! STOP THE MADNESS!! Speak up speak out!

There is nothing funny about bullying once so ever! There is nothing funny with calling people names, doing things to hurt them, beat them up, pretend to be friends, set them up or anything like this. People are commiting suicide because of this! People are talking about them they are dealing with lots of things others do not know about.

Don't bully because you want to be cool and fit in cause there's nothing cool about it! Your hurting someone and there is nothing fun about hurting anyone cause if there is to you; you need to rethink about life you won't get anywhere. Bullying is never okay we're all the same no matter what religion, the color of our skin or beliefs. We all bleed the same color we all have feelings and we all wear our pants the same way.

Some people it may take them longer to grasp and comprehend but there is nothing wrong with them they want to be treated equally just like we all so why treat them opposite just because they have some problems? Why let someone get bullied for something they can't help? Why not befriends and help them and grow with them like people have with you! Build them up and if you bully then you need to change cause that gets you no where in life and you'll eventually end up with noone left! If you see someone being bullied then step up for them, and if you are being bullied stand up for yourself.

 They always pick those that they believe won't do anything, they always make fun of others because they are different. Don't ever listen to a bully because they are not right for the way the treat you! You are worth more than they know and than you believe, Don't do anything to harm yourself or others because they tell you to you have so much to live for so don't end it! It's not worth the pain for your parents or anyone! No parent should bury their child because of this or because of anything! It hurts.
  Sometimes in this life there will be people that will rub you the wrong way that will try to take advantage of you and use you till you have nothing left. Speak up don’t let people run over you and tell them what they want you to do. You are your own person. You are human and you can do whatever you please to make you happy and don’t worry about others. They will do all types of things trying to bring you down to the point you are about as low was they are and they will tend to try to hold you there and bully you to make you feel like you have done something wrong when you haven’t done a thing.

When something doesn’t feel right and you dislike what’s happening don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your opinion. They will say that doesn’t matter but truthfully it does. People will bully you and talk about you till they have you feeling low. So low that you feel like they are lower than them but don't be like them. Take a stand and speak up and speak out. Don't talk about them because then you will be like them but you have to be better and hold your head high and proud for where you are no matter rich or poor, Black or White, Yellow or whatever you are. You are a person and you matter even when you feel like you don't.

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