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Wednesday, September 28, 2022


 Everyone is going through something they don't speak about. Everyone is trying to live life the best they can either while suffering and struggling. No one really tells anyone their problems because they don't trust them. A lot of people have a lot on their mind from their needs, family needs and trying to support them and make sure they have enough. 

Trust me I am in the same boat. I have been there not knowing if Im going to have enough to pay bills and eat or to buy diapers. No one tells you or talks about how hard it is and can be. It is even harder on those who don't have a stable job. Being an affiliate marketer has it's ups and downs. Sometimes you make enough other times you don't. 

Affiliate marketing is not easy and no you can't make quick on it. I don't care what they tell you. I have over 1000 people visiting one of my blogs and it doesn't even make anything anymore. I have traffic pushing but I don't make money anymore so now I'm stuck juggling everything trying to figure it all out. Doesn't matter if you promote yourself or not people aren't gonna buy.

Not counting all the job applications I have put in just to be turned down due to I don't have any experience except affiliate marketing. 

Jobs claim they are hiring but are they really? Most jobs do not even pay enough to make a living. They pay the minimum wage of back in 2000.  

22 years later the prices have gotten higher and it cost a lot more to live. Things cost a lot more than it did causing a lot of issues. Food cost has gone up along with the price of everyday house hold items and gas. Maybe one day things will get better.

Affilate links: Support me by buying from these links!

 FOOD AND DRINKS Z Chololat (French Chocolate ships worldwide)   Capalbo's Wine and Fruit Baskets  Spirits, Wines, vinegar and spices: S...