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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Mommies to be!

Hello mommies to be! There are free sample boxes you can get for free! Target gives them out but you have to go in store and go to customer service to get it. Sams club use to but unsure if they still do. Noobiebox does also.

All you do is type in on google free sample boxes for babies and you should find plenty. Fill out the forms and then they should be on their way. Some you may have to pay shipping on.

If you are in the U.S. there is a pregnancy crisis center that helps you out. They give you a pregnancy test and there is also classes there you can take and they turn to points so you can redeem things and it helps out a lot.

Hidden Fees Branch Banking

  Banks, banks a good because they are in person and you can go there if you have any problems but the problem with an actual bank is that t...